As high school sweethearts my then fiance and I went to church together. After we married we continued going to church. After 53 years of marriage my husband passed away to cancer. It has been a very difficult time for me. We did everything together. It has been almost 5 years since he went to be with the Lord. Since his passing I have grown closer to the Lord, spending more time reading his word and praying. I am an early riser, usually 3:30 or 4:00 and there are not distractions at this time. It is a joy to spend this time with the Lord and such a valuable time to me.

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Hi Terri! I'm right there with you in regards to getting up that early myself. I've done that for the last year and half, and it has made a world of difference in being able to come out of so many comfort zones, but most important, stronger in my faith and reliance on God. I still make mistakes, but I know I'm forgiven by His grace when that happens. Take care and God bless you Terri!

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Oh, Don - what a beautiful illustration God gave you on this prayer walk today. That adorable seal pup. really brought your topic home in a tangible way. I felt, as you did, that God must watch us struggle and want to rescue us but in His wisdom knows that the struggle is what we really need. Now that I'm no longer on a work schedule, I have the luxury of my morning quiet times being as long as I need or want them to be most days. I've made them a priority because I find that spending that time sets the tone for the whole day/week. This walk did feel different somehow. You didn't quote scripture, but so many of God's words came to me as you were sharing. So it was a guide to letting God show me what he wanted me to see about my relationship with him and others. Thanks for just allowing God to direct you to that little guy and for staying with him till he got to the water. That's what God does for us, too. Powerful walk today!

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Jul 26, 2023·edited Jul 26, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Good morning Donny and my friends in this wonderful community. Donny, I loved taking the time to be able to watch that little seal make it's journey into those beautiful calm and peaceful waters. Boy, as you say, once he entered the waters, they waves started getting a little rougher. That is a perfect example of just how life is.

I will share with you and others in this community, that the contract to perm job I recently started did NOT work out. There were signs from the very beginning that my personality and that of my would be manager's would clash and there would be a lot of stress down the stretch. I've never done this before in my life by walking out of the office in the middle of the day, and said I'm not coming back in to that office, but that is exactly what happened at 12:45pm yesterday, 7/25. I am at such peace with this decision this morning. Am I concerned about the unknown future? To be honest, yes and no. God has his, but I know in my heart it was the right decision for a number of reasons. Another leap of faith, but a lesson was learned as always that will hopefully make me stronger in my faith on the journey ahead.

Donny, this prayer walk and how you are taking the time to unplug and just be with Jesus/God is refreshing and is similar of the path I'm starting today on my own journey. I don't have to go into an office. I don't have a specified time to eat, wash dishes, or do laundry. To be honest, it feels good. You may ask, am I worried about finances? Yes and no. I'm not rich by any means, but as an accountant or maybe a "retired" accountant, I've done my research, and all is well. I'm covered by God's wonderful love and grace. That is all I need right now.

As to where God is taking me, I will rely on Him to show me in His timing and what He's calling me to do. Of course, I have a few ideas with some small hints that have been brought to me, but are those hints from God? That's the question of the day for me, but I choose to let go of MY ideas and have faith and trust in God. I believe it should be FAITH over FEAR. Faith trumps fear any time of any day.

Psalm 23 has been on my heart so much lately. I am not alone as God knows the path for me as He is always beside me, behind me, and in front me. Not only me, but for each of us. Like you said Donny, it's up to us to find those moments or time if you will, to spend that quality time alone with Him to be still, breathe, listen, and just enjoy His presence. That brings me peace and comfort. It brings restoration to my soul.

So long story short, Today, 7/26/23 starts the new part of the journey for me to really seek God's will for me and trust His timing to provide when He knows I'm ready for the next phase. As for whatever that is, I welcome it with my arms raised high and if it's my voice, I will use that as He directs me. Today's prayer walk could not have come at a better time for me personally, as I can so relate to it. Similar but also different as each of our own journeys are.

Donny, thank you for this wonderful prayer walk. As you can tell, it spoke to my heart, and I'm thankful I didn't have to rush to the office, eat breakfast, but I could really take it in. God definitely spoke to me through you, Donny, this morning I feel that I myself am on the right path to take this time He's blessed me with and seek His will and enjoy it also. Thank you for letting God use you to not only speak to me but to all of us here in this wonderful community. Take care my friend, and may God bless you and all in this community today and always!

Donny, one thing I wanted to add, as Cindy said, we miss you, but I'm so glad you're taking this time that you need and we all will rejoice and come together! I rejoice with you now. I look forward to you sharing what you took from this time as I feel it will encourage me and all of us.

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Praying for you Anne as you start this new path on your journey of life. ❤️🙏. God is good and faithful.

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Yes he is Linda! I loved being able to get out in nature this morning. God has something in mind but I believe I need to take the time away and not work a steady job right now so I can fully take all this in and learn what I’m being taught or where He is guiding me. I’m kind of excited about this new phase. I’m not afraid and I am not alone. Before joining this community I would not be able to do this. That is just how much and how great Donny, Graham, and this entire community is. God has used each one of you to encourage me to step out in faith and let Him take the reins and guide me. I’m in for the ride and grateful I’m able to do it. God bless you!

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Your faith is shining through your words. Have a great week and enjoy nature and time!

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Thank you for this Prayer Walk. It was interesting how God put the seal pup there as a visual lesson for us to think about how the way is not always straight and smooth. I guess I often wish it was and that I was walking with God in a special relationship but unfortunately I spend very little time with Him even though my desire is to draw close and spend more quality time with Him. I often wonder if I skip having that quality time with Him out of fear of what He might say or want me to do. I feel like Paul when he wrote in Romans "that which I don't want to do that I do and what I want to do I do not do" My prayer is that I will start to find time to have that quality time and not use the fact that there are 4 of us adults in this house and very little space to have a quiet time without interruptions. I just have to use the time more wisely and spend the hour or so when I am up early with the Lord and not let other things get in the way. Once again thank you for these Prayer walks.

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Hi Teresa! I will pray that you can find that time each day to be alone with God. I heard something yesterday that if you start slow maybe just in 5 minutes reading scripture or a devotion and 5 minutes in prayer that you will likely want to spend even more time. Just thought I would share that with you. Maybe you can find that time to start with a little time and see where God takes it and ask God to help you find that time. If you ask, my guess is He will definitely show you as He wants you to spend that time with Him. Take care and God bless you my friend.

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Thank you Anne. Yes starting slow can be a great help I just have to not rush into the day but slow down and breath and remember to spend time with God.

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Jul 26, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

This walk reminded me of the story of Marta, a hard-working woman who was very concerned about everything and everyone.

When Marta welcomed Jesus into her home, she was so busy with her chores that she forgot the most important thing at that moment – it wasn't organizing everything, but enjoying her time with Jesus.

This made me think about that, despite doing my devotional, praying and reading the Bible every day, I feel that I need to have more quality time with God and renounce “some tasks” this was so clear to me with the Seal scene.

I cannot see a small animal or a person going through difficulties and not act, that is, if I were in your place, probably, with my impulse, I would have interfered and put the seal in the water... your interpretation of the scene was a big lesson for me.

Thank you for the walk, God bless you!

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Watching this helped me see why I do love God so much, from the movement of the waves, the show and tell example you were giving me. I know that I’m so grateful to God for you have shown me how deep love can go and those rewards. I’m thankful God tugged at your heart and pulled you to Himself for a time. Yes, I missed you but I knew you would return a better Donny. I do seek the Lord in the mornings listening and sometimes doing more than one task at a time. I found if I find something to reflect on, God desires me to share it. I know some like those reflections and some just don’t respond to them at all. The important thing is am I following God’s desire when I share? I had an odd against a brother and I dealt with that yesterday. It was like the seal pup. The rough part was telling the person they had not done something I needed. The person had not put me in a place where I was important enough. Once he realized he missed an opportunity he apologized. It took sharp rocks and feeling exhausted in the explanation. We did get to the smooth sand and finally the water. The point is I would have missed my friend so I had to make things right no matter how hard.

Finally, I missed you and when you’re able to return will rejoice in a gift from God in you.

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OMG! That ~ is one of the most amazing things I've ever seen. Best 30+ minutes I've spent lately. I'm pretty sure God gave you that experience & analogy about the pup's journey across the rocks to the still water and our journey through life's challenges to Him to share with us today. He put you where you needed to be -- because you took the time. I love all your prayer walks, but this one REALLY "reached" me. Thanks! ~ Jan xoxo

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Donny very powerful prayer walk this week a bit different but very good.I had written “Faith over Fear “ 2/7/2023 on my substack and I read them from my journal when I struggled.I have been struggling as always separation anxiety as I start my drive towards Mayo tomorrow few stops as I don’t need to be there until early Monday morning. Every three months for life I go through this two procedures and I get so frustrated and angry at times with God then he gives me answers when I look at my grandchildren especially they want to be with me at all the times. It’s a beautiful gift that I get to spend time with them as I am making up the lost time I was away and see them when they come visit me or when I need to heal from my surgery they let me come home for at least 6 weeks. “ I have heard that when fear knocks on our door ,we should send faith to answer . We can conquer fear,but only with faith. When the devil tell us,” You, can’t” we should remember God tell us,”You can.” Even though we may feel fear, we can move forward in faith.

When Peter saw Jesus walking on water and wanted to do the same, he got out of the boat and began taking steps. As long as he kept his eyes on Jesus , he did indeed walk on water, but when he began to look at the storm and ranging waves around him, he grew frightened and started to sink. Jesus reach out and save him, but He also lovingly rebuked him for his fear, asking him why he had such little faith and so much doubt.(see Matthew 14:25-31)

God never stop loving us and doesn’t even become angry with us because we choose fear,but it does make Him sad because He wants us to live . He sent Jesus so we could have life and have it abundantly(see John 10:10)

Although you may have been ruled by fear in the past , you can choose today to confront fear and becomes courageous person God wants you to be.

Isaiah 41:10 Do not fear for I am with you.

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Thank you Donny for another wonderful prayer walk! The relationship with God makes all the difference. That's what has sustained me so far, especially in my difficult times!

God bless you Donny! 🙏✨

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Jul 26, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Donny this prayer walk was different I guess GOD was really in this one with us by putting that pup in it showing us yes we are going to go through hard times but to never give up cause what we go through makes us stronger and the blessings are waiting for as when we get to were GOD wasn't us to be 🙏🙏 it was good to see you laugh again and not be upset 🙏🙏 but I have a friend and I have told you before about and yes I make excuses not to do things with her cause she has changed and I just feel it's best to not spend Alot of time together cause she has killed our friendship please let me know if I am wrong or please let me know how you think I need to handle it 🙏 Thanks again for the prayer walks you just don't know how much it helps me and how they make me check myself 🙏🙏

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Absolutely amazing prayer walk. The otter is the perfect analogy to life in living the human condition. Yes, that condition is different for all of us believers. However, I can surely relate to watching him/her struggle to the water. I have felt that way more than 1000 times in life. As we watch ourselves and others struggle, question what to do, how to do, etc. God gives to us or for us and we have to figure it out. That is when I MUST stop and pray how to move correctly forward in his plan. I love the quick answer. However, I am familiar with waiting in the spiritual hallway for guidance. God always comes through!! Praise God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Thank you, Donnie.

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Jul 26, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Donny, this prayer walk was different this time. I have to take more time to read the Bible and appreciate God for helping me every step of the way.

Thanks again blessings to you🙏🏻

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Thank you Donny for this prayer walk. The amazing and different thing about this walk is the single focus on the pup and its journey. I observed God’s creature struggle and succeed and I listened intently to your words about commitment to relationships, in particular, our relationship with God. I thought about how I am a child of God, a unique part of His creation and how my life path mirrors the pup’s. It became very clear to me that my relationship with God is a priority in the rocky times but when I reach the water I fail to commit my time and energy to God. I fail to praise, worship, thank with the same dedication as I plead, ask and cry to Him. You ask what was different; for me it was the single, concentrated, intense focus on relationships and the guidance it gave me to examine that area of my prayer life that is neglected. What an amazing inspiration to start my day with, to examine my conversations and time with God when reaching the “water”. God bless you Donny on your journey that leads you and us all to a deeper relationship with God.

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Donny, yes, this walk was different in some ways, but not. I think that as we are all in different seasons of life it affects how we prioritize our time. For me being retired I have no real time commitments so I start each day with God in His word and Journaling my thoughts and responses. I have no set time I'm done when I'm done. Sometimes it's short and other times it's hours. I think the real question is when we spend time with God is that time focused truly only on God and listening to what he wants to teach me.

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Donny, this prayer walk was what I needed to hear, especially the anxious part at the beginning, as yesterday I had very high anxiety about a project I’m working on...I finally told myself late last night to put it aside, rest and start new today....woke this morning with new perspective on how to solve the problem with the project, will see if that works, if not I know the answer will be shown to me. I just need to remember to spend the time listening to my heart and the message God has for me.

Listening/watching the walk this morning was a sign to me, spend time with the Lord do not be anxious about everything. Then watching the sea otter pup struggle to get to the water...your thoughts on how we need the struggles to get stronger, the lesson from watching the sea otter pup was so touching. There are many lessons that God sends to us through nature, I often look for them when out walking, and take the time to appreciate the blessings to be found.

Thanks for the beautiful walk and continued blessings to you on your journey.

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Wow! I needed this! Thank you Donny for sharing your heart & thoughts & letting God lead this prayer walk as you always do! Thank you for the example of stopping everything to send time alone with the Lord not knowing how long but trusting Him with it all! I needed to see & hear that! Thanks for the reminder that these other things although some are good they can still get in the way of our relationship with the Lord. We aren’t supposed to look like the world & follow the world so stepping away is what Jesus did also to spend time with the Father. I have never done that so drastically before & it makes me think why not? If I truly want the Lord to be first in my life that means even putting Him first if it means others may not understand. It was hard to watch the pup struggle to get to the water but I liked the analogy that I believe God wanted to get across to us. What a gift He gave to you to share with us also. I’m so glad you stayed so I knew he made it😃 God bless your time & thank you again for sharing these with us! Im always blessed by these!

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