Donny, I totally agree children being abused or sold into slavery bothers to me in no end. It weighs heavy on my heart and soul. I certainly pray for this and other things going on in this crazy world as God lays on my heart. Prayer is the one thing God gave each of us to use as He guides and directs each one of us according to His will.
The things you mentioned about prayer, getting alone, breathe, quiet yourself is so important. I find when I do that it draws me closer to Him. Often times I find myself in tears whether they be joyful or sad, but that's when I find the Holy Spirit is really speaking to me. Yes, we can pray anywhere at any time, but I think if we don't allow ourselves to slow down and find that quiet place to reach out to him, we're missing such an opportune moment to let God speak and guide us. I can only speak from personal experience for myself that this works for me. It's also a choice we each make to find that few minutes to shut out the noise of the world around us and take the time to go the Father. Those are times when I've felt God's Spirit inside of me guiding me and also when a lot of my prayers for guidance have been answered. I also agree with you to just go to God however or whatever you're feeling. If you're angry or upset, let God know. Don't hold it in. When I've held it in, those feelings did not go away because I didn't bring them before God. He knows what we're feeling before we do, so why not just get it all out? We cannot hide anything from God.
Hebrews 4:16 that you shared on this prayer walk was also included in the devotion from my church that I read this morning before watching your prayer walk video. "So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it." That's how God works. I didn't know you would be led to share that scripture and the church would use the same scripture the same day, but God did. That is how I know I'm right where God wants me at this point in time. I love it when I actually witness or experience things such as this. God is always teaching me, and that's how we continue to grow in our faith until it's our time to spend eternity with Him.
Thanks again for a great prayer walk Donny. Praying for children all over the world and healing for all nations. God is in control, and He is always good. God bless you my friend and this entire community!
Anne, I understand what Donny and You have shared about the pain of seeing the abuse that is happening to children around the world.
Since my adolescence I have been a volunteer in a social project focused on children from broken families, only God can heal and welcome these children who already have so many wounds in their hearts.
This topic has been the subject of my prayers for years and I have seen the power of God restoring families, healing the hearts of children, finally I will continue to pray and donate a little of my time to work with children in vulnerable situations.
I have to pray and ask God about my approach to His throne. What I found is I’m like the woman with the issue of blood in Luke 8:43 and 44. She wasn’t loud she just reached out to touch a tendril of Jesus’ garment. I reach out with the authority He has given me and tell the devil he is through. It’s kind of like the Roadrunner character where the roadrunner takes the cayote and slaps him all over the place. That part makes me smile. This is mostly what happened yesterday. My daughter came to her dad and me and said she felt a seizure coming on. I held my hand toward her and told the devil to get out. Nothing loud. Second I went to my friends You, Jesse and the girls. Prayers went up and the seizure did not happen. My heart is no different than yours about this abuse of children and do know they aren’t for sale and God is coming for them. Just like the seizure God used prayer to step in, so will He step in for these children if we who are called by His name will humble themselves and pray His healing for the children and land will happen.
I have not found many people who believe as I do about praying.
I love it!
I’ve gotten to where I can pray/talk to God about whatever or however I’m feeling. It doesn’t matter: angry, sad, glad, joy, lonely; sometimes I say a lot, sometimes it’s tears, sometimes it’s silence (sitting in the stillness), sometimes it’s praise and thankfulness. Sometimes it’s all of the above!
Jesus experienced all those feelings and emotions. Yes, David, too! I’m going through Job right now; it’s amazing how Job was and what he said, too.
Did I always pray this way? No, it has taken years to get to this point; I’m so grateful for it!!
I would encourage anyone to tell God how you feel He knows it already. But it’s speaking it out that opens it up for us. The more you do it the comfortabler (is that a word? :) ) you get!
The part that’s new for me lately is the asking Him “what are you teaching me through this?” It helps with the why questions you wanna ask!
Prayer is such a personal thing and can vary from person to person. I love that scripture that is in Luke 18 when Jesus tells the disciples a parable to show that they should always pray and never lose heart.
I think this parable draws our attention to the widow and her persistence. This woman's attitude is, from beginning to end, highlighted as a reference for what we should learn about prayer.
I love to think that the widow based her prayer on Divine power.
I enjoy these visits so very much. When I was going through my husband's nearing death, and then his passing, I learned the value of expressing anger to God. I had never done that. I found as I expressed my anger to God, I began to accept and understand my husband's passing. When the anger was depleted, a quiet calm and acceptance began to take root within me. I learned a new way to pray, to be open and honest when I talked to God. It has been one of the greatest blessings of my life. Be blessed, sir. You most definitely are a blessing to me and many others. 🙏🙏🙏
Donny, thank you. Who better to shoulder the weight we carry than our Father? He accepts each of us with full understanding. Once I release or let go of my emotions, it’s easy to listen in silence. Love you 🥰
This was a great prayer walk for me. Sometimes I struggle to know how or what to pray because I want to pray God's agenda and not my own, but honestly there are times that I don't understand or know what His will is. But I know He accepts my prayers of ignorance, or anger, or weariness, or exasperation and loves me unconditionally anyway. I really liked what you said about praying for others but looking for what is in those prayers for ourselves. Lately I've been starting the day just getting quiet with my heart set on prayer and letting the Holy Spirit direct how I pray. I've been praying for so many years that it seems like it can get to be a "litany of obligation" at times instead of a meaningful conversation with my Father and friend. Ever a work in progress - thank God that He is ever patient. Thank you for these things to think about and work on!
When I pray I often use the words of Jesus, "not my will, but yours be done". Sometimes it's hard to surrender to that when there is something we really, really want to happen. But I agree when you say, "May He help us!" Often it's our hearts that need to be changed to accept His will.
Thank you Donny for another inspirational prayer walk. I love the way you guide us to think deeper about our prayer life. I always think of prayer as a conversation with God. Like any conversation there is a time to talk and a time to listen, a time for emotion. I ask God how I can be a better servant in His kingdom. Letting Him lead? When considering a time and place for prayer, if I can remove distractions, it helps in the discipline of my prayer life but as you say we are told to pray without ceasing so I also pray whenever or wherever lead. Most importantly Psalm 46:10 says “Be still and know that I am God”. That is the difference in my conversations with God and any other normal conversation. As I go through the next couple of weeks I will think more about your thoughts and exercises looking for areas of improvement in my prayer life. John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you: My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid.” What a great comfort this verse is in our present times. God bless you, Donny
Me too, Linda. I don't have a set "ritual" for my prayer times, but I agree with Donny, and the most important thing to God is not the way we pray, but the faith and the way we worship God and confess our sins.
If we look in the Bible, we will see that there is not a single way to pray correctly, but for me the best example of prayer is that of Ana and she prayed silently, but if we look at her story, we will see that her prayers were accompanied of attitudes, I think this is also important for God (our action).
Donny I thank God today is Wednesday. I always look forward watching your prayer walks. I feel very near God when I see the beautiful creations made by our creator of everything. I want you to know that I always pray for you. What happened to your car? Is it settled already with your insurance?Maybe the Lord has a message for you. Maybe He wants you to stay in Canada not in Nashville. Who knows? Only God. When I come back from my trip l will be your subscriber. Please pray for our safe trip to the Philippines. I pray that we.ll enjoy our family reunion. I will be gone for a month. Do you have a prayer request? I pray for you ,you pray for me too. Then we can be prayer partners. Thank you again Donny for another prayer walk I am blessed.
Thank you for your prayers. My car has been fully settled and I've been looking for and praying into deciding if I am to get another car or RV. Currently I'm feeling RV but I have not see the "right one".
I am open to what ever the Lord leads me to but I do feel called to continue doing the Prayer Walks and believe I need to hit the road and help people as I film them.
I'm praying now for your travels.
For me: please pray for direction, contentment with where ever He leads and provision.
Hi Donny ~ I’m always amazed that people have to be told to be themselves – be honest – with God. I guess I’m always brutally honest with Him because I figure He already knows everything there is to know about me. Ha! The “freedom to be me” with Him is sooooo refreshing.
I loved your location today. I walk in a similar looking area and have found a bench that I sit on to meditate. For some reason I love being surrounded by trees. When one of ours got hit by lightning, I cried. Ha! Do you prefer doing your Prayer Walks at the beach or in the woods?
~Jan xoxo
PS I think I feel an RV coming your way. Well, I hope so -- fingers crossed & prayers going up.
I'm not sure that I have ever shown anger to God. I guess I didn't think it was appropriate. But maybe thats why I still struggle with my husbands death. I'm still bitter. I need to approach prayer with God in a different way. I feel like when I pray, I'm always asking for something. Give me a new house, or let his house sell. I don't want it to be that way. So I ten to avoid prayer in that area. I am going to do it as you suggest. Maybe things will change and I will feel better. Thanks Donny.
Donny, just listened again to the prayer walk in the morning quiet, first time in a week I have had time to focus on the walk as I have been traveling.
August 13, 2005, is a day I will never forget, my husband died while taking a nap. I was so angry, I actually cried out why Lord. That anger stayed with me for two years. I remember the evening when I finally could no longer hold my hurt and anger in, it all came out in an emotional prayer session at a women’s retreat. First the anger, again asking why, followed by asking God to forgive me for being so angry, then asking Him for guidance to move forward. Donny, it was then I realized by giving the anger to God, I found the burden of my sorrow was lifted, I actually felt it leave me. From that moment I have learned to give the heavy heart to God, he will show me how to take the next step.
A couple of weeks ago, I had an early morning phone call from my son telling me about a truck going over 100 miles per hour, crashed through his yard, hit his home a few feet away from where his son was sleeping. Donny, my heart was so filled with gratitude for God watching over my son and his family, I spent the whole morning thanking God...every few minutes. I believe we should also pray to give thanks for the blessings. That was all I had on my heart that morning, was gratitude.
You talked about finding a quiet place to pray for me it’s early morning. I fell the most connected when I am walking on my favorite nature trail, it’s where I give thanks, ask for guidance, share my heart with the Lord. Continued blessings to you, may God give you the peace of knowing your decision regarding your vehicle. Once again thank you for this thoughtful prayer walk,
Thanks so much 🙏 just got back from seeing my son and he was so heart broken he said his dad was living on the streets In drug town but we prayed and God was on my heart all the way there I was crying but we prayed that God would break the chains that the devil has on his dad cause we know GOD is more powerful 🙏🙏 just wanted you to know that your prayers and prayer walks have really blessed me and my life 🙏 Thanks for everything 🙏🙏
Donny, I totally agree children being abused or sold into slavery bothers to me in no end. It weighs heavy on my heart and soul. I certainly pray for this and other things going on in this crazy world as God lays on my heart. Prayer is the one thing God gave each of us to use as He guides and directs each one of us according to His will.
The things you mentioned about prayer, getting alone, breathe, quiet yourself is so important. I find when I do that it draws me closer to Him. Often times I find myself in tears whether they be joyful or sad, but that's when I find the Holy Spirit is really speaking to me. Yes, we can pray anywhere at any time, but I think if we don't allow ourselves to slow down and find that quiet place to reach out to him, we're missing such an opportune moment to let God speak and guide us. I can only speak from personal experience for myself that this works for me. It's also a choice we each make to find that few minutes to shut out the noise of the world around us and take the time to go the Father. Those are times when I've felt God's Spirit inside of me guiding me and also when a lot of my prayers for guidance have been answered. I also agree with you to just go to God however or whatever you're feeling. If you're angry or upset, let God know. Don't hold it in. When I've held it in, those feelings did not go away because I didn't bring them before God. He knows what we're feeling before we do, so why not just get it all out? We cannot hide anything from God.
Hebrews 4:16 that you shared on this prayer walk was also included in the devotion from my church that I read this morning before watching your prayer walk video. "So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it." That's how God works. I didn't know you would be led to share that scripture and the church would use the same scripture the same day, but God did. That is how I know I'm right where God wants me at this point in time. I love it when I actually witness or experience things such as this. God is always teaching me, and that's how we continue to grow in our faith until it's our time to spend eternity with Him.
Thanks again for a great prayer walk Donny. Praying for children all over the world and healing for all nations. God is in control, and He is always good. God bless you my friend and this entire community!
Anne, I understand what Donny and You have shared about the pain of seeing the abuse that is happening to children around the world.
Since my adolescence I have been a volunteer in a social project focused on children from broken families, only God can heal and welcome these children who already have so many wounds in their hearts.
This topic has been the subject of my prayers for years and I have seen the power of God restoring families, healing the hearts of children, finally I will continue to pray and donate a little of my time to work with children in vulnerable situations.
Beautiful Angela! Prayer is the best and pray for God’s healing hand to be placed upon n these children and families!
I have to pray and ask God about my approach to His throne. What I found is I’m like the woman with the issue of blood in Luke 8:43 and 44. She wasn’t loud she just reached out to touch a tendril of Jesus’ garment. I reach out with the authority He has given me and tell the devil he is through. It’s kind of like the Roadrunner character where the roadrunner takes the cayote and slaps him all over the place. That part makes me smile. This is mostly what happened yesterday. My daughter came to her dad and me and said she felt a seizure coming on. I held my hand toward her and told the devil to get out. Nothing loud. Second I went to my friends You, Jesse and the girls. Prayers went up and the seizure did not happen. My heart is no different than yours about this abuse of children and do know they aren’t for sale and God is coming for them. Just like the seizure God used prayer to step in, so will He step in for these children if we who are called by His name will humble themselves and pray His healing for the children and land will happen.
I have not found many people who believe as I do about praying.
I love it!
I’ve gotten to where I can pray/talk to God about whatever or however I’m feeling. It doesn’t matter: angry, sad, glad, joy, lonely; sometimes I say a lot, sometimes it’s tears, sometimes it’s silence (sitting in the stillness), sometimes it’s praise and thankfulness. Sometimes it’s all of the above!
Jesus experienced all those feelings and emotions. Yes, David, too! I’m going through Job right now; it’s amazing how Job was and what he said, too.
Did I always pray this way? No, it has taken years to get to this point; I’m so grateful for it!!
I would encourage anyone to tell God how you feel He knows it already. But it’s speaking it out that opens it up for us. The more you do it the comfortabler (is that a word? :) ) you get!
The part that’s new for me lately is the asking Him “what are you teaching me through this?” It helps with the why questions you wanna ask!
Truly blessed!
Praying for you!
I completely agree with you Laura!
Prayer is such a personal thing and can vary from person to person. I love that scripture that is in Luke 18 when Jesus tells the disciples a parable to show that they should always pray and never lose heart.
I think this parable draws our attention to the widow and her persistence. This woman's attitude is, from beginning to end, highlighted as a reference for what we should learn about prayer.
I love to think that the widow based her prayer on Divine power.
I enjoy these visits so very much. When I was going through my husband's nearing death, and then his passing, I learned the value of expressing anger to God. I had never done that. I found as I expressed my anger to God, I began to accept and understand my husband's passing. When the anger was depleted, a quiet calm and acceptance began to take root within me. I learned a new way to pray, to be open and honest when I talked to God. It has been one of the greatest blessings of my life. Be blessed, sir. You most definitely are a blessing to me and many others. 🙏🙏🙏
I'm not sure that I have ever understood or accepted my husband's death. Bless you!
Donny, thank you. Who better to shoulder the weight we carry than our Father? He accepts each of us with full understanding. Once I release or let go of my emotions, it’s easy to listen in silence. Love you 🥰
This was a great prayer walk for me. Sometimes I struggle to know how or what to pray because I want to pray God's agenda and not my own, but honestly there are times that I don't understand or know what His will is. But I know He accepts my prayers of ignorance, or anger, or weariness, or exasperation and loves me unconditionally anyway. I really liked what you said about praying for others but looking for what is in those prayers for ourselves. Lately I've been starting the day just getting quiet with my heart set on prayer and letting the Holy Spirit direct how I pray. I've been praying for so many years that it seems like it can get to be a "litany of obligation" at times instead of a meaningful conversation with my Father and friend. Ever a work in progress - thank God that He is ever patient. Thank you for these things to think about and work on!
Catlhey, you once told me on some of the prayer walks that you always try to say in your prayers "according to his will", I thought that was so cool!
For this is a way of not imposing our thoughts on God, but of submitting ourselves to Him.
I've also been trying to make sure I'm praying according to God's will! May He help us!
When I pray I often use the words of Jesus, "not my will, but yours be done". Sometimes it's hard to surrender to that when there is something we really, really want to happen. But I agree when you say, "May He help us!" Often it's our hearts that need to be changed to accept His will.
Thank you Donny for another inspirational prayer walk. I love the way you guide us to think deeper about our prayer life. I always think of prayer as a conversation with God. Like any conversation there is a time to talk and a time to listen, a time for emotion. I ask God how I can be a better servant in His kingdom. Letting Him lead? When considering a time and place for prayer, if I can remove distractions, it helps in the discipline of my prayer life but as you say we are told to pray without ceasing so I also pray whenever or wherever lead. Most importantly Psalm 46:10 says “Be still and know that I am God”. That is the difference in my conversations with God and any other normal conversation. As I go through the next couple of weeks I will think more about your thoughts and exercises looking for areas of improvement in my prayer life. John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you: My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid.” What a great comfort this verse is in our present times. God bless you, Donny
Me too, Linda. I don't have a set "ritual" for my prayer times, but I agree with Donny, and the most important thing to God is not the way we pray, but the faith and the way we worship God and confess our sins.
If we look in the Bible, we will see that there is not a single way to pray correctly, but for me the best example of prayer is that of Ana and she prayed silently, but if we look at her story, we will see that her prayers were accompanied of attitudes, I think this is also important for God (our action).
God bless her!
Donny I thank God today is Wednesday. I always look forward watching your prayer walks. I feel very near God when I see the beautiful creations made by our creator of everything. I want you to know that I always pray for you. What happened to your car? Is it settled already with your insurance?Maybe the Lord has a message for you. Maybe He wants you to stay in Canada not in Nashville. Who knows? Only God. When I come back from my trip l will be your subscriber. Please pray for our safe trip to the Philippines. I pray that we.ll enjoy our family reunion. I will be gone for a month. Do you have a prayer request? I pray for you ,you pray for me too. Then we can be prayer partners. Thank you again Donny for another prayer walk I am blessed.
Thank you for your prayers. My car has been fully settled and I've been looking for and praying into deciding if I am to get another car or RV. Currently I'm feeling RV but I have not see the "right one".
I am open to what ever the Lord leads me to but I do feel called to continue doing the Prayer Walks and believe I need to hit the road and help people as I film them.
I'm praying now for your travels.
For me: please pray for direction, contentment with where ever He leads and provision.
I will pray for God’s leading for you. God bless you as you continue your ministry.
Hi Donny ~ I’m always amazed that people have to be told to be themselves – be honest – with God. I guess I’m always brutally honest with Him because I figure He already knows everything there is to know about me. Ha! The “freedom to be me” with Him is sooooo refreshing.
I loved your location today. I walk in a similar looking area and have found a bench that I sit on to meditate. For some reason I love being surrounded by trees. When one of ours got hit by lightning, I cried. Ha! Do you prefer doing your Prayer Walks at the beach or in the woods?
~Jan xoxo
PS I think I feel an RV coming your way. Well, I hope so -- fingers crossed & prayers going up.
I don't think I have a preference of location as long as I'm alone and in nature.
Donny, you mentioned you don’t know how to pray. The perfect prayer is praying in the Holy Spirit
The prayer is always answered
I'm not sure that I have ever shown anger to God. I guess I didn't think it was appropriate. But maybe thats why I still struggle with my husbands death. I'm still bitter. I need to approach prayer with God in a different way. I feel like when I pray, I'm always asking for something. Give me a new house, or let his house sell. I don't want it to be that way. So I ten to avoid prayer in that area. I am going to do it as you suggest. Maybe things will change and I will feel better. Thanks Donny.
Donny, just listened again to the prayer walk in the morning quiet, first time in a week I have had time to focus on the walk as I have been traveling.
August 13, 2005, is a day I will never forget, my husband died while taking a nap. I was so angry, I actually cried out why Lord. That anger stayed with me for two years. I remember the evening when I finally could no longer hold my hurt and anger in, it all came out in an emotional prayer session at a women’s retreat. First the anger, again asking why, followed by asking God to forgive me for being so angry, then asking Him for guidance to move forward. Donny, it was then I realized by giving the anger to God, I found the burden of my sorrow was lifted, I actually felt it leave me. From that moment I have learned to give the heavy heart to God, he will show me how to take the next step.
A couple of weeks ago, I had an early morning phone call from my son telling me about a truck going over 100 miles per hour, crashed through his yard, hit his home a few feet away from where his son was sleeping. Donny, my heart was so filled with gratitude for God watching over my son and his family, I spent the whole morning thanking God...every few minutes. I believe we should also pray to give thanks for the blessings. That was all I had on my heart that morning, was gratitude.
You talked about finding a quiet place to pray for me it’s early morning. I fell the most connected when I am walking on my favorite nature trail, it’s where I give thanks, ask for guidance, share my heart with the Lord. Continued blessings to you, may God give you the peace of knowing your decision regarding your vehicle. Once again thank you for this thoughtful prayer walk,
Amazing! Thank you for sharing
Hey Donny I know that you are busy but I am heat broken my son texted me was upset his dad left rehab again 😞 please pray for us 🙏🙏
praying now
Thanks so much 🙏 just got back from seeing my son and he was so heart broken he said his dad was living on the streets In drug town but we prayed and God was on my heart all the way there I was crying but we prayed that God would break the chains that the devil has on his dad cause we know GOD is more powerful 🙏🙏 just wanted you to know that your prayers and prayer walks have really blessed me and my life 🙏 Thanks for everything 🙏🙏
In Ephesians 6:18
Praying always with all prayer and supplication IN THE SPIRIT, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.