Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Donny, this was definitely a heart check for each of us. I really love the way you embrace this because it is heartfelt because you want others to step out in faith or others to ask Jesus into their hearts. More than that, you challenge us in a good way to take a step back and look at ourselves and ask, are we too comfortable? Are we really trying to live the purpose driven life God has for each of us?

This world is chaotic and filled with a lot of evil, but I want to believe there is also good. Not being naive, but I still would like to believe that. I try not to listen too much to the news and focus on other things. I tend to feel too comfortable at times, but lately God has let me know when that starts to occur by giving that nudge that means, "Anne, you need to refocus on me." Doesn't happen as often as it used to, but does. I only speak for myself, but I do "confess" my sins when I pray to God and ask to be forgiven. For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. I know that verse is in Romans. Confession is good for the soul and forgiveness brings freedom and peace to live in faith with God.

The race is constant and on-going. The endurance or perseverance is the faith to keep going and the ultimate prize is waiting for all of us who have a relationship with Jesus Christ of eternal life/salvation. Last year when I stepped out of my comfort zone, it wasn't easy but hard at first. When you surrender to God and let him take the reins and lead, he always brings you through. He has for me each and every time for me. I do try to live one step, one day at a time.

Thank you again Donny for a wonderful prayer walk. Take care and God bless!

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Feb 1, 2023·edited Feb 1, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

I love your tender heart and your willingness to share your deepest thoughts. I think often about needing to have my heart broken by the things that break God's heart, including my own sin. Sometimes I get overwhelmed by all the evil in the world and the terrible things that happen so I tend to cocoon and act as if they aren't happening. Yes, I am too comfortable, especially today as I walk the beach in Maui. But I also believe we have to live in the victory that grace provides when we do confess our sin. The price has been paid. We must never take that for granted. For me running the race is about living in faith and sharing that faith, and finishing in faith. For most of us, it's a marathon, so we have to break it down mile by mile and check our hearts at each checkpoint along the course. This walk today was a heart check for me, so thank you.

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Just shortly after 911, a Rabbi named Jonathan Cahn wrote a book called “The Harbinger.” It was about what George Washington was advised by God about the grounds surrounding the area that encompassed the towers in New York. That those grounds were considered hallowed grounds and if America stepped out of God’s plan that the hedges surrounding tgis country would start to be removed. When I accepted Jesus, I feel like I had an obligation to honor God’s word so His hedges of protection would remain around me. We all know what happened to the towers and they came down. I see this country continuing down the same path. My life if it is a living sacrifice then I should not hesitate to share Jesus’ life within me. God places those hedges around us and our obligation is to share God and His righteousness with all I am able. Anything outside of those things only benefit me. I want others on the path of eternal life.

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I had never heard this before.

Praying all evil and lies are exposed and His Kingdom be established

all of man's attempts at being 'in control' confounded. 🙏🏼and His truth and glory be revealed, drawing all hearts to The Father through Jesus, our resurrected Lord

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Feb 1, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Thank you for the heart check. I’m a work in progress that needs daily reminders. Appreciation, gratitude, love, kindness and confession should be where we spend our time. Time is a gift. But today I also felt your pain and offer you my prayers. We don’t walk or run alone. Love and hugs ❤️

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I have never felt so much uncertainty in my life we live in a very chaotic world. As long as we always try our best ,our conscience will be at peace,as long as we show gratitude, God will continue to provide. Looking back this past few years I realize how much my life has changed. It has brought me unexpected changes, uncertainty, big decisions making and on going sense of expectation of something big needing to happen .( I Live in hope) we are not always in control of the circumstances that surround us but how we react to them is our choice. I was surrounded by Gods creation as painful as it is, knowing that I am the right track it gives me the strength to keep going. The further I go the stronger I get. I must always keep moving, moving to being better , wiser, moving to sovereignty, moving to truth, moving to faith and moving to love; the love with which God created. Year 2022 the new me begin a few hours to disconnect; be still,breath, recharge, allow myself to pay attention to God then act with wisdom. I will keep rising , just like the sun. Year 2023 I think I am on the right track as God is with me with truth, everything in my life this past eight years is a reflection of a choice . Now my ongoing race is my relationship with Jesus Christ my savior. Thank you Donny for this week prayer walk 🙏

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Beautiful Lucy! Keep going in Him. You are so loved

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Donny, # 37 was a heartfelt and inspiring walk, I was very touched by it. Where has my time gone, what have I been doing, am I prepared for the race I want to run...such powerful questions. I currently have a friend visiting, I shared with her a couple of your questions, we had a good discussion about God missing in the world today and the “ race we are running”. I truly believe that God has been forgotten by the world today. We need to work to bring agog back into the lives of people.

The past 6 months I have spent more time working on my relationship with Jesus, building a stronger faith connection and trusting God’s guidance on my journey. By the Grace of God I will be forgiven my sins, faith and trust will guide / help me continue my race.

Continued blessings to you on journey.

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Feb 2, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Hey Donny, thanks for that hike from nr 37, WOW! How many blessings the Lord has given us at every step taken on this journey.

The Holy Spirit is wonderful and gave you a theme that has everything to do with it: “walking and running” complement each other, in my understanding running is a more intense walk.

So, what can I say in the face of the intrepidity that the Holy Spirit has anointed you to bring the word?


Just glorifying God and asking for mercy so I can run the race and reach the prize.

“A man of God loves the Word, keeps the Word, lives the Word and preaches the Word intrepidity”

God bless you and keep his way!

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Feb 2, 2023·edited Feb 2, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

This truly is a heartfelt message. 2Tim 4:7 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith” is my ultimate destination, to receive the “crown of righteousness” when my journey on earth is over. In John 15:19 Jesus says to His disciples “If you belonged to the world it would love you as its own. As it is you do not belong to the world but I have chosen you out of the world that is why the world hates you.” When I chose to follow the commands of Jesus I knew I could no longer be comfortable being of the world. I live in time but I belong to eternity. What I spend my time on should bring me one step closer to my eternal destination of hearing the words well done my good and faithful servant. That road is not easy sometimes. It is easy to fall into a self centered comfort zone, to be loved by the world. I must ask for forgiveness often but when I focus on the glory of my destination and pray for strength the journey becomes easier because I do not run the race alone. For each person serving God may look different in our daily walk but the destination (finish line) is the same. God bless you Donny on your journey!

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Donny once again Thank you for a meaningful prayer walk. For me its about what’s the world coming to these days and for everyone to get along love each other and to appreciate God. I will keep my faith in God as we all should. Thanks again

looking forward to the next prayer walk.🙏🏻

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As iron sharpens iron!

Redeem the time...

Run the race

This walk SO very powerful. It does seem these times and trials of today are perhaps His wrath, but greater I think His immense love beckoning everyone to come closer

To rend our hearts.

Our world certainly has made our comforts and expectations a HUGE distraction.

I cringe to think just how much I 'think' I 'need'. I have been tricked.

Really all I need is Him

All ai want is Him and for everyone.

Lord help me convey that. Show me. Open doors.

Forgive me for all the carnal things I 'push' for.

I am so thankful He is patient and He wishes none to perish. I pray He helps me, (maybe even causes me, to be faithful.

Blessing upon spiritual blessing be upon you Donny (Jeremiah)

Thank you for being faithful and bold.

This walk as gloriously powerful. The waves and ocean expanse speaking of His great love and cleansing power.

I do hope you took plenty of time to sit before Him on this walk.

Yes, He often leads my heart to grieve the sins of this world and my own (though honestly I sometimes try to zip past those nudgings) 😢

I pray ai will be more open and allow my heart to be stirred even more. I think of Jesus and He was so grieved he sweat blood and tears. 🙏🏼

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Feb 5, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

I look at 2Timothy 4-7 as a check engine light tells the driver to pull over and examine the vehicle. Turn it into a question, "Am I fighting the good fight? Am I ready to finish the race? Am I ready to report to Jesus what I have been doing with this earthly journey?"

Peeps, sometimes I don't know what race I'm running anymore. Seems so pointless as my words and examples fall upon deaf ears and darkness, however it is then that I have to dig deep and fall to my knees and ask God why am I here? As with others I find myself in tears at the hopelessness that confronts us followers of Christ. Then, after a little self-pity and a small tantrum, I pick myself up off the ground and carry on. God does show us mercy and The Way out of this earth-bound journey, and he does so without fail. Man, he is sooooo patient with us!

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amen Jeff

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Donny I just wanted you to know that I love your prayer walks and I am so greatful what you do for all of us and yes I do stop and think about all the evil in this world and worry about my son and pray that the Lord will bless him and keep him from evil things in this world I can only imagine how GOD feels when he sees how bad this world has gotten 🙏🙏 Thank you so much again Donny

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