Donny, another reflective prayer walk. Listening is something I’ve been working recently. There was a time in my life when I thought I was a pretty good listener, however this past year I realized I wasn’t as good of a listener as I thought. Yes, I was listening but not really hearing, l was waiting for opportunity to speak. As a result there were times when I missed what was really being shared. This really came to my attention when my daughter shared she had started counseling sessions, I just didn’t fully realize what she was telling me at the time. It wasn’t until a month later when she started sharing again, that I listen with full attention to what she was telling me. We then had a great bonding conversation, she was seeking guidance to help her with her teenage children. I am learning with God’s help to hone my listening skills, to determine between casual conversations or heartfelt conversations, and to focus on what is being said.

I’ve also been working on fully opening my heart and mind to what God is telling me, where He is leading me. That takes practice every day, time in silence to hear, give thanks, and accept the guidance. Opening my heart to listen, I’ve become more aware of “signs” guiding me.

Pray that your heart and mind have calmed, you are more settled and the visa process is moving forward. Your prayer walks are helping me learn more about my walk with the Lord. Blessings!

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I'm pretty sure there are times that God thinks I talk too much and wants me to shush and listen. My prayer time has flipped in the past few years, though, to less asking for all my concerns and just asking for His will, to know it and surrender to it and that the people I pray for would know that, too. So now I get quiet with Him a lot. I like the idea of 20 words back to God and for starters I would pick David's words from a couple of my favorite verses (Psalm 25:4-5), "for you are God my Savior and my hope is in you all day long." I'm going to bring those words to Him in my daily quiet times for the rest of 2022. Thanks for the pause in my day to listen for Him in the sounds of flowing water. I reserve the option to play that 5 minutes again and again. Prayer for God's peace for you, Donny, and all who need it today.

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Cathey, the message of this walk is corroborating what your poem of the week had already touched my heart. So I will be silent, as you said on your page, “may your time of silence was a blessing to your heart and God´s”. It's been my friend, it's been. 🙏🙌

Be well and God bless you! 🙌🙌

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Donny, I have to say this has been a very busy and exhausting week thus far for me in a number of ways. All that said, I can relate to what you are saying. Do I take the time to really "listen" to what God is saying through prayer time or even when I've immersed myself in the Bible when I have my daily quiet time alone with him? I believe this also pertains to our FAITH. Romans 10:17 ESV says, "So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ." For me, when I totally surrender myself to God, He speaks through His word, but at times through prayer also. Each time, when I know God is speaking or directing me, I feel that overwhelming tug on my heart that says something like, "Anne, listen, I'm speaking to you, go in the direction as I've set forth. Have faith!"

Also, Psalm 46:10 says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." I truly believe it when God wants us to be still, breathe, and really listen. As you say, the more we "busy" ourselves, it frustrates us and things do get overwhelming, then comes stress, etc.

As I'm writing this today, it has been a very overwhelming day at work, but when I get a chance and listen to the prayer walks, it brings my focus back to God which I'm so appreciative of because that's where it should be. Also, with the gift of exhortation that God blessed me with, it takes quite a bit of "listening" to others and to God as to what direction he wants me to use it to serve Him.

I believe this prayer walk on being still, breathe, and truly stop and listen is what we all need to work on. We're all constantly growing in our faith as that is just how it is. I don't know it all and don't claim to. I only want and wish to serve God in how he directs me. That's the most important thing in my life. I want to be there for others to listen to their thoughts and needs, pray for them, and let them know I truly care about them and that God loves them.

Thank you again Donny for this wonderful prayer walk. Thank you for having us to really think. We appreciate and love you dear friend. Take care and God bless you my friend and all of us in this community as you are being lifted up in prayer!

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Hi Donny thank you for another thought provoking Prayer Walk. I must say that since I am a person who doesn't say much I guess you could say that I am a listener. However sometimes I know I stop listening to what others are saying especially when they ask me a question and before I have finished answering they jump in with their story and don't listen to what I have been saying. Or at other times when someone is telling me the same thing for the 3rd or 4th time and I say yes you have told me that but they keep going. I did eventually tell the person who doesn't wait for me to answer what they did and that it made me feel what I had to say insignificant. Didn't really change the situation and now we hardly see each other since Covid as I am vaxxed and she isn't so she didn't seem to want to have anything to do with me.

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Thank you for sharing. I'm sorry to hear that you lost a friendship.

I pray for clarity and reconciliation.

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Hey Donny. I was a terrible listener. I am working hard at changing that. The past few days I managed to busy myself with stupid stuff and not give time to my devotionals or prayer. My days started chaotic and I never stopped for God.

God woke me up very early this morning. Today before listening to this prayer walk. I decided to not do anything until I gave time to God I spent quiet time with him. I read all my devotionals that I was behind on. I listened to worship music and read.

Then I put on your prayer walk. And this is what he reminded me of...

My sister is a devout Christian, wife of a preacher. She always told me that God knows what I need and my dreams. I do not need to constantly ask of him. Just pray in the spirit and he will hear you. Be quiet and he will answer, maybe not in your time but he will answer.

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Thanks Donny, this prayer walk, was just what I needed in my life right now.

I would ask God to give me strength and faith to move forward. And when I am talking to God I feel like he is A shadow that’s following me. Thanks again!

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Hi Lois

Good to have you back on the walk, I'm sure this community will pray for you and the love and grace of Jesus will be with you!

Interesting that you refer to God as a shadow, Psalm 91:1 says “he who dwells in the secret place of the Most High and rests in the shadow of the Almighty says to the Lord: My refuge and my stronghold, my God, in whom I trust”.

This scripture brings the idea of the shadow representing our God as the one who gives security and protection, so we need to maintain a relationship with Him, and you are on the right path, keep talking to God, tell Him what is most intimate and believe that He will work in your life.

I am praying for you!

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Thanks Angela, I am happy to be back on the prayer walk. I feel the love already from God. 💛💚💙

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Amen! 🙌💚💛💙

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Thank you for expressing the absolute truth of talking rather than listening. Wish you the best luck with visa and journey in life. God bless and keep you, Donnie.

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Thank you for the walk and for the message, as always the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart!

God bless you!

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First of all I want you to know that I am praying for you that all things out for you 🙏🙏 but I do talk more than I should and I am trying to do better please pray for me that I will do better 🙏🙏 The one thing I would say to God would be thank you for being there for me and my son 🙏🙏 I have been in places in my past that I didn't know what I would do but he did he has saved my life more ways than I could ever count 🙏🙏🙏 I love your a great prayer walks cause they make me look at my self and check my self and check my life and see what I am doing and how I can better my self and better my life 🙏🙏🙏

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Thank you for sharing. I am praying for you right now

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Thanks and praying for you

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I pray that you can get what you need so you can stay here

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Ha! Ha! I had to laugh when I read the title of your Prayer Walk today. When I was getting my counseling degree, they suggested I talk less & listen more. Thanks for the reminder to stop talking & listen more -- with my heart.

Your walk by the river also reminded me of S2, E17 of Heartland. Have you ever watched HL? It’s where Amy was walking along the river with Victor asking him for help with her horse Spartan. When Amy asked what was the plan Victor said he didn’t have one -- like the river which doesn’t have a plan. But, the river doesn’t sit around wondering where it came from or where it’s going. It just goes with the flow. I loved that segment.

I hear your frustration and fear. I’m praying you can silence your Ego (Character #2 in Whole Brain Thinking) and hear God. It's so hard to do, but I need to work on it everyday too. Thanks again for the walk. ~ Jan xoxo

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Thank you for the prayers. I watched the first 6 seasons of heartland... I think?

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My friend. I must be listening because God did give me an answer. I don’t always do that well I must admit. What I fail to do is give my concerns to him, sometimes it should be quietly, sometimes graphically. When done speaking about feeling frustrated I could feel that with you. The graphic came like this . I know you babysit. Find a basket and some stuffed toys. Name the toys with those things that frustrate you. Once you have named them physically give them to God. Let Him have them to sort them. You no longer need to.

The thing I would thank Jesus for is for anointing all those things around me. Be blessed my brother and know I am praying 🙏 for you. Thanks for this walk.

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I don't talk very much. I am very shy and don't interact with people very well. I do a lot of listening and if I am asked a question I do answer, but it is hard for me. I am told I am a good listener. If someone asks me to pray for them, I put them on my prayer list and I pray for them. I pray for you every day, Donny. I hope you have a most wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving.

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Donny, you appear and sound tired and frustrated. I get it. That’s where I have been lately. It’s a very dark and discouraging time. I pray and listen. I attend church. I try so hard to remain positive, but wonder where is God? I “know” He is there but I am not feeling much. Your topic of less talk and more listening is very helpful and I pray that we not only listen more but that there is something to listen to that will lift us out of these cold dark valleys. Not much else to say, but you are on my prayer list. I pray that your new direction becomes crystal clear. As always, to God be all praise and glory!

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Thank you for sharing Philip, and thank you for your prayers.

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Prayers for sure...many thanks for your diligence and faithfulness in sharing these Prayer Walks! God is good!

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Thank you Donny for this prayer walk, again it gives us the opportunity to reflect. I wanted to comment on last week's walk but couldn't because my life is a bit complicated right now. I will just say about forgiveness that the hardest thing for me is being able to forgive myself.

Am I talking too much? It's a question I've asked myself before because I've realized that sometimes when the subject of the conversation doesn't interest me, I don't listen to people. In my work as a teacher, I listened to the students and their parents, it was essential to answer them and help them. I loved the quiet time during the walk, it was interesting and powerful. When I talk to God, I do so as if he were with me as a friend. I try to say three sentences: sorry for... please for..., thank you for... I try to listen to his answer but I must admit that often I don't hear him. Maybe I don't want to hear an answer I don't like when only God knows what's good for me, which would mean I don't trust Him ??!! This is my daily spiritual battle: to accept and trust the one who loves me more than anything. May God protect you, guide you and bless you 🙏

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Thank you for sharing Myriam

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I am praying for you that you get your paperwork done and get your Visa. I hope that it happens for you. I know that you enjoy what you are doing and want to continue enjoying your work. God listens and God works miracles. Praying for you!

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Thank you. I needed a reminder to listen. We all need to remember we don’t need to toot our own horns but to listen. God knows all and is there to guide us if we are open to listening. Your path will be revealed when you’re ready. Luv ya! Hugs 🤗

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