
Ezekiel 33 is about God's sovereignty and man's responsibility. These two run parallel in all of Scripture. As "watchmen" he has given us a responsibility to be prophets and witnesses to the people and His fair justice is carried out according to our obedience. It's a powerful passage. Praying for this new opportunity you are stepping into. God will bless your obedience! I would ask prayer for Keith's health - he's had a bit of a rough week in response to treatment. His energy level is very low. All prayers appreciated!

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praying now

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I will be praying for Keith Ms. Cathey, I am in the same boat as you are taking care of our husband. Ralph ended up in ER a week ago and is very weak. His getting his strength now and exhausted from his shot side effects. Our son and his wife will be staying here while I am gone for a week and help take care the yard and everything else .

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Thank you so much, Lucy. Keith is feeling quite a bit better today, but has the next injection tomorrow. Be safe on your trip! I'm praying for you both, too!

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Prayer for Keith and Ralph!

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Cathey, I'm holding you and Keith in prayer, and asking that his energy levels (and yours) be replenished.

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Praying for Keith Cathy 🙏🙏

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Cathey I will be praying for Keith and for strength and healing.

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Thank you all for your prayers!

Things are progressing smoothly so far and I will have an update for you soon.

May God bless you all

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Ezekiel 33 is powerful. As I read it, I’m reminded that we are to be obedient to God’s calling on our lives and step into it knowing His strength empowers us in weakness. Listen to the Holy Spirit’s voice inside you, and if we’re trusting and obeying God and His Word, then we will know how we’re being led. I will be praying for you Donny as you step into this new thing you feel God had called you to. Godspeed to you my friend. I would ask for continued prayer as I step further into this calling I believe God has for me. Prayers for guidance to know that when a door opens, I know it’s from God. I feel peace and I am not overwhelmed.

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Thank you for your prayers Anne. I am praying for you now.

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Thank you Donny!

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God bless your steps. May the Lord bless and keep you may His face shine on you and give you His peace. I know you are following Him as close as possible. You don’t have to see the open doors just walk through them. Each step you take be it like Joshua and see the walls fall. Please don’t worry about us I know you’re following Jesus and you will reconnect with us, I’ve seen God move I will fast and pray for you.

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thank you Lucinda

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Your voice is needed. God opens the way for watchmen.

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Jun 16Liked by Donny Mac

I have a friend who I taught school with. Anyway, her husband, Jeremy, had surgery to remove his liver on Monday. Please pray for them. They live in Atlanta.

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praying now

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I sure will hey if you want I’m sure she would love to hear some of your songs. And I’m sure it would make her day.

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if it works out. I'd be happy to play for her

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Prayers for you, Donny as you seek guidance.

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Donny prayer that all works out for you 🙏🙏

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Good evening,Donny I just saw this tonight. The last couple weeks have been pretty busy. I don’t know if you heard about the tornadoes in Kentucky, but that tornado was actually on my parents property and my sisters as well. My mom and dad sustained some damage. My sister‘s house received the most. They are all fine well not really. On June 8 my father passed away. He was sick and did not recover. I am doing fine. Am handling his passing better than I thought I would. There are times of tears, but I know he’s in a better place. Donny god is leading you somewhere. We just don’t know have faith in him which I know you do. He never will steer you wrong. We just have to have faith in him to know that his plan is the right one not ours. Whatever he has planned for you I know in my heart it’s right. So just trust him like you always have and always keep the line open between you and him. Thinking of you at this time that everything will work out according to his plan..

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I am so sorry for your loss Shari, I am praying for you and your family now.

Thank you for your words of encouragement.

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Thank you Donny I’m going back to Kentucky on July 13-19 helping mom with somethings. I’m still praying for you and always will.

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God willing, I just might be coming through Kentucky at that time. if I can be of assistance for your mom please let me know.

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Praying for you, Donny! May God be your guide always! 🙏🏻

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Liked by Donny Mac

Hi Donny, been sitting on this for a couple of days and praying about it but every time I read Ezekiel 33 verse 7 kept drawing me in. Not sure if it means anything to you but thought I should share it with you. Praying that all goes smoothly with the transition into whatever it is God is leading you into. Many Blessings .

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thank you for sharing Teresa. what does Verse 7 speak to you?

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Hi Donny in answer to your question:- To me V7 is saying that if we are given a certain position by God (Watchman in the scripture) and then we are given a word to address something that God wants to be made known to others to warn them then we need to heed His word and do it.

Not sure if this makes sense to you as I am not great and expressing my thoughts.

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makes sense. thank you for sharing

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Prayers and Hugs. Keep listening-God will direct your path and open doors. 🙏 & 🥰!!

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Jun 17Liked by Donny Mac

Praying for you, Donny

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Jun 16Liked by Donny Mac

I am praying for you Donny as you move through this door that has been opened. I pray God guides you in the direction he has chosen for you. May he bless every step you take and everything you do. You touch so many lives. God is good. 🙏🙏

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My prayers are with you Donny. I believe that you will be able to see your purpose carried out fully.

You are a man who is open to listening (ob audiens) for the call of Jesus/God and therefore serve as a witness to all who need to know how best to hear that call in themselves. Continued Blessings on your faith journey, and in your life...

pje 💞🦋🙏

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The human heart is so corrupt that it can listen to the true unadulterated Word of God week after week, year after year and yet never let it seep down into the soul where it can take root and produce a crop of righteousness. Many hear good preaching yet have no intention of putting it into practice. We must remember that the ones are not those who merely hear the Word but those who obey it.

I have been sitting in morning worship listening only and have not putting what I a hearing to use so I have been praying about it and have offered to help in our nursery, but not just that. I have also offered to teach a class when needed. Donny I have been praying for you since started the Prayer Walks. I am praying for you in this request you have put before us.

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thank you for sharing Terri and for your prayers

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I pray that God continues to open the doors as you follow his guidance and that the path forward is clear of any confusion. May peace be your guide on this new journey.

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Praying for you Donny and God will show you to your journey. 🙏 I need prayer also it’s been rough at our household last couple weeks my husband had his shot treatment for his cancer and he end up being ambulance to ER as he collapsed. Side effects from his treatment and I am headed to Mayo this Tuesday , so grateful that our son and his wife will be staying with him while I am away .

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praying for you and your husband now Lucy

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Thank you Donny I appreciate you 🙏

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Jun 16Liked by Donny Mac

Praying for you now!

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Thank you Connie. Please check your email 🙂

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Prayers sent that God will show you the steps on this new journey, for no detours or roadblocks to come along the way and you will have peace and calm in your heart and soul.

Continued blessings to you, Donny!

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Jun 16Liked by Donny Mac

Thank you Donny

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Continued blessings and prayers for the changes ahead. Take care.

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Prayers that you are willing to let be what is supposed to be. There is a reason God puts that voice in our thoughts. Blessings to you.

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Praying for you Donny Mac, that you will find the answers that you are seeking. God, please hear my prayer that Don moves safely and quickly to reach the destination that you plan for him. I pray that this open door is the one that he seeks but if not, may he find peace in whatever you plan for him. Amen.

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Jun 16Liked by Donny Mac

Praying for you!

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Jun 16Liked by Donny Mac

I know that God will always lead us in the direction we need to whether is what we want or not. So when God closes a door another one will open. I have been doing a lot of praying for my health. Donny you prayed for me several weeks ago. I was scheduled to have surgery, then didn't have it. Had to go to another dr. I have had one test after another. I am scheduled to have surgery to have my gallbladder removed Wednesday, June 19. Hopefully it will go as planned without any complications. When that is all healed, then I have to have a scope ran into my lungs to see what is going on there. Please pray for me as I know that prayer works.

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Praying for you now Paula

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Jun 18Liked by Donny Mac

Thank you for the prayers

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Praying for your surgery to go well

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Thank you

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Thank you for the prayers

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Jun 16Liked by Donny Mac

I read Ezekiel. God spoke to me about telling people about God and his salvation plan for all mankind.

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Sending prayers. Hugs ❤️❤️

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Jun 16Liked by Donny Mac

Praying for you Donny, God knows your needs sweetheart.

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Jun 16Liked by Donny Mac

Praying for you always Donny 🙏 I need prayers as well I am having health problems and I am also having the same problems at work but praying for them always 🙏🙏 Donny I keep praying that you can get your bus going and be able to go out and help others cause i know how much of an blessing it is when someone cares enough to help 🙏🙏 i was homeless then my adopted dad took me and my son in but it's a blessing that GOD but him and our life I thank GOD everyday 🙏🙏

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Thank you Robin. I am praying for you now

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Jun 16Liked by Donny Mac

Hey Don, I continue to pray for you and certainly will lift up these new hopes you have shared. Would still love to hear from you even briefly, anytime, 778 984 1280

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Hey Jeff, thank you for your prayers.

I replied to your email a while back? I hope you are well.

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Jun 16Liked by Donny Mac

Yes, I sent you a couple. Been on my heart to be assured that our meeting was not random, that boxes were not checked and then moved on from. Praying to always feel His presence. An ever increasing Faith and a Hope in the promise that my loss, while tremendous and painful to my heart is indeed temporary. Our lives on this Earth are brief but our souls are eternal as He has already won the battle and defeated death! See # above

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I love it! thank you Jeff. I will reach out Monday or Tuesday.

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