
Once again there’s a lot to think about here. I believe we should pray to God in all things, not for God’s benefit, but for ours. Yes, he gave us wills, brains, and abilities to discern, but we are not infallible. Some decisions are pretty easy to figure out when we take the time to use our brains and let the Holy Spirit lead, but for those tough ones that have multiple potential outcomes or aren’t clearly black and white, praying helps us draw closer and seek His wisdom and will. Sometimes he infuses us with those so the decision becomes more clear and sometimes it seems like he says, “Figure it out.” No matter what we decide, God is going to use it to accomplish His will in our lives. I’m sure at times we ask for the wrong reasons, but I’m certain that God would rather hear from us than not and forgives us if we come with less than stellar motives. God has a lot to say about prayer and we have a lot to learn, but praying is always a good first move in my humble opinion! As you say, "learn, grow, repeat!"

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well said 🙂

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WOW! " No matter what we decide, God is going to use it to accomplish His will in our lives." I love that, 💛💚 thanks for sharing! 🙌🙏

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Donny, very thought provoking. We should pray for all things. I can only speak for myself, but I sincerely try and pray for God's will to be done and not mine and for guidance. I do that because I don't have the gift of discernment and I don't want my will but HIS will done. I try my best and do this for all things. Do I fail at this, yes, as I know if we're honest, most of us have and do as we are human. I do my best to do this for all decision making both large and small. If I recognize for any reason that I'm not totally right with God on a particular day, I will do my best and not make a huge decision as I know it would be made in my own will and not HIS.

I wish things could be cut and dry when it comes to decision making, but I'm not sure it is. I do my best at it, and that's all I believe any of us can do. God gave each of us the free-will to choose the way we would want to live our lives. (Follow Christ or simply not to follow Him).

Hope what I shared makes sense. Summing it all up, I do my best each day to pray, read my Bible, and if it comes to making a huge decision that impacts myself or others in a major way, unless I feel I have clear direction from God, that decision won't be made that day. On the other hand, if given clear direction, yes, I will go with whatever God lays on my heart as long as I have clear guidance from Him to go forth.

I do my best to use the God given gifts and/or talents for his honor and glory, and not mine to encourage or inspire others. When you mentioned the gifts and talents towards the end of the prayer walk, that is exactly the theme I'm wanting to start with the new Bible Study group that will be starting on Jan. 24th. We all have them, and they should be used in Love to further God's kingdom and encourage others. When that decision was made to lead the Bible Study (something I've never done before), it took me over a month to feel God's guidance and wisdom to say, "Anne, this is what I want you to do." Until I felt I had clear guidance from God, I would not say yes or no to it. We always learn as we grow in our faith. But to do that, we must step out and take those leaps of faith and Trust in God.

Thank you again for the prayer walk. All the best to you Donny.

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Anne, I loved your ability to "wait" when faced with indecision, that's called emotional intelligence, something I'm trying to develop in myself. As I mentioned in other comments, I am emotional and tend to react in the heat of emotion, including decision making.

But, God knows my heart and knows that I seek to develop this skill and He has been so loving to me, correcting me and redirecting my life when it goes off track due to wrong decisions, Glory to God for his mercy!

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Thanks Angela! I'm not always like that, but as I've grown in my faith, especially when it comes to huge decisions or what I think to be big ones, I'm one that needs clear guidance as I do not have the gift of discernment. God speaks to each of us in different ways and not always the same way each time. Each time is so different. Thanks for sharing my friend! Rest in his presence and he will definitely show you. God bless you!

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Anne, yes. So well put.

Be blessed sister.

Lord, your will be done, not mine.

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Donny thank you for the prayer walk today, it hit me right away with your question about praying for guidance or avoiding a situation. As I have shared on the last two prayer walks, I’ve been seeking guidance on a situation in my life...your question had me stop, reflect, then ask myself is that what I’m doing? Avoiding the situation, maybe I was, for awhile. This past weekend I had the opportunity to face the situation, I had been worried about creating additional heartache, that worry has been lifted. I feel God presented this opportunity, it was my decision to take the step forward. I still continue praying for guidance as there are still issues to be resolved, but I have faith the path will be shown. When you were talking about God always being present, I said, yes He is but we don’t always see him....as always your walks have helped me grow in my faith, thank you...blessings! Am enjoying your podcasts....

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Amazing Linda! Thank you for sharing

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Wow Donny I did this just this morning. It has been a desire of mine for a long time to visit Canada and I am planning on going later this year. But I asked God if my planning to go is what His will for me is at the present time. PS. 37:4 Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the Desires of your heart. But I ask myself am I delighting in the Lord and is a trip to Canada what He means by desire of my heart. I know there is the financial aspect to be considered. Travelling from Australia is not cheap . So I ask God should I be even thinking of going let alone getting ready to book flights in the near future. But maybe I just need to trust that this desire has been put there by God and go ahead with the planning. I will have to really think on the points you raised in this Prayer Walk.

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I have thought this through and my thoughts led me to think how naturally God made us to walk forward not backwards. Granted we are able to take a few steps back but we usually step forward. I look for a map in uncharted territories which is like looking to God for a path. I trust Him but often I use faith. My concern is did I go the right direction. What if I went left instead of right what would have made the difference in my life? One thing for sure I can’t go back and change any of it. I just have to continue to trust and step forward.

Thanks Donny.

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Amazing! I talked to my sister a few days ago about this topic, including my fear of not being able to understand if my decision is the will of God or an act of boldness/stubbornness.

I understand that the most important decisions are personal and non-transferable and that I can even ask for advice, but the decision has to be taken by me with the help of the Lord – This is where “my anguish” resides – mainly because I have in my personality too bold and stubborn.

The scripture I like to reflect on this is in Deuteronomy 30.19;20, in this passage God says that he puts before us two options: blessing and life, curse and death. He even gives a hint: Choose life, so that you may live... I shudder to think that I might be choosing something contrary to God's will, because it is so difficult to see clearly the options and the implications related to ours decisions and it gets harder when that decision involves someone else.

I know that we need to be thoughtful, discerning and responsible, having the Word of God as a parameter to guide us in the choices, but it is not always clear to me if I am avoiding responsibility or seeking wisdom, I just know that I pray and pray a lot - I think that God even gets tired of listening to me (lol – just kidding - since you mentioned that God uses humor when he responds to you).

Anyway, I try to see if the decision I made brings me peace and I try to be aware that every decision implies a price to pay and a reward to receive.

Donny, how do you deal with this fear in decision making?

(sorry if you mentioned this in the video, but my “poor English” did not allow me to identify it, also sorry for the long text)

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Thank you for sharing Angela.

I always pray, constantly, about everything.

It's when I feel like I haven't received an answer in a long time that I start to wonder if I'm avoiding taking responsibility or I question if perhaps I just don't actually want what I think I want. lol

There are some layers to this that may require a few 'Prayer Walks' to cover. In short, I've learned no matter what bring my desires boldly to the throne of God, wait on Him knowing that His timing is NOT our timing, ask for wisdom and if it doesn't come be content with where God has me knowing that He loves me and knows what's best.

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Jan 13, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Thanks for answering! I need to develop the ability to be content with where God places me, sometimes I fight with God because I want to receive what I asked for 😏😒🙌

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Wow Donny another deep thought this week prayer walk .Somewhere along the line we forgot who we are, what we are made of and why we are here. How can anyone expect to achieve joy, contentment or peace when we have turned our backs to the source of those feelings. God gave us immense power that we cannot imagine but that we are beginning to sense. Great Awakening defeats the great reset in an instant.I know God has a given me my gift of life twice and his given me a direction and I have followed. Everyday I learn and grow in our faith.

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Wise words, Lucy. Thank you for sharing, it inspires us to move forward!

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Your welcome and thank you 🙏❤️

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Jan 12, 2023·edited Jan 12, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Hi Donny ~ I have an interesting story that happened just today. I’m working on a benefit show of M*A*S*H, and my local community theatre kinda let me down. They promised to repaint the theatre floor before I started rehearsals. They didn't! They had painted it bright blue with big white snowflakes for their Christmas show. I’m having a lot of fun, but I’m pretty exhausted from rehearsals & building the set, etc. so I prayed last night for guidance on when I was going to get that floor painted. I knew I would have to figure it out myself since I'm the director/producer so I must have been praying to avoid responsibility. I had never thought of it that way. But something strange happened this afternoon: I decided to “bite the bullet” and go to the paint store for the needed supplies. As I was crossing the alley, a professional painter I know pulled up in his truck and asked when the best time for him to paint the floor was. He preferred to come in the middle of the night. OMG one of my former students who’s in Washington, DC with the Wicked tour right now noticed the “d@#n snowflakes” in a picture I posted on FB, and he hired the painter to take care of it. Was that God? xoxo

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That is wonderful!! I believe it was God. Thank you for sharing that story!!

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WOW. God is so wonderful! I love how He surprises us with His different ways of answering our prayers. 🙌🙏❤️

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

My question is are we avoiding responsibility or are we looking for approval of our decision?? As always a powerful

Prayer walk with a food for thought and prayer. Thank you. Hugs 🤗

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Wow, Donny, there is so much presented, I have listened to this over and over and am simply stuck in pondering what you have unwrapped. If only there were a way to climb inside your head and speak one on one with your soul.

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LOL I wouldn't recommend climbing in my head. It's a non-stop cycle of thoughts and questions. But I appreciate your comment 🙂

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This is an interesting challenge! 🤔 I do believe we need to be brave in our decision making, but also that we need to seek Divine direction for our decisions. At times I've stepped out in faith and then been redirected by God. I feel if we have the correct intention and all we do is in line with His perfect will, then whilst we will, at times, take steps that lead us astray, He is faithful and we will have a 'check' within our heart that redirects us onto the correct path. ❤️ At least this has been my experience. Sometimes we have to just 'leap' and trust that we are always guided. I don't know about you, but when I stray from the path I feel a knot inside - an uncomfortable feeling, that leads me back - home.

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As Cathey says, we should pray in all things. Pray without ceasing. Hallelujah we have free choice but because I am human and my'self' keeps trying to run the day I can easily choose not the 'best' path. Yes, we are given wisdom and we are to glorify God in all we do and walk in the spirit, not the flesh but it's easier said than done. Hence I pray. That being said if I truly, honestly spent more time with Jesus and in the word I would be walking more in the Spirit.

I pray and ask God because I want to seek His best will. But do I listen well enough to hear Him?

I have to constantly ask myself am I following Jesus or asking Him to join me while I choose my own way.

Yes, He does work all things for good. But, if I follow Him first and make the best choice, 'off the bat' then I don't have to wait for Him to have to work my poor choices into good for, sometimes a lifetime away.

Yes, sometimes I pray and then go without really listening, and it may be, as you say I am trying to absolve responsibility. But, honestly it is likely every poor choice is because I didn't really listen.

I must honestly each day and thoughout the day

ask myself am I following His leading.

Thank you for this, once again, very thoughtful prayer walk. A beautiful area. Did you get to see some of the likeminded people living on their boats? 😉

Be blessed.

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Thank you for sharing Deborah. lol no I didn't see anyone on boat during this walk

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Have you wandered into Stewart Heritage Farm, there is a marina in there with some live aboards. Cool folks. Fringe like us. 😉

A group of sailboats. Not sure if they know Jesus, yet.

Feel free to pop in to our place in Belcarra and meet hubby and I if you're this end of 'town' Stone fence and trampoline just up from Belcarra park.

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Haven't been there... I don't think?

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Love the questions Don! Indecision is definitely procrastination and non-belief - harking back to your previous prayer walk do you actually believe in Jesus? Hence me observing that the proof of my faith and belief is in the fruits of my labor. And they aren't that much at this point! haha Awareness is a start though and daily habits helps with reminders for courage. Thanks for the great walk!

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Thanks for sharing David, glad you're here with us.

Is it possible that you are bearing fruit but not the type you are looking for in yourself?

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Great question. There's no doubt that fruit is being brought forth. I see those fruits in my relationships - especially with my wife Nicole and my children. I'm also not kidding myself on what I believe is possible for myself when I fully believe often and everyday. When I fully and consistently "walk on water" as Jesus asks me to do often, I believe that more than what I dream about coming true will come true.

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"daily habits help with courage reminders", love that! Thanks for sharing!

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I journal everyday twice a day. Morning and night. Both have been needed in my transformation of traumas, and renewal of my mind. Morning is the reminder, night time is the reflection on my word and reminder again before sleep.

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Hey David,

Could you explain how you make the diary, is it written, do you write only words or describe the case?

When I did therapy along the Jungian line, I wrote down my dreams in detail, which was difficult because I almost never remember what I dreamed - lol

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Thanks for your interest. :)

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Journaling intentionally is key to it being useful. I journal in order to bring awareness to my growth and to hold myself accountable to changes going on spiritually. In the morning I journal bringing awareness to how I'm feeling and to what I'm specifically focused on for the day. Who I am being and what I want to achieve in line with my goals relationally and work-wise. In the evening I see how close I was to who I was all day, where I need to be better and what I'm looking forward to the next day. I use it to write out breakthroughs as well. When I have dreams that I can remember I do mention those too but I've found that identifying feelings, and listing what I did during the day and who I was is the most helpful in living as close to reality as I possibly can and living in faith and belief.

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Thanks responding and sharing your experience.

I will follow your guidelines and start recording in an "emotional diary" I think I will have many benefits, mainly in living in faith and belief, as you said.

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What I journal about and what I focus on is constantly being tweeked. Definitely make it work for yourself to get the results you are looking for - it's all about renewing your mind with truth and for me keeping a journal of the truth (how I'm feeling and a reminder of God's promises) is my way there.

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Establishing those daily habits 🙌🏻🙏🏼

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

I know that the Father is always there, even when He seems distant. I have had to learn to listen.

When faced with making decisions God gave us the ability to discern right from wrong. For me if I am at peace with what I decide then I am in God’s will. If I feel distraught then it is the wrong decision.

I have been gifted with love and compassion and try to use it constant

God bless you in your beautiful journey. May his peace, joy, love and hope be yours and May you grow in wisdom and understanding

Thank you for sharing this prayer walk

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Thank you Joanne 🙂

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

You are welcome. Praying for you every day

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

I took a moment to think on your prayer walk today. I ask myself, am I seeking wisdom or just trying to avoid the responsibility. I think for me, it is more towards seeking wisdom. I trust that God has given me, you, and everybody all we need in this life. It is there for the taking. When I feel he is not there or hidden as you were saying...once I examine more closely, it is me who has moved or not been seeking him like I should. I know he will never leave any of us. Can we trust God with what he gave us? Absolutely! Can I trust myself with what he has given me...I fail him so many times so the answer would be no. In times when I am troubled, and I feel he is not there, I probably do not recognize he is there....knowing he is, but I just cannot find him. This happens to me occasionally. Your prayer walk has caused me to examine my thoughts more, and I thank you for that Donny Mac. Thank you for this friend.

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Alise, I relate to this completely. ❤️

But yes, so thankful for Donny's thought provoking prayer walks.

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Donny I am finally able to seat down listen to this week video as I couldn’t listens from couple previous weeks. I am going to try to listen as my internet connection is very limited. Few more days and our vacation will be over and back to a frigid cold weather. Thank you for this week prayer walk.

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