Are We In The End Times?

Mark 13:32-37, Matthew 24:36-44, Matthew 25:1-13

There has been so much talk this last couple years about how we are in the end times. Many have been claiming they know when it will be and some have spent a life time trying to figure it out.

Can we really figure out when the end times are?

What does thinking we can know when the end times are reveal about what we think of ourselves?

Are we asking the right questions about the end times?

Are we ready for Jesus to return?

Faith in Motion

Read through the scriptures mentioned in this video, ending with Matthew 25:1-13. Then, think about where your heart has been in the last few years and honestly answer the question.

Are you prepared or unprepared?

Prayer Walks with Donny Mac
Prayer Walks with Donny Mac
Donny Mac