Aug 3, 2022·edited Aug 3, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

Hello Donny! Wow, another deep discussion here. I believe we have the same possibilities Jesus had if we too are willing to become a sacrifice. However, we are of the flesh and God knows this, but the question we need to ask ourselves is; How far are we willing to to be obedient? Are we willing to run the risk of being persecuted, etc? Jesus is the author of salvation to all who wish to obey him. This is the way we become one as the Father and the Son are one. Hebrews 5:8-9(NLT) says, "So even though Jesus was God's son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered. In this way, God qualified him as a perfect High Priest, and he became the source of eternal salvation for all those who obey him." We need to be obedient to God's will for each of us; however, it's impossible to learn obedience without being willing to be bruised (crushed). Jesus suffered yet he was obedient. For me, it's the fear (pride) of being a failure that leads me to not live up to the full potential God has willed for me. I never feel adequate enough to help spread the Good News/gospel as I'm always learning. God knows this about each of us though and loves unconditionally in spite of our failures. I went back over the previous weeks' "Faith in Motion" and took a good look at the things I've done or areas of where I know I can improve on. In reality, I feel the need to improve in all these areas. As encouragement is my number spiritual gift, I feel I need to improve on this even more. And what I mean by that, is to encourage those whom I know are not "Born Again" Christians and not want to hold back. That's where the fear for me comes to pass. Fear of rejection. I do want to strive to be more obedient and do God's will as he has for me, but like you say, we are all sinners and fall short each time. I'm a work in progress as we all are, so I will say, that I want to be there even more for others than I am now. I hope to improve on that. This does not mean I'm beating myself up about it, it just means that I want to do even more as long as God is the guiding force behind and in front of it. Thanks again Donny for this conversation. I always learn so much from each of these prayer walks.

I added a prayer request and then deleted it. I decided to add it back. I’m asking you to pray specifically for guidance. I’m not sure what this is that I’m feeling. It’s not from Satan, but I’m definitely feeling something that I’ve never felt before. It could be nothing, but I won’t act until I definitely know it’s from God. I appreciate it.

Thank you Donny. God bless you and everyone else in the community.

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Donny another deep questions! I am not sure about my answer I had a very long day today that since 12:30 I filled 86 school back pack for the kids that needs it. I am responsible to pack and also to give each one of this coming Saturday. So grateful I wasn’t involved for the purchasing all items. I seen my two clients this morning. and my 95 year old client was not happy that I left her at her daughter house. She loves coming to my house also for ice cream treats. Way back I wasn’t as bold as I am now about my faith and yet share it to the public because “ fear of rejection.” Your question “ Are We One?” I would think so? God suffered and sacrificed for us all. God is the same today as he was yesterday. I find myself often distracted by stressors of life. The urgency to want to make everything perfect because it feels so out of balance. I get clenched with anxiety, with the “ what if I can’t do this”. I try to find answer in the mind of my flesh when my soul, is screaming at me to rest . To breathe, to dig into the word of God, be still in His presence and replace my worry with faith. It’s when we pour His word into our hearts that we build our relationship with Him. Today God says , I have a great plans for you and this is just the beginning.Jesus paid the infinite and ultimate price for you, he choose you. You are precious to Him and right now he is smiling down upon you, reaching His hand down and choosing you again. Grab his hand You are worthy. Lord , help us remember how deeply we are love and the price that was paid for you to “choose us”, when we are feeling, hurt, angry, or rejected. Lord, renew our minds in joy, in you. In Jesus name. Amen

1 Peter 2:9 “ But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, Gods special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. I know God is making away for the very thing right now. 🙏

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Aug 3, 2022·edited Aug 3, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

Hi Donny ~ your Prayer Walk today made me face something I have thought about often : being bolder about Jesus. I don't know if I'm right to or I just rationalize the fact that I "straddle the line" when it comes to showing/telling how strongly I believe. I am friends with many people who are Christians but are put off by "Jesus talk," etc. I do listen when I think God calls me : I'm a Stephen Minister, started a hands-on youth ministry for 300+ kids Gr. K-5, am producing & directing a benefit for Suicide Awareness... I do all these things in Jesus's name, but I just whisper it ~ hoping not to offend anyone. Ever feel that way?

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I was waiting patiently for our walk even Mark joined in this time. I do think heavily about each of your prayer walks and this one led me to this.

Back during the time of the Temple the Jewish priest would put on a colorful robe to carry into the Holy of Holys. He had a rope tied to his ankle so if by some misfortune he died in there they could drag him back out. When he would exit the temple he would remove that robe. There was a song many years ago that asked, are you going to remove your robe. The robe was meant to say are you taking God with you? Is your belief going to show. I believe that who goes before me is Jesus. I’m one with Him but I’m looking for others to come too. You know the real me or don’t know me at all. I’m seeing that if people see Him in me they tell me they do. If they are dark inside He is the one they see and not just me.

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Aug 5, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

I have a habit of praying/meditating at dawn and since the beginning of prayer walks, Thursday mornings have been special, God has spoken to me through his messages helping me to calm my mind - the fact that I am not fluent in English makes me watch the video several times and that's great because the Holy Spirit keeps clarifying or leads me to think about another perspective.

I don't know if you remember, but my first prayer request, in the first episode, was about my difficulty in quieting my mind... the walks have helped me and I feel like I've evolved...

It reminded me of a Christian Harp hymn - Count the Blessings - this stanza is beautiful “You'll be amazed at how much God has already done. Count your blessings..." (LoL - I grew up listening to this hymn, it was good to remember...)

Man, the theme of this walk is challenging...

It is wonderful to think that we have been invited into the perfect unity that exists between the Father and the Son. But we will not be one with God and Christ until we make Their will our greatest desire.

We are beings of flesh and spirit, so we are often out of harmony because there is a struggle between what the Holy Spirit tells us as truth and human desires and temptations, as Paul said in Romans 7:18-21. - Especially verse 19 - "For what I do is not the good that I desire, but the evil that I do not want to do, this I do"

The good thing is that Jesus was also a Being of flesh and spirit, and was tempted, so He understands our struggle and we can always turn to Him and as we strive to follow the path of Christ, our spirit wins and transforms from "instruments from iniquity” to “instruments of righteousness” (Romans 6:13).

Jesus attained perfect unity by submitting to the Father's will. This submission is only achieved through the Holy Spirit, who can teach us if we are willing.

I confess that I often shudder at the thought of what might be required of me to achieve this unity.

Thank you for the walk and the encouragement, God bless you!

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Donny, the prayer walk had me reflecting on my relationship with God and the new path my life is taking. I have tried to live my life reflecting John 13:34, “love one another”. There are have been times when it was difficult. Are we one? My answer to that is, I believe we can do our best while here, we will only be truly one when the Lord calls us home.

The challenge was inspiring, I revisited each one, still need to work on continuing to put my faith in action. Thanks for the challenge and the inspiration to work on being one with God. Next week will be challenging in that area, trusting my faith to get through remembering the day my husband was called home, it’s a hard day.

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While watching this prayer walk, I had different feelings. First I was very touched because I felt that you were moved almost to tears. Then I never asked myself the question of making one; indeed Jesus and God are ONE but it is Jesus and it is God!!!. My little brain does not allow me to understand how I can be one with others, I love others, I respect them and I listen to them but from there to make one! !!!!. So yes, maybe I don't dare or don't know how to approach the subject of Faith. Probably out of cowardice or fear of not having the right answers, I prefer to let the other person come and answer their questions. However, I am involved in various services in my parish and, for me, the way to manifest my faith is in action and service. Finally, and maybe I'm wrong or my translator is bad, but I felt Don had a sense of guilt. You are a beautiful person DON, you may not realize all the amazing messages you send through these walks and your wonderful music, never forget that. Here is a prayer I found this morning, it is a gift.

"Live the day today. God gives it to you

it is yours, live it in Him

tomorrow is God's day

it does not belong to you

Don't worry about tomorrow

tomorrow belongs to God, give it to Him

The present moment is a fragile bridge

if you clutter it with regrets of yesterday

and worries about tomorrow

the bridge gives way and you lose your footing.

The past? God forgives it

The future? God gives it

Live today in communion with Him".

Sorry my comment is a bit long. May God bless you 🙏

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To be more bold with your FAITH!! I’ve recently challenged myself to study the Bible more, and through this I have found that almost instantly I’ve come in contact with someone with a situation to where I can refer to the book I was reading!! I know God has reasoning for all things and he puts those people in our path so we can step up in faith and give others the assurance they need . To know that God can do all things ! Today may be cloudy skies but tomorrow the sun will shine on YoU🙏❤️

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God is working on you Donny, you have been humbled right before our eyes🙏 The feeling you explained that you don’t get during a song, this is that emotion 🥺❤️this is the feeling of love and wholesomeness that I feel when listening to music ... Especially your music.... Donny you have found the way to feel that “feeling” ....prayer walks❤️ Gods working on you🙏

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Aug 4, 2022·edited Aug 4, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

Well, you have hit a sore spot for me this week. I am part of a community of people who I care a lot about who talk a lot about "God" but never about Jesus and I find myself avoiding certain conversations and my excuse is that I don't want to scare them away from eventually coming to truth.

So many Scriptures talk about speaking boldly about the reason for our faith. In Ephesians 6:19-20 Paul asked for prayer that he would continue to speak boldly as he was God's ambassador for the mystery of the gospel. If we, His people in Christ, don't deliver the message, who will? Your "Faith in Motion" points are some great accountability and it helps me to revisit your prayer walks as well. Thanks for continuing to speak truth and help us all to take a look at our selves while still keeping our eyes on Jesus. May the Holy Spirit give us the boldness we need to be light to people who desperately need Him.

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Hi Anne ~ I'm not so afraid of rejection. I'm 76 & was a teacher in this town for 30+ years. They like me or hate me by now. ha ha! I'm fearful being too bold will drive people away from all the projects, benefits, shows that I do. I think if I get them at the activities, etc. I can model Christ-like behavior. I just don't know if God likes my "milk-toast" approach. Or it's just a copout? Always wondering... By the way, I don't think you should worry about rejection. We've never even met & I like you! xoxo

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Aug 3, 2022·edited Aug 3, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

Don you asked "did you let someone talk you out of what God wanted you to do" . My answer to that question is no I talked myself out if it. I didn't think I was capable of what be was telling me so dismissed it. In doing so I put a barrier between myself and God and although I still believe in Him and try to follow Him the intimacy has gone and I know that is my fault. It also changes how I am able to get close to others and be one with them. Thank you for your honesty and for sharing these prayer walks with us.

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Hi Donny, I was able to walk this evening. I can’t tell you how much your prayer walks mean to me. I love how you walk us thru everything. I haven’t done the check inn’s, though when I’m done with my walk I will certainly do that.

Can you do me a favor and pray for those in Eastern Kentucky. They are still getting hit by rain and need as many prayers as we can send. Thank you Donny for all you do here for us.🙏🙏🙏🙏

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Aug 10, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

I have been absent from the discussion. I know the new prayer walk is coming out today but I just simply wanted to make one statement about what you said, Donny, in this walk. Fear is the word that comes to my mind when you ask what holds me back. I think it comes down to that for me. Fear of many different things: fear of acceptance, fear of failure, fear of not saying it right, etc. I look forward to today’s discussion as well!

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Aug 8, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

Thank you Donny. Prayers are with you.

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Aug 3, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

Towards the end, you made a statement about not being able to “friend” a non-Christian person. So where is the tolerance, acceptance and unconditional love? Just saying.....

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