May 3, 2023·edited May 3, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Thank you for doing this Donny. My prayer maybe a bit silly for some, but it means a lot to me. A bit of a back story. Last year I attempted to have a holiday in Canada, but the timing was all wrong. Due to Covid and unrecognised PTSD from a car accident 2 months prior, I arrived in Vancouver and had severe panic attacks when I drove the rental car.

I ended up returning home the following night.

So I pray:

Dear God,

Please keep me safe on my Canadian holiday. Help me to deal with my anxieties. I pray that St. Christopher will look after me when driving on the opposite side and not let my fear overcome me. God, please help ease my sciatica before my trip. Thank you God for allowing me the opportunity to complete what I set out to do last year.

Bless all those who suffer from anxiety and depression. Thank you God, Amen.

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This is not a "silly prayer".

May I propose asking God the creator of all things, through His son Jesus the Christ, to look after you rather than St Christopher? God loves you and wants you to come to HIM.

I am praying for you right now. In Jesus mighty name.

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Thank you for your prayers🙏. Whenever I travel, I always pray to God and to St. Christopher. Being a Catholic, St. Christopher is the patron Saint of Travellers, so he is important to me. I normally wear my cross and my St. Christopher's medal as protection.

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Praying for you.🙏☝️

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Thank you Debbie🙏

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Prayers for you Christine. 🙏

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Praying also right now Christine!

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Thank you so much Anne. Bless you🙏💖

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I am praying for you now.

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Thank you so much Lucinda. I pray for you also


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Christine, am praying for you, that your trip will be safe, and that your anxieties be minimal. Safe and enjoyable travel for you Christine. 🙏🙏

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I will be praying for you tonight and everyday until I see you in Calgary.

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Appreciate that Lucy🙏. Knowing I will be seeing you and the other ladies is giving me that extra boost. Only 16 days till I fly out. 🇦🇺🛫🛬🇨🇦.

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Hi Christine I will be praying for you, anxiety is more serious than most assume. I recommend Isaiah 41:10 as I found this comforting while facing one of my fears recently 🙏

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Heidi, I sincerely appreciate your understanding your lovely comment. I have suffered anxiety my whole life, but wasn't diagnosed until my mid 20s. I thought, and was made to feel like I was being a hypochondriac. Anxiety disorder is indeed horrible. Unless someone has experienced having a panic attack, it's hard for them to understand. Luckily, I will have my medication on hand if I need it. Thank you for the recommendation. 🙏🙏💖💖

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I’m praying for you Christine.

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Thank you Shari🙏💖🤗

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Praying for you, Christine 🙏🏼

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Thank you Cindy🙏💖

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Praying for you, Christine.

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I’m asking for prayers for my husband Ralph especially this coming Wednesday his having surgery prostate cancer. His slowly accepting this newly diagnosed and so grateful for our groups of ladies prayer warriors. This is his very first trip to an operating room since he was a child a very healthy human . Thank you for doing this Donny . I am so grateful for you and the ladies in my groups.🙏🙏🙏

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Sorry I'm seeing this a little late but I am praying now knowing that God is NOT bound by time and He knew I'd be praying for Ralph before I did.

How did the surgery go?

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Donny this coming Wednesday May 10 and we will be going back to Mayo. We have to come home for a week to get all his FMLA papers we didn’t expect that they will schedule so soon. The good news is localized and treatable his only option is surgically removed as it’s closed to his pelvic bones. Thank you for praying greatly appreciate you .🙏

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Blessings Lucy. My husband and I totally understand this and the gift of prayer is so reassuring. We are praying for you. ❤️🙏

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Thank you Linda I appreciate you so much it’s been a whirlwind this past couple months and gone for a week to Mayo , home for a week to have all his FMLA papers and this Sunday we are headed back to Mayo. ❤️🙏

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Safe travels Lucy. I don’t know you well but I know you believe in and live by the power of prayer. God watched over us and He is with you always! ❤️🙏

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Praying for your husband Lucy. The Lord's healing has will be upon Ralph and give him peace. 🙏☝️

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Lucy I’m praying for Ralph that everything goes smoothly this coming Wednesday.blessings to you both.

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Thank you I appreciate you , he gives me permission to share as he was very stubborn not to share to anyone and my anxiety is been ups and downs for sometime now. ❤️🙏

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Keeping you and Ralph covered in prayers!! I am behind in my reading, and I just saw this. God is good! Hugs! Love you! Blessings to both of you……

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Thank you Ms. Mary I appreciate you so much.

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Mrs Lucy I will be praying for Ralph and I’m sure he’s knows he has one of the toughest prayer warriors by his side, “you” ! You are amazing 🙏

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Thank you Heide I appreciate you it’s still tough to process as his having a hard time accepting it until we went to Mayo and he ask all the questions from our research and after last week trip he said I can let my prayer warriors know. We just told few friends and all our family members last week when they scheduled his surgery.

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Prayers for your husband, Lucy.

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Thank you Leigh I appreciate it very much , we are so grateful that it’s localized and treatable and his choice were surgical only .

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Oh Lucy, I sincerely pray that all goes well with Ralph's surgery. Hope the cancer can be eliminated. 🙏🙏🙏

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Thank you Christine it’s been a whirlwind this was our Christmas gift as we got the results from his biopsy 4 days before we left for our trip. When we came back we have so many questions and we research then we meet all 4 panels s via video call then last week we had all his scans more tests before we left they scheduled surgery May 10. We have to come home to get all his FMLA paperwork and we’re leaving this Sunday. If no complications overnight stay only and we will be resting a few days with my family before we drive back as it’s 12 hours away. His cancer is treatable it’s localized except the location so radiation .

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I'm praying for your husband Lucy. Sending you hugs as well. ♥

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Thank you Donna so far it’s looking good and they are closing him up

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Prayers for your husband GOD knows your need . Prayers for you as well.

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Thank you Susie, I appreciate you 🙏❤️

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Lucy, sending prayers for your husband Ralph and his surgery. Prayers for traveling mercies, comfort for you and healing for Ralph after the surgery.

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Thank you Linda I appreciate you 🙏❤️

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May 3, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Please join me in praying for our neighbor lady. She's in the middle of a court battle with her ex-husband, for custody of their daughter. And the man she is currently married to gets sentenced next week. She's not a believer in Jesus as far as I know, and she's at her wits end. Also pray that my husband and I would know when and how to point her to Jesus. Thanks, and God bless you all❤️

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I'm praying now. If you're comfortable with sharing, what is her name?

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Her name is Tina

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Praying for the Lord to give you wisdom .

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Praying for your neighbor Mary, may God show her comfort and embrace her with his love during her upcoming battle. He will show you when the timing is right for her🙏

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Prayers for your neighbor, and for wisdom for you as you witness to her.

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I pray that all goes well for your neighbour and battle ahead. 🙏

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Mary praying for your neighbor. For God to guide you in telling your neighbor about Jesus.

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Mary I will pray for your neighbor. God will lead your steps.

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I'm recovering from recent ankle surgery and am non weight bearing on my right foot, which also means I'm home bound for the next 6-8 weeks. Please for complete healing and that I won't go crazy being home.

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Praying now Bev

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Bev I’ll be praying for you that your recovery time goes quickly.

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Praying for you Bev. 🙏

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May 3, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Prayers for my elderly mother (soon to be 92) & her many health issues and myself as her full time caregiver. It’s proving to be challenging to keep her in our home but this is where she wants to be. We have no family here and finding reliable caregivers to hire for some respite help is part of the challenge.

I will be praying for each of your requests.

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92?! Wow, I bet she has some stories to share.

I am praying for her health and for God to provide you with help and rest, right now.

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Praying that God will bring you some reliable caregivers to help you out. Those caregiving years with my mother were challenging, but I will be praying for you!

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Thank-you,Anne 🙏🏼

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Lord, am praying for caregivers for Cindy, to help with the care for her mother and for guidance, and comfort for Cindy...amen.

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Cindy I’m praying for you and your Mom.🙏

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Prayers for you and your mom. 🙏

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Cindy I will be praying for you to get some relief in taking care of your mom. You have to love your profession in order to give the care that is needed for someone’s loved one.

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Cindy, I am praying for you and your mum🙏. Bless you for taking on the difficult job of caring for her. 🙏🙏

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Prayer for guidance and perseverance during the next few weeks for work situation. Please keep me in prayer specifically tomorrow night, 5/4 at 7:00pm EST as I will be doing a podcast. My first ever as my intent is that God will receive all the glory and praise! It’s all about God and not me.

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Podcast? Amazing!!

I am praying now Anne. Are there any specifics about your work that you're willing to share?

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Podcast is with Laurie tonight at 7;00pm EST. Work related is we’ve had some layoffs and changes with people resigning within the group I work with which leaves challenges and work loads changing. I’m not able to take on any additional work load so I’m asking for prayer mostly for guidance in my response if that should change. We have a meeting on Monday to see more about where things go. It’s in God’s hands but asking for prayer mostly to listen and adhere to God’s guidance and draw strength from him. Thank you Donny!

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Thought I would give a quick update that I believe the podcast went well. It will be a video which will come out later this month. Thank you guys for all the prayers. It really meant so much. First one ever, but what I can say, is when you have and trust it is God's will, He will give you the words to share from your heart. At least that is what I tried to do. Great conversation. Thank you again for the prayer support.

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Anne my prayers are with you when you do your first ever Podcast. God will guide you and give you the words to praise his name.

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I’m praying for you Anne, for guidance at work and for your podcast tomorrow.

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Praying for you with your new endeavour 🙏

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Anne will be praying for you. The Lord to give you wisdom as you talk about your faith in Him. ❤️😊🙏☝️

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Thank you Debbie!

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May 3, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Pray for me Robin I need prayers for different things but mainly for financial needs and also pray for my son the same thing but he also has a birthday Saturday and he will be 24 and him and his friends are going off for the weekend and I pray that the Lord will keep him safe 🙏🙏 sorry his name is Chandler 🙏🙏

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I am praying for Chandler and for your financial needs. Is there a specific need or is it generally a lack of finances?

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May 4, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

It's a lack of me not getting my bills paid that's why I was so scared of making my Ex leave but going my faith

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Is there an amount needed? Maybe we can pool together?

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May 5, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Donny if you will I need you to pray for me another problem not money but I don't want to really say but GOD knows my heart and just need your Prayers please 🙏🙏 Thanks again for all you do and thanks for the prayers 🙏🙏

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May 4, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Aww that means Alot but no just keep praying that's more than money

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May 4, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Thanks so much Donny I know that the Lord will work it out just keep us in your prayers 🙏🙏❤️❤️

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Robin I pray for you often my friend. Psalms 91:14-16 “If you'll hold on to me for dear life,” says GOD, “I'll get you out of any trouble. I'll give you the best of care if you'll only get to know and trust me. I love you .

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Amen and Amen 🙏 Thank you Heidi your friendship means Alot to me love y'all

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Thanks 🙏

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May 3, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Continue to pray for my father in law who passed away Monday night his name is Donald peters he would have been 90 this November. Donny you are so amazing for keeping everyone in your prayers and thank you for all your love. ❤️❤️❤️

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Praying now. What is the prayer you're asking for Donald?

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May 4, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

I’m asking prayer for Donald to be reunited with his parents, sister Barbara and son Donnie and that they are all together now as a family. I am praying that he is happy now and that he is at peace. Thank you Donny for keeping me in your prayers, I will always pray for you. Much love to you ♥️♥️♥️

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May 4, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Praying that God will give us all the strength to get through these difficult days. And hold up for one another.

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I will pray for as well lucy 🙏🙏🙏

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Thank you Roxanne I appreciate you❤️🙏

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I’m sorry for your loss. Prayers for strength and comfort.

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Roxanne, I am sorry for your loss. I pray for you during this difficult time. 🙏🤗

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Thank you so much Christine much appreciated ♥️♥️♥️

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You asked what I pray about. You have been instrumental in our struggles with Katie. I have seen God move her heart when it seemed impossible. She is truly seeking a new life away from old habits and people who have had her imprisoned. She is seeking new education opportunities away from working as a bartender. You’re right we sometimes have to step out in faith. God will use people to lead us out of bondage and prepare the road as we go. Trusting God may be hard but necessary. Praying is my goal and one of my callings. 🙏 I do know where you Donny place your foot God will use you. Start walking.

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Praying for you, Mark and Katie now

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Thank you for your kindness. She is going to begin a data training from Vanderbilt in August. First time in a long time I’ve seen her this excited.

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Praying Lucinda that God continues to guide Katie and praying God continues to use you to lead her to Him.

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Praying for you and your family, Lucinda. 🙏🙏

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Continue to pray for Katie her heart is in an everyday change for the good.

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Thank you Donny this is amazing 🙏 Today I ask that you all pray for my family as we have been through an experience in the last week that no family should ever go through. A few of you already know our situation and those prayers are being felt❤️ I’d rather no put details on here because it is public but I do ask you for continuing prayers in the months to come. 🙏

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God knows what's going on. I am praying now

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Heidi, I don’t know your situation, though what ever it maybe I’ll be praying for you and your family.

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This is such a great way for requests to be shared. I know I won't be able to respond to each one, but know that I am keeping track and praying through each request!

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May 3, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

I pray that my friend Tammy son Andrew will see the light about his girlfriend and start a new life without her she has so many issue . Lastly pray for you sonny that your wife will come back and start a new beginning. Amen

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Praying now

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Greg I’m praying that Andrew and Sonny will both put their trust in God to lead them to a life full of new beginnings 🙏

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My prayer request is to pray 🙏 for our country. (World). People are struggling in alot of ways. Our youth,our churches , schools , military, law officers,etc. GOD'S BLESSINGS ON ALL PRAYER REQUESTS

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great request. praying now

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Good evening Donny thank you for doing this you always think of others and it’s so appreciated. I would love it if you all could pray for my coworker Kim. She has been going through some very ruff times for a while now. The details are private of course but she could really use some prayers.

I also hope that those here who have prayed for others are being prayed for as well. Our prayer warriors need prayers as well.

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Thank you Donny

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Shari I will be praying for Gods peace to comfort Kim and let her know that she is not alone in her battles🙏

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I have watched a young man in my church named Alan, losing weight and his speech becoming slurred. The doctors are saying he might have ALS. This past week he fell. Please pray for him. I also ask prayer for you Donny, as I pray for you.

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I am praying for Alan now.

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Prayers for my 2 grandchildren who are following in the footsteps of their parents. My granddaughter is 19 and has become addicted to drugs. Trying to get help for her, but she is fighting it. My 15 yo grandson has dropped out of school. Thank you all...I believe in the power of prayer.

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May 11, 2023·edited May 11, 2023

Susan, The Bible states that Jesus was manifested to destroy the works of the devil. And only He, Jesus, can offer the opportunity of healing, And it is to Him that I pray for the deliverance of your daughter and grandchildren.

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Prayers for your grandchildren and you also Susan. 🙏🙏🙏 I love your faith. The power of prayer can never be underestimated. I know many in this amazing group will be praying along with you.

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Please pray for our friend who is in law enforcement here in Texas. He is being sent to the border tomorrow as Title 42 expires. That’s a law involving immigration. Things are expected to get really bad and dangerous at the border. Pray for safety for everyone concerned. Thank you.

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Praying for him now.

Asking God that his infinite love and mercy reach all illegal immigrants in the world.

A beautiful gesture from you, immigration is such a delicate subject and we followers of Christ need to have empathy.

God bless you!

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Thanks Donny for doing this. My prayer is for healing, my soul and an injury that I had months back that is causing pain for me now. Thanks again Donny🙏🏻

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I would like to have some prayers for my brother-in-law. If his body doesn’t start functioning then he will need surgery that could result in a colostomy bag. His body has started to recover, but if it hasn’t really covered by tomorrow, Thursday, they will be forced to do surgery. Please pray that his body become strong so he doesn’t need to have the surgery.

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Linda, I'm praying for your brother in law and all the treatment.

If you can, tell us his name, please.

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Bill. My sister is Julee. Thank you

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Bill and Julee they are in my prayers🙌

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My name is Denise. I live with my daughter. She wants me to move out, which I understand. I am 65, she is 36. We are both committed Christians. But, she feels like she needs her freedom. The problem is that it's hard to find cheap, and safe housing. Please pray that I can find a good, safe place (or a good husband!!)

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May 11, 2023·edited May 11, 2023

Denise, I am praying for you, asking God to take care of your life as a whole, housing, relationship with your daughter and also, if God allows you to find a partner to take care of each other.

God bless her!

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Thank you. It will be at least 6 months before I can move.

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Thank you Donny I would like to ask for prayers.We the whole family is going home tomorrow o the Philippines for a family reunion to celebrate my 80th birthday.please pray for safe travel I pray that I will be able to cope up with the long flight(13 hours)and stop over @Korea I am from Alberta.Thank you and God bless

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Katie is on a new educational path that will begin in August. Pray she sticks this out, it is an answer for her full mind and body healing.

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Katie remains in my prayers "I am convinced that He who began a good work will complete it"!

I pray for you too, Lucinda, that God sustains your faith and renews your energy and love!

Be well and God bless you!

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Thank you for your lovely answer.

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Donny, I am asking for prayers for myself. I went to my annual mammogram & was just informed that they want to do further evaluation of my left breast to see if the cancer is back. I have been cancer free for four years. Thank for any prayers. Julie

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Hi Donny, would appreciate prayer for an urgent appointment I have to have. I have to go through the Public Hospital system here in Australia and it can take a while. However my Dr said it was urgent and I would also like it done to find out if surgery is needed as I am booked to go to Canada at the end of August and would like it all cleared up before then.

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Please pray for my family. That my brother, who is pondering it right now, will help us save our house which was foreclosed during the height of the Covid pandemic. We ask for prayers that he and his wife will be going towards the thinking and the heart to keep us from being homeless in a few weeks. Thank you so much.

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Thank you

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I’m sorry but Substack here is not working for me still. I loved Responsibility.

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Thank you all for praying for Tina, and please continue to. Her husband got sentenced today, to 18 months in prison. She's really struggling and not sure how she'll make it.

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You’re welcome my dear friend. You have fun and don’t stress you’ll have an amazing time. I just wish I was going with you all.

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Thank you Shari

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