
It's very painful to be accused when the accuser does not understand your heart or motivations. This accusation was just that and not Godly accountability. But your response seems very grace-filled and forgiving. It's hard not to have defensiveness be our first response. It's good to look at how Jesus responded to accusers and he didn't waste a lot of time defending himself. Often he became silent or withdrew, understanding that those types of accusations would not result in understanding about who he was. It's so easy these days to say things online without facing the person or allowing for a measured response. This person can't see into your heart and therefore will probably not come to understand even if you do try to clarify. I don't know you well, but I have met you and have witnessed how much you love people and desire to be God's hands and feet and voice to them. There does need to be some level of accountability to those who support you, but you don't need to defend yourself to those who assume the worst about you and your motivations. I see a lot of un-Christlikeness coming from people who claim him as their savior and that's why many are turned away from being Christ followers. Thanks for the reminders in this walk to approach in love first. Praying for you!

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Thank you for sharing Cathey. I have hope that with a kind heart and gentle response people will see and come to understand the love of Christ through me.

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Cathey — I like the way you said “approach in love first.”

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Hi Donny ~ Can I just share that I think my generation -- the ones who were taught to be self-sufficient, to work 9--5 jobs, to invest for retirement, etc. -- are having to adapt to the creative new ways people are living in this world. It'll just take time for us to accept these changes instead of criticizing & striking out. There are some really good things going on... I have gladly Subscribed to your Substack page, donated to Go Fund Me's and Crowdsourced projects like the book showcasing pictures out people's windows during Covid. It was awesome. But I have to admit I recently bristled when I read a FB post from a young woman I know who was sitting on a beach complaining about the government not giving her daughter enough money for college and asking if people could help her. What?!?

If I am accused or criticized about doing things from my heart, I read Mother Teresa's poem "Do It Anyway" for solace & courage. Have you seen that poem? I have had to reread it many times. Ha! I don't think the person who sent you that message had your well-being in mind so I really admire the way you used it for good. Obviously, Jesus is alive & well in you. ~ Jan xoxo

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Thank you for sharing your thoughts and for your kind words. I have not read the poem. Maybe post it here for all to enjoy?

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What a wonderful message you gave in your Prayer Walk this morning. I have been in that position with my grandson. At the time this happened he was living with me. He left for a few days and came back with a girl and wanted her to live with him in my house. I told him no and he proceeded to call me all kinds of names and told me I wasn't a Christian. I told him I was sorry but she couldn't stay and I told him if he chose to live with her he wasn't living at my house. So he continued to call me all kinds of ugly names, but he left. I had told him if he left he wasn't coming back. A few months later he wanted to know if he could come back and I told him no. Since then he has been back to visit me and he was nice. I have treated him with love and I pray for him daily.

Donny, I am so sorry you have gotten that letter. I have never thought the money I have given you was wasted and I feel you are doing a wonderful job of your Prayer Walks. I continue to pray for you daily.

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Thank you for sharing Terri. That sounds like a very painful situation. I'm glad to hear you have been reconnected with your grandson. Thank you for your prayers and support. I appreciate you.

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Donny first thank you for this upfront and honest walk today. As a teacher sure get my share of emails and comments from parents that shake me to the core at times. I normally respond as a professional and do not let it get to my heart, but it is hard at times. A few years ago I was asked by my administration to take on the Gifted Students classroom, which created some friction with a fellow colleague. This led to some personal and professional attacks on my character and my teaching ability. Of course, my first thought was to react out of anger, but my heart told me this was not about me and therefore I should not spend time feeding this fire. I never spoke a word of unkindness to this person and trust me it was hard at times. I knew I had to let that stuff go and trust that my administration asked me to take this on because of the level of trust they had in my teaching abilities.

I grew up in extreme poverty, worked hard to get an education on my own and quietly proved all of the doubters in my life wrong. I trusted in my faith to show me the path I needed to walk to be able to survive and find the right people in my life that would always have my back. It is hard at times to see the good in people through the anger and the hurt, but I also know everyone is walking their own walk and we may never realize the battles they are fighting.

My Granny always told me - pray for them and thank God for the lessons learned from the hurt and pain. I am very thankful you are on this journey and sharing your faith with those who are in so much need. Prayers and blessings.

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" everyone is walking their own walk and we may never realize the battles they are fighting." this is extremely important to keep in the forefront of our minds when conflict arrises.

Thank you for sharing

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Aug 14·edited Aug 15Liked by Donny Mac

First of all, I'm so sorry that someone would approach you in such a nasty way. I commend you my friend, I probably wouldn't have handled it at all like you. I just keep thinking that chances are you wouldn't even be in Franklin, TN if your good and close friend didn't live there. You sometimes are there watching his children. Its not like your playground. If this person follows you at all, he should be aware that the bus isn't done, he should know your plans on the road. I just don't understand their bad attitude I guess. It just truly breaks my heart that someone like you gets taken to task like this. I myself have learned so much about prayer and God from you. I just feel so bad. We all love you Donny. I can tell how much this has hurt you. ♥

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Thank you for your kindness Donna. I have to say that I am grateful that God trusted me with this situation. I hope He smiled at my response and forgave my initial defensive thoughts.

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Wow! No wonder you have questions. If I was to question your motivations I would go to you in a civilized manner, one on one, and discuss my concerns. People are so quick to judge and condemn today. Please continue to enlighten and support us down your chosen path. I only wish I had your steadfast willingness to forge ahead even when confronted by folks like this person. Your love transcends their cruelty. Take care and blessings always.

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Aug 15·edited Aug 19Author

Christs love is for everyone and I hope to spread it. Especially for those who don't know it.

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Good morning Donny! Quite a few thoughts flash through my mind - none too bad mind you, but first I want to thank you for today's prayer walk. It made me stop and think how would I respond if this would happen to me? Having opened up and sharing my faith more on various social media platforms, I know this could very well happen to me. I've never been approached by anyone quite like you shared today, but I have had a smart or cutting remark said to me. I've never been the type of person who automatically lashes right back. Yes, those type of cutting remarks hurt, but I usually kept silent. Now that can be good and not so good. I'm fallible like anyone else, so I would hope if this happens in the future I would to take time to reflect on it, present the situation to God, give it to Him and let Him guide me as to what to say, how to do go about doing it, & when. There was a question I thought about as you shared. It came as I read James 2:8 where it says "If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, 'Love your neighbor as yourself,' you are doing right." Like you said, and I agree, we must love all people, but we must love God first, put Him first in all things, surrender to Him all things before we can truly love people and ourselves in the image of God as brothers and sisters in Christ. I wonder what they're going through at that present moment to inflict this type of persecution. I know in my own life I've always loved Jesus with all my heart & asked Him to be my Lord and Savior, but on those days when I was disconnected or I call "backslidden" from God, was due to not having the holy fear of God as the foundation of my faith. I know I had to do a self check-in of sorts to realize where my heart was during those dark days.

Donny, I have and will continue to keep praying for you my friend. You are just one of the many wonderful people that God has used to minister and encourage me in my own journey of faith. I know many others feel very similar. I am grateful to God and you for just that. God bless you my friend! 🙏

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Great comment Anne! "I wonder what they're going through at that present moment to inflict this type of persecution".

If we remain focused on the "I wonder what they're going through at that present moment". And disregard the "to inflict this type of persecution" part. I believe we can love as Christ does.

I hope this becomes my first reaction some day.

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A lot of times I’m reminded how Jesus responded and even Paul responded to being persecuted. Yes, they responded, but I believe they probably prayed and asked for God’s help first. My mind does wonder what’s going on in the other person’s life who can inflict others this way. I don’t dwell on that, but that’s something I’m becoming more aware of now. Thank you Donny and always praying for you and your ministry.

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Aug 14·edited Aug 14Liked by Donny Mac

Hi Donny, thank you for the Prayer Walk today. I am not sure if I handled a situation I found myself in correctly but I will share it anyway. I had been friends with this christian person since the 1980s and we would meet a few times a year to go out for dinner or a movie. However when ever we were together she would ask how my family was going and when I started telling her she would always start on about her family and how great things were going. A few years ago I realised that she made me feel inferior every time she did that so I didn't ring her or contact her in any way for about a year then one day I decided to ask her if she would like to go for a walk along the beach and she said yes. After we went back to her place and I told her why I hadn't been in contact and she said she was sorry and didn't mean to make me feel that way. Then early last year she rang and asked me to meet for a coffee as it had been a while since we had seen each other. So I went to meet her and just after we arrived I started to tell her that I had actually written some poems. Didn't think she heard me as a person she knew walked past where we were sitting and so she jumped up and went over and started to talk to him and then went inside with him as his wife who was a friend of hers was in there. Well she was in there a good quarter of an hour then she came back and sat with me and we had just started to chat when the wife came out to say hello to me as I also knew her. My friend then asked her a question and they chatted for about half an hour about things I knew nothing about. Then I said I would have to go so we left. I had suggested one of Graham's Podcast to her as she also had a lot in common with him in regards to their beliefs re Covid. She said why would I want to listen to him you like him I don't, even though she didn't even know him. A few days later I received a message from her saying "It would seem we are on different roads. It is not time for poetry and it is time you got back to God" If she had listened to what I was trying to tell her she would have known that some of the poems were inspired by scripture and also all by Holy Spirit. I didn't answer her message and knew that that was the end of the 'Friendship" I also told God that I forgave her and left her in HIs hands. I didn't want to write and say anything that was not of God and I did not get any promptings to contact her. Sorry this is a bit long but I felt the need to let you know the whole story.

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Thank you for sharing Teresa, it can be confusing and some times painful when people go out of our lives. This scripture pops into mind. May it be a blessing to you.

Romans 13:8 Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.

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Teresa, how sad that your "friend" was so unkind and critical of you. It she really followed God she never would have ignored and berated you. From my point of you she never was a true friend. She needed to listen and encourage in the love of a friend. Take care.

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Aug 18Liked by Donny Mac

Donny I just wanted you to know that I did a check in on myself and I know I need to change some of my ways 🙏🙏 Thank you i really needed this prayer walk 🙏 second i know you do things for people without money or donations cause you did for me and i am so so grateful🙏❤️ Talking about money i have told before how my adopted dad was yes like he said he always looked out for the underdog Lol when Christmas came instead of buying presents they will give money to donate to people that really needed money he always wold tell me ask him why he does what he did and his answer was i know how it is to have nothing 🙏🙏Donny I want you to know that I am praying for you always and you are making a big difference in people's life especially mine 🙏🙏So thank you again from my heart for what you do cause it really has blessed me 🙏🙏

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I know I commented before but I wanted to add the scripture you will know them by their fruits. I’m not a fruit picker but you couldn’t carry any more fruit. Your light beams so bright. Keep walking in the fruits of the spirit.

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I appreciate your kind words Lucinda but I am as fallible as any one. I make mistakes and sin too.

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Maybe but you’re no fruitloop.

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Donny, I'm truly shocked that you would face such an accusation. While I understand that you are leaving the door open to the possibility that the person who wrote the message is acting from a place of courage in standing up for what he/she feels is a misuse of funds, I believe more research and a 1-1 talk are necessary before anything can actually be resolved. Though I haven't met you in person yet, I know that you have been there for me many times when I asked you to pray with me. Whether for concerns, or in gratitude, or somewhere in-between, you have ALWAYS been there for me! When I think of you, I picture a man who is strong in his beliefs, generous, and wants most of all to discern God's will, and in so doing help others in need!

As for me, personally, I have been approached both in an accusatory way and more recently in a way that comes from a place of love. In the past I would become rather prickly when approached. These dsys I'm more likely to listen and try to discern where the person is coming from, and if there might be some truth in what is being said. I'm less likely to jump to conclusions, realizing that we are all part of a common humanity that is striving to overcome our mistaken beliefs, and move closer to the Divine.

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Thank you for sharing Pam

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Donny, I’m not sure you will see this lengthy post, but I waited to respond to your prayer walk, unsure what to say. My heart ached for you because I’ve had attacks and rebukes, and the flesh wanted to lash out with how dare you judge without facts. I do not doubt that you showed compassion, and I hope I handled my situation positively, too.

I’ve had the privilege to personally meet you, talk with you, and see the incomplete bus. If others were aware of your living conditions, they would rethink their judgment of the wealthy. A location does not define a person. Who among us would quit our job, leave our country, and travel to minister to others without financial assurance? Jesus sent the 12 out with no gold or silver. They were to depend on other people's hospitality, and he is using the same method for you. What right do we have to question God‘s way of providing when one of his children is obedient? My mother taught me a lesson on this subject. She, with a limited income, gave some money to a minister. When I questioned her, she said, “God told me to give it. What they do with it isn’t my responsibility. It’s between them and God.” We aren’t to be judge and jury - That’s God‘s job, but haven’t we all been guilty of that at time - I know I have. The role as Christians is to point people to scripture that teaches, corrects, and rebukes. You do that better than most of us, myself included. You not only share scriptures in your walks but live them. You are speaking and singing a melody with your heart to the Lord. Not everyone will choose to or want to understand your journey, but continue following your heart and God‘s leading, ministering, and sharing Jesus’s love. Remember, people judged, rebuked, and questioned Jesus, so you are in good company. God bless you!

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Thank you for your kind words and fro sharing Deloris. I appreciate you.

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Aug 15Liked by Donny Mac

Love you, Donny ❤

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Thank you Michelle.

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Aug 14Liked by Donny Mac

You are right, the Bible shows us that Jesus does not differentiate between rich and poor.

In the Scriptures, many reports of Jesus acting with those in need (materially) are mentioned. But what I love about studying the Word of God are facts like the story of Zacchaeus, who was rich. However, it was to him - and as far as I know it was only to Zacchaeus that Jesus said: "today I must stay at your house." Luke 19:5

In all other biblical passages, Jesus was invited to go to someone's house, but it was to the house of a rich man that Jesus "invited himself", because for Jesus the greatest "poverty" is sin and this affects everyone.

I don't know anything about the person who made the comment, so I won't go into the merits, but I know that the love and forgiveness of Jesus reaches us all, that being said, I will continue to support your ministry and what you will do with Donations are something between you and God.

I thought your intention to bring together those who are able to help those who need help was a good strategy. But, from the beginning, I feel that your place is "in the squares or streets" I don't know which walk you met with a homeless person, there I saw a sparkle in your eyes that I didn't see on any other walk .

I pray that the peace, wisdom and love of Jesus will be in your heart. Remember persecution (be it in any form) was and is part of the lives of those who chose to "go and preach".

Ahh, to answer the question of how I would act if I were “accused”, unfortunately, I don't think I would have the emotional control that you demonstrated (I have been praying for God to give me more emotional intelligence)

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Well spoke as usual Angela. Thank you for reminding us about Zacchaeus. Great example. DIdn't Jesus invite himself and the apostles, to Matthews home as well?

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Aug 15Liked by Donny Mac

I don't know lol.

I remember Jesus' encounter with Matthew, when He says: Follow me. And in the next verse it is mentioned that Jesus is sitting at the table with the disciples in Matthew's house. (Matthew 9:9-10)

However, this scripture narrates Jesus' invitation for Matthew to follow him as a disciple.

But maybe it's in another reference, so I'll like to know and I can correct my thinking. Please tell me the biblical reference.

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I'll have to look again

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Aug 19Liked by Donny Mac

I don't like to leave doubts when I quote the Scriptures, so I did some research in the gospels and found passages that say that Jesus and the disciples were at the table in Matthew's house, nowhere does it mention that Jesus "invited himself".

Matthew 9:10; Luke 5:29; Mark 2:15

But, I say again, if you have another reference, please share.

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Thank you for sharing what you found. I haven't looked yet.

I may have been mistaken.

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Aug 14Liked by Donny Mac

You struck a chord with me today. What happened to you seems to happen to many of us at different times in our lives. Thank you for bringing this type of problem to us and reminding me that we do have to go to God with these trials and learn how to solve or work out solutions with God’s help. My prayers are with you as you journey and walk through our lives spreading help and love. 💞🙏💕

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Yes, we all go through this type of situation. And if we are looking to God and remember Jesus' example we can learn a great deal from the challenge. Thank you for sharing.

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Aug 14Liked by Donny Mac

I so enjoyed your prayer walk this morning. I have followed you a while now and know that Jesus Christ has put this on your heart to help people and to tell them about Jesus! Donny, you have a heart for Jesus! You are a missionary for Him. That's how I see you!! I am so thankful for people like you!! I love the scriptures you put out there for all of us to read. I know we all have been offended in life and I hope and pray that I will always look to the Lord first before answering back. I don't remember anyone ever saying things like you just shared but I have been hurt for sure. Keep on keeping on for the Lord! You are a blessing to so many!! You always give me something to think about. You always lead us to our Saviour!

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Thank you for your kind words Connie. I appreciate you.

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