Jul 20, 2022·edited Jul 20, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

First off, I "love" early morning light so your walk was especially beautiful today. I was outside early, too. I was wrestling with a decision I made that I KNOW was right but I wanted to do the opposite and I needed to get my heart right about it, trusting that God would honor my decision if I let go of my selfish desire. One thing that came out of your walk for me was the idea of people who need to understand truth about God's love and how Jesus made the ultimate loving sacrifice for us all. If I am loving them as God does, am I sharing the truth about Jesus or am I skirting around truth because they aren't comfortable with it? Am I presenting truth in a loving way so that they want it for themselves? Am I loving them where they are but still wanting more for them? Thanks for always pointing to God's Word - it's where the answers are to be found. That's also what God impressed upon me as I wrestled this morning: adjust my priorities by spending more time in His Word.

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Donny, that is quite the challenge and in our humanness we will fail. I think we need to ask God to show us and guide us through being loving as He loves.

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Wow, Donny, what a walk and topic. Several weeks ago, in one of the blogs I published, I wrote about God's Love after I was dealing with an insecurity. I'm actually looking back at what I wrote. First, I would say, that GOD IS LOVE! 1 John 4:16 says "We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in him. God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them." I would also add that since we are of the flesh, Love is beyond our understanding. Ephesians 3 18-19 says "And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love really is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is so great you will never fully understand it. Then you will be filled with the fullness of life and power that comes from God." When I think about those two verses in Ephesians, I'm not sure I will ever fully understand the vastness of God's love for us. I only know for myself that I when I tell a friend or family member that I love them, I'm not just saying that, I truly mean it. For me, telling a friend, I love them means like a brother or sister in Christ. I want them to know they are loved as Jesus loves each of us. That's the point I'm trying to get across to them. Now, I have to admit that I do struggle with some people that I may have an issue with because I'm human and of the flesh. If that happens, I either try to stay quiet and then go before God and admit that sin to HIM and ask to be forgiven. God's love is so vast that I know I personally will never comprehend the full understanding of it, but I do try to live each day truly loving and accepting others because I want them to know that someone does care for them and wish to use that to encourage them in all ways possible. I think we all have good intentions, but I also think it is good to stop and reflect, are we really projecting what we truly feel? Thank you again Donny. Take care and God bless!

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

My goal was to access the walk only on Saturday when I return from vacation, but when I saw the theme, I couldn't resist.

I confess that I only had the courage to click the like button after a few minutes of reflection on how I have practiced this love mentioned in 1 Corinthians. Wow, it's so easy to say "I love you" or "I love this, I love that", but it's so hard to be patient, not to be jealous, not to boast, not to be proud...


I'm going to take advantage of the dawn to pray and reflect... Seeking God for answers.

thanks for another inspiring walk.

God bless you and may the Holy Spirit continue to guide you on the Walks!!

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Donny, I know one truth, those paths you walk aren’t wide enough for your heart to fit. Besides that I have studied the word love and my definition came from the word Agape. I’ve been disappointed in preachers of God’s word when I’ve been actually interviewed by a pastor as to why I feel worthy to attend his church. I like a dummy didn’t realize I did not owe him an explanation. All he was due was proof I could love him and his church. All the volunteering would not prove that. I had to do what God has given to me to the best of my ability. Love without judgement and if there was something wrong allow the Holy Spirit to do the convicting. I could walk in peace with that preacher brother with love that was not the tinkling of brass.

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Waking first thing in the morning I’m thankful to God for loving and gifting me a fresh breath of life.Start my morning prayer then meditate weather permits I walk outdoors for a couple hours and talk to God. I start to love myself to be love all ties are bound, hearts are mended and lives are made whole. We love because he first loves us. Today I look back at where I’ve been , I see that what I am becoming is a whole lot further down the road from where I was. As they say to be beautiful again takes patience? I am committed as daily my husband reminds me trust God. Oh, Lord God I have no idea where I am going , I do not see the road ahead of me , I cannot know certain where it will end. For You are with me as you Love me and You will never leave me. Let the love light from the heaven search out and step forward in the path that was created. Let this light soak through my inner most being, I will find a rich renewing strength of love. Through love all things eclipsed become crystal clear. I open my heart to the heaven and let love through. We serve a God who knows, he loves us deeper then our earthly hearts can imagine, more vast is his love for us. God gives us life and love even we are dead in sin.

This truth I use and counteract:

I am complete ( Colossians 2:10)

I am capable through Christ( Philippians 4:13)

I am taken care of ( Philippians 4:19)

I am free ( Romans 8:2)

I am redeem ( Ephesians 1:17)

I am wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14)

I am precious (Isaiah 43:4)

I am created in the image of God ( Genesis 1:27)

I am protective ( Deuteronomy 31:6)

Dear God thank you for your unconditional love!

Donny this week prayer walk is challenging for me and not sure if I make sense as I woke up from a four hour nap after supper. All week I have been running errands with grandkids sports practice and entertaining the one not in sports it’s exhausting.” Set the standard of what love is? I try to be a person of integrity and honesty , and love everyone impartiality, love and mercy. Always models Gods compassion and grace to others, walk humbly with your God. Acknowledge that Gods great wisdom is more than sufficient to guide you as you obey him.

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Wow, Donny, a beautiful challenging prayer walk today. It hit me in several ways. First when I saw the scripture focus for the walk, had to take a moment to catch my breath, it was the scripture read at my wedding 50 years ago. Even though my husband has passed, it made me think of the love of that day. Then when I watched the video with the morning sun shining on the trail showing us another day God has given us. Touched my heart again with the love God gives to us. As I listened to you share your heart was touched again, God working through you. The walk today gave me much to reflect and mediate on. I agree with you, think the word love is often used lightly in today’s world. As Bev said when we see Him face to face we will truly know love. Till that day I’ll continue to ask God to help and guide me to show love as it says in First Corinthians, Chapter 13. Blessings to you.

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Donny ~ I don't know the correct way to define LOVE. And, I'm a failure at loving everyone I interact with. I do volunteer at Hannah's House -- a place for children to visit their non-custodial parents. I am always amazed how these neglected, abused, innocent kids still "love" their parents -- ones who are drug addicts, liars, cheats. Reminds me of God's LOVE for us...

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

I am very blessed to know love. I married a man (not a boy) who is Godly and truly loves me. Our parents were good examples for us. We have been married for almost 31 years and it was pretty much love at first site. Our marriage has not been easy but we have endured. We were able to endure because of God and our commitment. We are not perfect by no means but we are in love. We still go on dates and have passion for each other. My husband is a retired Police Officer. He has seen it all. He was a Major over Criminal Investigations and had a notable career. He was like a public figure and I had to be careful because of his career. It was not always safe for me. Gary is very protective of me. I committed to myself, when I married him to tell him I love him all the time. I knew when he left home he may not return. I never wanted him to feel or think that he was not loved. I knew in my heart that God would protect him and I had to trust God to bring him home. I prayed for him and his team continuously. I am grateful for this love. I wish this true love experience for everyone. I am truly blessed beyond measure.

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Jul 20, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

I tend to agree with you Donny that many of us use the word "love" in the wrong context. I do like the way you apply it to 1 Cor 13:4-8. Thank you for your insight.

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Jul 20, 2022·edited Jul 20, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

What a great subject to think and meditate on. There have been times when I have read that Corinthians scripture by putting my name in place of the word Love and I come up.way short. I have so much to learn about God's great, awesome unconditional love. Thank you for this reminder to do better in this area.

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What's amazing is that every time there is a theme on this prayer walk it concerns me. I came home late yesterday from a wonderful concert, and when I saw the title: what is love, I couldn't help but read and listen. For me one of the most important phrases is "love one another as I have loved you"; it's a real challenge and I think as a human being it's very complicated. I didn't have the chance to know human love, I loved it's true and my goal was the happiness of the other. I accepted and went through a lot of difficult things to make this love live. For me to love someone is to be in truth towards the other and with oneself, it is to accept him without judgment, as he is, with his happiness as his objective. In any case, that's what I put into practice with my husband, but it didn't work. I will find it difficult to give a definition of the word love but I think it should be associated with the word freedom. Love is not imposed, it proposes itself, that's what Jesus did, he didn't impose his love on us, he simply proposed it to us; we have the choice it is our freedom. I am convinced today that all love cannot be true, can only exist if it takes place under the gaze of God. He alone can help us, accompany us in this quest for love. Thank you very much Don for this walk which, once again, allows us to think about important things. We live in a society which, unfortunately in my opinion, is more centered on the notion of pleasure than on that of the love of others. Let us never forget that Jesus gave his life out of love, what an incredible gift that must guide and live in us to be able to respond to this infinite love by loving others. Blessings to all 🙏

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Thank you Donny for such a meaningful prayer walk ... so often LOVE is mistaken with obsession... I Do believe in love at first sight, the moment I first saw my babies I knew that feeling❤️not many people will ever know what actual love feels like... Have you ever heard a song and been struck with internal burning in your heart???? It feels like your heart is literally on fire and it’s a feeling of love, compassion, care, forgiveness, humbleness...... just the moment that you KNOW you are worthy of Gods love because JESUS died for you !!!! I’ve experienced this so many times and when God knows I need his assurance!!!! It’s a challenge to Love like JESUS because so easily our hearts can be deterred by worldly problems.... but I’m working on me , trying to show love even on “cloudy day” 🙏❤️ thank you, bless you Donny

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I try to do this every day. I work in a charity drop in for addicts and the homeless. Some days are easier than others. I am blessed with having the challenge to love unconditionally- I can only do it through the power of Agape Love. I am so grateful for the way God has turned my life around and for giving me the opportunity to learn about what love really means, even though it has rocked all my illusions. Thank you Donny for your heartfelt sharing and for lighting up so many lives with your music 🎶

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Love has no boundaries . GOD is love. Thank you for sharing.

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

Donny I must confess this is really hard for me. I get down on myself because I want to love others as Christ loves me. I then remember that I am sinful and my eyes are blind. But I desire to love others with unconditional love. You mentioned a bit about self-love. I’m trying to balance how that fits in? I see everyday people that don’t love themselves much at all. There are so many scriptures that point us to love ourselves as our neighbors, Mark 12:31, just to mention one. So I’m asking God to give me guidance and clarity of how to love myself, others and ultimately God as Corinthians commands. Thank you for this challenge and sharing what God has placed on your heart!

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