
My former prayer request for guidance to take a leap of faith regarding my job situation has been partially answered I believe. I have asked my church choir, Sunday School class and others within this community to help pray me through this decision through the rest of this week. The answer to actually retire I believe is not to at this time, but to officially resign from my job and to have faith unto the unknown of what lies ahead is what I ask prayer for. On my birthday Saturday morning after prayer and reading scripture, I felt a peace I haven’t experienced in a long time. I believe God is telling me to take a leap of faith and trust him for what lies ahead. I know financially I will fine for several months, so for my mental and physical well being it is to officially resign. I’m not saying anything to them yet as I need to get two preventative medical procedures done to cover under medical insurance. One today and a colonoscopy Friday. If nothing found which I pray they come back normal, Monday, 6/12/23 I hand in my resignation with the last day of work here Friday, 6/23/23. This is not a decision I take or make lightly. Of course things could change this week, but I have to first and foremost honor God’s will and serve him as directed. I appreciate and covet your prayers for comfort, confirmation in following his will and not mine. I’m at peace right now! This is probably one of the biggest decisions of my life thus far. Thank you and God bless all of you! 🙏❤️🙂

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praying now

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Thank you!

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I just spoke to a recruiting agency that I’m working with and God may have a plan for the next move from there. I believe I truly had to let go and make this decision to resign before any door would or could be opened by God. That’s that total surrender in trusting God that he knows best and take that leap of faith. He will provide as I was really hopeful with the person I just spoke with. This is in God’s hands and I am so happy to be filled with His peace. Praise the Lord in helping and guiding me is really all I can say right now! I will trust Him to be the light that guides me to what’s next. Thank you!

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I am so loving what God is doing in this process. It's like watching what happened for me happen for you, too. God is faithful when we open our hands and heart and give it all to Him. I can't wait to hear what comes next for you.

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Good morning! Quick update, I have an on line interview Thursday morning at 9:00am EST. This will be God’s will. Thought iI’d share. Thank you! Have a blessed day!

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Anne, prayers as you continue on this journey. I believe that God is leading you every step of the way and He will bless you tremendously. Your faith is so strong. 🙏🙏🙏

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Thank you Leigh! He has this most definitely. I haven't felt this kind of peace in months. When you feel this, you know God is working behind the scenes and He'll reveal the next when and where! I appreciate them so much! God bless you!

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Oh, Anne -- I have been and continue to pray that you would have peace about your decision, knowing that taking this step of faith will give God room to take you into a new place in your life. Praying also for good results from your medical tests!

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Thank you Cathey! I knew you were! I appreciate it more than you know! I have grown in my faith so much through all this and that is best thing overall!

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Continued prayers for you Anne! 🙏

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When I’m asked to pray I pray no reason to postpone prayer.

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Amen Cindy. Thank you so much!

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Praying for you and your future Anne. That you will know God's perfect will for you at this time.

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Thank you Teresa! Prayers for you too my friend!

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Praying for you Anne 🙏🙏

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Thank you Julie!

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Good Friday afternoon! I wanted to update you and let you know instead of waiting until Monday, I resigned from my job earlier this week. It was something I felt God calling me to go and do instead of waiting until then. I am at total peace with this. Both medical preventative procedures are done and everything is normal there. Praise the Lord. I had a video job interview yesterday that I hope went well. We’ll see where God leads. I’ll keep you posted. Thanks again for your prayers! Take care and God bless you.

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Thanks Deloris! He's taken me this far I believe, and he'll take me all the way! God bless you!

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Donna Armstrong

7 hr ago

I am almost embarrassed to ask for prayers for this when others have such serious needs. But here it is anyway. I have decided to move back to where I moved from. I know its right. I have been so sad since I came here. Then someone on Graham's platform told me that maybe God didn't intend for me to stay here. So that gave me much food for thought. I guess asking you all for prayer will just make me be the happy person that I was. Thank You.

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Praying now

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Thanks Donny.

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Praying for you to have peace about your decision. Let God lead you and He will definitely guide you!

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Thanks Anne.

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you're welcome my friend!

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Praying, Donna. 🙏🙏🙏

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thanks Leigh.

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Praying for you Donna that you will know God's perfect will about moving or staying and if it is to move back the right time to do so.

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Praying for you Donna 🙏🙏

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Thank you Deloris

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Donny, I would ssk that you all pray for me tomorrow morning, June 6th, when I will be having my cataract surgery. Please pray that the outcome will be positive, and that I'll be able to see well again. Thank you. Pam 💞 🦋

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Praying now

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My cataract surgery was successful ! Thank you to all THC members who prayed with me and for me! I believe Donny's and your prayers with me brought me into a place of peaceful surrender in the midst of the preparation for and adtual surgery I was undergoing. I knew you were with me, even as I was aware of the cataracts in both eyes being cut out. My surgeon was kind and skilled. I

I'm grateful for his steady hand and calm presence. I count this as an experience where all those people sending me love ❤️ and lifting me up truly made a difference.! Peace is in and around me ...thank you! 💞🦋

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Praise be to God.

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Thank you, Donny! My surgery was a marvelous success! As I looked up into my surgeon's eyes, I saw your face, then the feeling of all the THC community with me in the operating room, and finally I saw the Light shining in my eyes so bright that it shut everything else out. It became THE LIGHT of Love that was POWERFUL!

I had been very frightened before the surgery and as I literally felt and saw each eye

was cut into.

Suddenly, I remembered to breathe, and take in all the positive energy being sent to me. I was able gradually to let go of much of my fear then, and trust that my surgeon's hands were being guided by God.'s hand. 💞🦋

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Thanks Deloris. ❤️

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

I have not submitted a prayer request, but is this where I do so? If not, let me know. I would like for us to pray from my oldest daughter. She struggles with anxiety and her energy level has been low. She has a medical condition which contributes to these issues, so it is hard. I pray for her faith to become alive. She asked the Lord into her heart when she was younger. I pray for her to see Jesus daily as her guide. I also pray for her health emotionally and physically. Thank you!

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Praying now

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Praying for her Tricia. 🙏

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Lord Jesus I offer up prayer for Tricia’s daughter her heart is yours but Tricia’s dearest. Give Tricia peace and her daughter a golden heart for you.

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Praying for healing and restoration of her walk with Jesus.

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Dear Lord ~ please take care of Tricia's oldest daughter, reduce her anxiety and restore her energy. Guide her to a healthy life. Comfort her mom as she watches her daughter struggle with these health-related issues. Thank You! In Jesus's name. Amen

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Prayers for your daughter, Tricia. 🙏🙏🙏

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Prayers for her my friend!

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Jun 5, 2023·edited Jun 5, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

My prayer request for an urgent appointment with a Urologist has not been answered but I know with Public Hospitals even Urgent doesn't always mean anything.

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Praying now

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I started smoking again after my husband died. I want to quit! I hadn't smoked for quite a few years, and don't really enjoy it, just got anxious. I know I need to find something to do with myself as I am retired now. I used to sing in our church choir and really enjoyed it. I love to sing, and enjoyed going to church. I have praying recently again. God will see me through, need all the help I can get.

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Praying now

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Praying for you Christy.

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Praying for your Christy!

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I do ask for this prayer. I have been trying to reduce my dependence on insulin shots and reverse my type 2 diabetes. I’m succeeding my weight is down, A1C is at normal range. I hit a plateau about 3 months ago. I’m no longer at that plateau. I want to be my greater weight. I’ve gone from over 200 lbs to 170s. I know God is my help. Pray I continue this journey.

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Praying now

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You and all those my prayers are being answered. I’m down 2 more pounds this morning.

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Praying for continued success Lucinda.

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Prayers for you Lucinda. 🙏🙏🙏

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Donny and others praying, please pray for my friend Brooke. Her dog, Luda, just died suddenly of an unexpeted heart attack. Her other dog, Lemon is dying of cancer. They are like family to me. Let them and me find comfort in holding eachother close in the Love of the Creator. AMEN

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Praying now for Gods peace

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Thank you Donny for your prayers.

Just knowing that you are praying with me/us helps me feel comforted. 💞🦋

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Praying for Brooke I know how much those little fur babies mean.🙏

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Thank you, Lucinnd! I 💞 🦋

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I have been diagnosed with what's called Bundle Branch Block in my heart. it affects the electrical system in my heart. It can cause the heart to beat to slowly and can cause such symptoms as tiredness and fainting spells. For the last 6 months I have been having dizzy spells and a lot of tiredness. The doctor has put a heart monitor on me to wear for 7 days to see what is going on. I would appreciate your prayers.

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Praying for you now Terri

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Praying for you Terri.🙏

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

I would like to ask for prayers for my son. He is 26 and recently moved 100’s of miles away from home with his girlfriend. That would somewhat okay if it wasn’t for who he is with. She is a very bad person who comes from a bad family. They all have been in mental facilities for self harm and they believe in things that I won’t mention just to make sure I don’t offend anyone. It has been so difficult since he left. He gets sick all the time and I’ve heard that happens when you are with a narcissist. His dad was too, so I know the horrors he is facing. She has stopped him from believing in anything religious and has stopped him from even saying “Bless you” when they sneeze. He was raised with love for Jesus and his sacrifice that can never be repaid. I pray to our Lord and Father every day that he will realize what he is doing and start being his true self again and leave her behind.

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That sounds like a tough situation Greg. thank you for sharing.

I am praying now for your son, his girlfriend and her family. May they all come to love and follow Jesus. And may God give you His peace as He works in them.

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Prayers for your son, Greg. 🙏🙏🙏

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

I ask for prayers for my son and daughter-in-law. They want a baby so badly and have been trying to get pregnant for almost two years. It appears there may be some health issues with my son. He has a doctor’s appointment on Wednesday 6/7 (his birthday) with a specialist. Please pray that the issues are temporary and can be treated. We are trusting in God’s will. Thank you so much.

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Praying now

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My prayers are with you Leigh 💞🦋

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Yes my last prayer will continue to be answered. It is a process of prayers, guidance and understanding. I believe some prayers are answered at once. Some prayers are unfolding as God's will is shown to you. I am a prayer warrior and pray a lot. I have learned from experience to pray and thank God daily.

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

I’d like prayers of healing after having emergency surgery the 20th of may to remove appendix. Was in hospital 10 days with complications, home and slowly healing🙏🙏🙏

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Praying now

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The people following you are such a big blessing. Everytime I ask for prayer for Katie they get answered. She has her very down days. Depressive episodes but God and all here are so faithful. Thank you.

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

I had answered prayer request for surgery with kidney stones on right side praises. Now having surgery tomorrow on my left side. This has been going on for 6 months. Ikon the Lord is the great healer and is in control. Thank you for the prayers.

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Praise God for the good news and Praying now that there's more good news tomorrow

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Praying for you Debbie!

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Jun 5, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

I don’t see the prayer request that I thought I sent earlier. Sorry if I’m wrong. I’m asking for a prayer request for myself. I went for my annual mammogram this morning & they informed me that there is a spot on my left breast that needs further evaluation. I’ve been cancer free for almost four years & hope that this is nothing. I’m hoping for a good result on Wednesday. Any prayers would be greatly appreciated. Thank you! Julie

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Praying now

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Thank you!

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Donny I’m asking for prayers for those that were injured in the Richmond Virginia shooting today. So far 1 dead and multiple injuries. Please pray with me for the families affected by this horrible tragedy. Thank you

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praying now

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Thank you Donny

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Our friend Ralph who had the 2 hip breaks last fall need prayer. He fell yesterday and has had a need to go to the hospital to find out how severe the injury. Please pray for him.

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Praying now

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Thanks Donny!

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Jun 6, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers♥️

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Update to my prayer request. I went this morning & everything is good. Still cancer free! Thank you so much for all your prayers!

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Asking you all to pray for Cheyenne, tomorrow is her appointment with a specialist (the same dr who did all 3 of her dads stomach surgeries). I’m praying that God gives him the knowledge to figure out what is wrong with my baby. It is horrible watching her go through this illness and not being able to help her. Thank you all in advance 🙏

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Yes I will pray for Cheyenne and you.

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Thank you so much for your prayers. This is not a good morning, with the dizziness and weakness I am having. But I know God is in control.

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I pray yhat Donny receives the letter that was meant for him from OUR . Thank you... Pam 💞🦋

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I believe you did receive at least enough to get the gist of the letter, Donny, so in that sense, my prayer was answered. I'm grateful for that and for you. I'm still working on the possible ways Matthew 4: 1-11 might pertain to me . Specifically, coupled with the phrase about those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

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I'm needing prayer of protection over my son Chandler his dad has been in Baltimore in a drug rehab and living on the streets and the other day my son tells me that his dad called his sister to come get him and she takes in where Chandler lives in a rehab and I need prayers for Chandler that his dad doesn't cause problems for him 🙏🙏 me and son lived in a bad life style for over 14 years and GOD brought us though the storm 🙏🙏I have had my problem with pain pills back then but went to rehab and have been clean sense 2010 but I know how his dad gets and Chandler is by his self without me and his dad knows this Chandler talked to him on the phone father's day and he was crying when I called to check on him and told me that he couldn't believe it was his dad and was so confused about how he feels about his dad 😔😢 I also ask prayers for his dad that GOD would touch him this time and stay clean but only GOD can do that cause he has been in rehabs over and over and like I said even living on the streets 😔😔😢😢😢 please pray for me as well his dad name is Rex sellers and my son is Chandler sellers we need all the prayers that we can get 🙏🙏🙏

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Just seeing this Now since this orayer thread dropped waaay down.

Praying you have seen much healing in Chandlers life and Rex's life.

Praying freedom from all the chains the bound all family members.

Freedom and healing in the mighty name of Jesus, by the power of His name

by His blood and power of His resurrection.


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Please remember My husband and all the Linemen headed to Oklahoma to restore power from the tornadoes 🙏

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An update on my prayer for urgent appointment. I received notification that my referral had been received and on waiting list as urgent so should get appointment within 2 months. So still need prayer for actual appointment date to be soon as in 2 months I will be close to heading off overseas.

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Prayer! This is a great place to come. Yes my prayers have been answered. Katie is working in a new place and I’m staying on track for losing weight. TY.

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I’m selling some nice China pray it sells

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Our friend Ralph is in his 80s+ had another fall and is in the hospital with digestion and bladder troubles too. Please pray for him.

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Theresa, thanks so much for your prayers! I know from my own experience that prayer works wonders,.

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Thank you so much. May the Lord bless you all for your prayers.

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Thank you so much for your prayers

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Thank you so much! I feel so blessed being in this group.

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Needing prayers for wisdom on how to navigate and make decisions over the next couple months. 4 years ago when my husband had a stroke; life changed completely that day. He never fully recovered and mentally he’s getting worse and being the lone leader of my family is not what I wanted for my life, so making decisions is hard for me. I thought it would be both of us making decisions for our family; but.... now it’s me making decisions with not always having his support or understanding; he doesn’t remember conversations cause the stroke affected his short term memory, too.

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Laura I pray for you to know God's wisdom and strength as you make decisions for your husband, yourself and the family. I pray that you will know God's perfect peace in your heart and mind.

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Thank you

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My former co-worker and friend Angela is in the hospital with stage 4 ovarian cancer. She was a great Christian example for me. I hope she gets well and is able to go home. Please pray for her. Thank you.

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What I love about all of you on this space other than our love for our friend Donny is we can our share blessings and God’s rewards and answers to prayer. My daughter has moved from one job where they love her to a new job so she can stretch into something new. She is growing in self confidence everyday.

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Thank you so Ann! Yes, one day at a time.

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Thank you Leigh. ❤️

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deletedJun 5, 2023Liked by Donny Mac
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Praying now for healing

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Deloris, I am praying for your daughter. 🙏

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Continued prayer, Deloris. 🙏🙏🙏

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