I remember when I first accepted Jesus as my Lord and savior. I was 19 and had a lot of learning to do. Prior to this I know I wanted God in my life. It took a nondenominational church to I introduce me to a new way of thinking and God introduced Himself to me. I received a classroom of many denominations over several years. The main thing I would pay attention to is what are they teaching? If it didn’t line up with God’s word I would move on. A person’s education doesn’t sway me, speaking the word of God. Now pretty much I follow Jesus, listen to Jonathan Cahn, pray with my husband and do your prayer walks with you. I know this world is messed up but God is in control. I look for places God wants to place seeds. He will punish and He will get the harvest. It’s important to know His word so we can give people hope. You are right He draws us to Him. I do know when the adversary is messing with my mind so I need to be like Job. I believe you were brought into my life for a purpose. God wants us to find joyful people and friends. I thank God, Graham encouraged you to do these walks and you chose to follow your heart to encourage others. It’s fun to see the harvest. My daughter herself had to find the road and let God in. Bless your heart you’re following His leadership in your life.

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May 8·edited May 8Liked by Donny Mac

Donny, thanks for another thoughtful prayer walk. When you spoke or asked the question about, "are we ourselves trying to convert someone," 1 Corinthians 3:6-9 (ESV) came to mind for me in which it says, "I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth. He who plants and he who waters are one, and each will receive his wages according to his labor. For we are God's fellow workers. You are God's field, God's building." Paul planted the seed of the gospel into many people's hearts. I believe we're here to plant the seed of faith, share our story and the gospel with those whom God places in our path who are willing to listen. God gave that individual who hears the free will of choice to accept Jesus Christ into their hearts or not. We should do so with a Christ-like spirit through His love. God does not force anyone to accept His truth, but He may use different ways to nudge us and get our attention. I pray each day for God to use me as His vessel knowing His grace is sufficient to empower me in weakness. I know I can't do anything without Him, but only through Him. I try and let the fear of God motivate me, and the grace of His holiness be the act of will that empowers me with His strength that guides me to carry out what He calls me to do. Thanks again, Donny! All the best and God bless you!

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May 9Liked by Donny Mac

You surprised me! I would have never known that you didn't finish school. You talk educated! But, I think not everyone needs to follow the same path. That is from an educator! As far as talking to people about Jesus- I think that's all of our job, no matter of our profession or economic status. We don't do the saving- Jesus does the drawing and saving, but it's our job to tell. There is country singer, Anne Wilson, who sings "let me tell you about my Jesus"- that is what we are to do!

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May 9Liked by Donny Mac

Psychology defines intelligence as the “ability to extract information, learn from experience, correctly use thought and reason”.

Other authors say that intelligence is not innate, but is built through constant exchanges with the environment.

So, the "formal school" is just one of the many environments that offer possibilities for building knowledge and experiences.

Therefore, the fact of not attending school or not having completed all school grades does not place the person in a lower sphere of intelligence.

I agree with you that the educational system has many flaws, but despite that, I still believe in it.

I understand that the foolishness you address in your questions refer to both spiritual and intellectual pride associated with moral imperfections.

So, arrogance, vanity and pride are "foolish" characteristics, especially when they manifest themselves in sharing their knowledge (I hope my approach doesn't give the idea of ​​arrogance- lol).

So, before you see me as arrogant, I'm going to stop - lol.

But, I would like to ask a question:

Why do you say denominations are ridiculous, including the Baptist Church?

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LOL I do not see you as arrogant. For clarity, I usually admire those who are "educated".

Ridiculous may be the wrong word. I find denominations unnecessary and divisive.

Jesus spoke of wanting us to be "one as he and the father are one", he also said "you I'll know my people by there love for one another".

Therefore, if we claim to follow Jesus, why are we separating into different denominations? If we all read the bible and follow what Jesus taught and God commended. Why do we divide over preferences?

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May 14Liked by Donny Mac

Thanks for answering!

Yes, the sentence was better with the word “unnecessary”.

In my humble understanding – I think the different denominations, to a certain extent, are “important”.

But, above all, I believe that God allowed His great tree called the Church to have several branches and fruits (denominations) to reach the greatest number of people, as these differences allow connections and approaches exactly with preferences and lifestyles.

Imagine if all churches were the same, many people, due to their lifestyle, would not be able to practice communion with their brothers.

It is a fact that the Bible does not say that it is for or against denominations, but many reports about the early church show that services and meetings took place in the temple, but also in people's homes, some biblical passages refer to the church using the name of the city, like the church in Philadelphia. In these reports it can be seen that each church had its own liturgy, ways of manifesting spiritual gifts and other customs.

But, you are right in saying that the most important thing is to maintain the foundations of faith, which is Jesus, so I think that what unites denominations is much greater than what separates them.

I hope you don't mind me giving my opinion on this matter.

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts

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May 8Liked by Donny Mac

Enjoy watching the prayer walks, praying that they may bless both you and those who view them. All things for His Glory. I continue to pray for you. In His Love, Jeff

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So good to hear from you Jeff. Thank you for taking the time to comment.

I'm praying for you too

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Doing acts of kindness isn't difficult for me in many ways, Donny, but I need to be aware of where those acts are coming from. Pam

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Donny, I've been doing a lot of soul searching lately, and it's clear to me that though I may have a kind heart,I can also be caught in some maladaptive behaviors which are not only unkind to myself, but to others as well. This is a painful thing for me to see and admit. The truth is, I've sought to "win" at what I do without thinking first, or asking first for guidance. Because I've thought I could handle things on my own by using my intellect, my circle of friends has become much smaller. I know what I need to do, snd tis is what will strengthen me. I need to ask for God's help in becoming humble and admitting my weaknesses, instead of becoming defensive. This I am already beginning to do. Thank you for your excellent questions..Pam

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