
Donny, wanted to share with you that the prayer walks have been a blessing to me this past month, thanks for today’s walk..with focus on endurance. When you shared about the walk today was all uphill, it hit me that this whole month has been an uphill battle for me. Have been dealing with back/ leg issues all month, there were a couple of weeks where walking across the room was a challenge. It took all I had to push through the pain, prayed every day for some relief and asked what is this challenge trying to teach me. You also talked about sharing with others to build a community, thanks to your prayer walks, music and Graham’s work, the Lord has blessed me with new friends. These friends have been so supportive with prayers and words of encouragement everyday...all of this has helped me push through. It has also reminded me of God’s love and even at times when I think I’m alone, He is still there.

So thank you Donny for these walks, your prayers, and bringing people together. Slowly I’m healing so prayers are being answered, I just need to be patient and trust.

Sending prayers for you as you continue on this new path with your music.

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Jun 30, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

My first thought is what an amazing community! Donny, thank you for your honesty and vulnerability on this walk. I definitely have felt that I am being called to walk through the valley and not over it or around it or run the other way. That is not easy on many days! But as you reminded us he does give us His grace and it is sufficient!. And particularly this morning I am very tired. My family has experienced a loss in the past few days that has been draining. At the same time it has been beautiful to know that heaven has one more angel now walking the streets of gold! I am reminded daily of my favorite verse: “He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.” Psalms‬ ‭91:4‬ ‭

There are many days where I just have to make the decision to allow God to cover me with his feathers and protect me under his wings. When I say that I have to allow, I mean consciously turning my eyes and my ears to be in attunement with Him!. That is my prayer for us all that today we will turn our gaze to Him. Blessings!

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Jun 29, 2022·edited Jun 29, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

I so appreciate your transparency and being willing to be honest about the fact that your struggling in some ways. We all have those times and it helps, as you said here, to share and let people lift us up so we can do the same for them when they need it. I also love how the things you encounter on your walks lead you to a thought process about how God works in our lives. I had a day recently that for some unknown reason I was on the verge of tears all day and felt really discouraged. I reached out to a friend and the conversation we had didn't change my circumstances, but it sure made me feel better even though I couldn't explain why I was feeling the way I was. Her godly encouragement was exactly what I needed. We all need each other - we were never designed to be islands. Thanks, Donny, for creating this community where friends are always available for prayer and encouragement!

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Jun 29, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

I don’t know if I should post a comment yet or not. This week was the 6th anniversary of my husbands death as many of you know. Thank you for all the extra prayers. But I realize that I am still so very bitter about it. I pray and pray for a new change but I now wonder is the bitterness directed at God? Is that why I’m not getting an answer as to how to move on? Cathey Cone, upon reading your post, I know that I have 2 very close girlfriends that are always there for me to reach out to. I’m not good about that. I always keep things hidden. Until now. Donny, your prayer walks are helping me more than you will ever know. I know my husband wouldn’t want me to still be mad and bitter. He would say “get over it”. I’m truly trying. Its a major struggle for me. But I will continue to try.

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Thanks, Donny, for another inspiring walk. The scenery was beautiful. I was not sure if I should share anything for fear of being a real downer. But if nothing else, what I am writing is real. You mentioned some things that touched me deeply. One was about “just not feeling up to it”. I sure can relate to that! Today it was a struggle just to get out of bed and face this world yet again. Things never seem to get better, and I am really exhausted and beyond discouraged. But I did get up and force myself to face the day. I wish I could say everything was glorious and victorious, but it wasn’t. This prayer walk was the highlight of my day by far and I really appreciate you for having it! I must also say that my beautiful cats put a smile on my face. They are truly gifts from God. You also shared about the Dead End. That is exactly how I have been feeling – to be honest, it’s been this way since March of 2020 when the pandemic hit and literally ended my career and huge chunks of my life “changed” for the worse. I have been in a downward spiral ever since and all I know for certain is that God is with me. But I need real practical help, not just a divine presence. I need some measure of deliverance and a little hope now and then. It seems God is willing to let me get hit again and again and again, and my endurance is reaching the end. Yes, I am getting somewhat bitter. When will things become tolerable again? In a couple weeks I will be in counseling, not that I expect much out of it, but maybe they can give me some practical direction for my life in these unprecedented times. Yes, I must confess that I have asked God to take me out of this world, and if that is His will, it will happen. But for now, right here, right now, I am still in the race. Thank you and everybody on the page for support and encouragement. So many of you are suffering in so many ways, and it saddens me. Prayers for all of you and for me too! Grace and Mercy for us all!!!

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I have 20 minutes between my appointments no matter how much struggles I been thru , there is never a distance I travel that is too far from God. As I travel through my beautification journey I look for you , a voice of reason and direction and God was always showing me the path of direction for my victory. God has a plan for me today, tomorrow and he leads me by love, wisdom, strength and courage.When we move in courage and love we agree in Heaven. God has prepared me all courage and strength. Life is ever changing but know this God is the same today as he was yesterday and as he will tomorrow. I trust God as HE know all things, who can make a way when there seems to be no way. He will never leave or forsake us from his love . Everyday I go to him , he cares that much. We are love and in him is stable, unchanging safe place. “ I will strengthen you, I will help you , I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

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Donny, the way you get right to the heart and have us to reflect what this means to each one of us is truly a blessing to me. These two verses in Hebrews also reminds me of Isaiah 40:31, "But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint." That verse is my go to verse each and every time, I hear those "lies" or toxic thoughts that Satan likes to tempt me with concerning not being able to lose the weight that I need to, etc. and stay on this journey. God is truly with me each and every day if "I" choose to let him. With the daily quiet-time/meditation/prayer time each morning, that certainly helps me to stay the course. Journaling also helps in writing down the thoughts to stay the course. I keep reminding myself this is NOT a race, but a walk, and everything is in God's timing and not mine. When I reflect and place everything in HIS hands, God never fails. He has never failed me yet, but again, I try and consciously make the choice to follow him each and every day. When you asked the question how has God shown that HE is with me lately, that would be way too long to share because he shows me this each and every day in the small things. It is simply amazing how God does this, but He just does.

I totally agree, we need to be here for one another, lifting one another up and encouraging each other. This Substack community is simply amazing because it has allowed me to be encouraged as well as encourage others. We simply need it because we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God; therefore, God has granted us each unique spiritual gifts to use to help and assist one another.

Again, thank you for this prayer walk to focus on the endurance. Definitely, with Christ, all things are possible because of what Jesus endured on the cross. God bless!

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I’ve been patiently waiting for this walk with you. What I work through is others demands on me to complete tasks. Those who want things from me yesterday. I tell them what can’t happen and feel their frustration with me. I’ve realized God will come through for me and He will give the ability to complete what others are asking me for and the words to say that will put people at peace until the work is complete. It’s family that push the most. I do wait on the Lord who renews me and I find my hope and rest. One day God will call me home. The way I want to go is like Elijah when he was walking with God and God said, Since we are closer to my home than yours let’s just go there.

Thank you, Donny.

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I am finally settled back at my family host as I was in between appointments when I first responded. Donny I want to thank you for sharing this prayer , I look forward every Wednesday It’s been a blessing and I am slowly healing from my fears. I had a very long day today at Mayo Clinic post op, both panels of surgeons were amazed how fast my wounds healed. Harvest and transposed procedures normally staples and stitches stays about 14-21 days. They said it’s a miracle it’s healed we will release you home and to me God answered my prayers since the day of surgery. The good Lord has blessed me with these amazing groups of friends who prayed and encouraged me daily. I thank you everyone so grateful with your friendship,love, support ,and kindness . “ John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life “.🙏🙏🙏

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I enjoy walking because it's my special moment of the day, in which I feel the presence of God and I can appreciate all his love for me. I also feel the presence of my father, who passed away on a day like this. My husband and I are happy listening to you and we agree what you feel when you walk, but we still need to increase our Faith. Thank you very much Donny.

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Jun 30, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

When watching the video, John 16:33 came to my mind - When Jesus warns the disciples "In the world you will have tribulation" interesting that Jesus immediately ponders and says "but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world", and promises that in Him we will have peace! So I try to think of the “trial” as a means of growing my character and training my faith!

When Donny talked about having a brain full of things to do, it seemed like it was for me, I'm like that, I don't think that's a bad thing, but I know I need to balance my "fast mind". At the moment, at the end of the university semester, I am very tired, physically and mentally, but God renews my strength and I am at peace!

When I am exhausted, I have support from my family and good friends who I can ask for a shoulder to cry on (literally) as I believe crying is an overflow of feeling and helps to relieve stress, as well as being an act of humility before the Throne. of the Grace of Jesus!

I continue to pray that the Holy Spirit will enlighten you in the Word of God to share powerful and challenging messages as it has been so far. Thanks for the walk!

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Thank you Donny. I’ve had a lot on my heart this week seeing so much turmoil happening around us. Like you sometimes it feels as if I’m only going up hill seemingly headed to a dead end!!! I want my heart to feel sympathetic to others and to always feel positive even in situations that should make us feel defeated . You never know when the simplest chin up... or you are loved...or I’m proud to call you my friend... may bless someone and give them comfort that everything is going to be ok and that God has a bigger plan for them. HE IS WITH US🙏 And with Gods Grace like the roosters crowing in this video, we all have a wake up call . We all need to uplift each other and help them carry those burdens ... You are not alone........❤️🙏

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Thank you Donny, I was unable to walk this morning due to having to work. Though what I did was sat under a tree at work and listened to your prayer walk. I found comfort in it because it was like God saying take breath be still and listen. We all need someone to pray for us weather we have troubles or not. We can pray for someone’s dreams to go as planed or that someone gets that new job or that where ever or whatever people are doing right at the present time everything turns out. Our would is so Topsy-turby right now we all need to look to God for strength wisdom and most of all love. With out God in our lives we are just here on earth. With God in our lives we can look forward to the day we are called home and can live a gracious life with our Lord Savior Jesus Christ. 

Donny can you do me the favor and pray for a coworker of mine well now past coworker. Her name is Molly I don’t know her last name. She worked with us for a short time. Unfortunately she was let go from us yesterday and she had just rented a place near our work. I want to ask God to keep her in his loving arms and help her find a new job. I will also pray for her as well. I know she will need guidance and strength to get thru this. Thank you.

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Jun 30, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

Donny ~ At this time in my life, I am not able to have much freedom to get out to walk due to caregiving constraints so I vicariously walk though you and I must tell you....they mean the world to me. This beautiful pray walk resonated with me this morning. When you talked about “Dead Ends”, Graham’s words to “gentle yourself” came to mind. In my life, I have come to what I thought to be dead ends but realized, I gentled myself to turn around and lean on God because there is always a solution. Maybe I wasn’t the one gentling me like I thought, but, maybe He was. My go to verses are Philippians 4:13 and Psalms 121:1-2 and so far I have never been disappointed.

Donny, please know there are many of us appreciating you and your heartfelt walks....graciously taking us along. Looking forward to the next one.....Blessings 🙏🏼💞

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Jun 30, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

Thank you, Donny, for another beautiful walk. I am reminded that I have a friend to turn to for encouragement and have been that person for her. We meet on the phone to pray weekly, and occasionally splurge and meet at a coffee shop. What a blessing to have a prayer partner and regular scheduled meetings to keep us on track.

One thing that has helped me with pushing through when the going gets tough is practicing gratitude. Making a mental list of every little thing I can be grateful for has helped my mindset, especially the last few years. My Bible study group read One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp several years ago and kept a gratitude journal for a month. We wrote down three different things we were grateful for everyday.

Peace be with you all,


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Jun 30, 2022·edited Jun 30, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

Bit late with comment but travelling by train i outback Australia makes internet access very unpredictable. I just want to share that at the moment I am being very challenged and have been procrastinating as I am due to do the talk at Church on the 10th July and I don't feel up yo the "job". I do have infirmation that will be good to share but it is lacking the personal touch which is where I find it hard. I am just beginning to open up to sharing and it has been an encouragement to hear you say that you also struggle with things. I know that when I get home next week I will have to trust God will show me how to put a more personal angle to the word. Thank you for your willingness to share.

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