Jun 5·edited Jun 5Liked by Donny Mac

The prayer walk today stirred some different emotions in me as I listened and spent some time thinking about your words. Many times throughout my life I have asked the question "why must I always have to struggle, when others do not?" "Why am I being 'disciplined' when others are never brought to question?" I have spent so much of my life, being knocked down and having to force myself to rise again that it is hard at times to understand the why.

In my heart - I believe this is what faith is trusting in the process that things will be put in place just the way they need to be, even though we may not agree at the time. Struggles make us stronger and more resilient.

Thank you for posing these questions each week, this one really made me sit back and think about my perception of faith and hope.

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Donny, today's prayer walk and the word, "struggle" brought me back to the first time I met you two years ago in Tennessee. I believe I used the word "struggle" in one of the conversations we had then, and right afterwards, we discussed basically what you shared in today's prayer walk. God used you then as His vessel to help me, and He continues to use you that way now in this community. I am grateful and thankful!

Struggle by definition is to proceed with difficulty or with great effort. But what that struggle is based on or how we choose our words I believe is determined by where we are in our walk of faith with Christ. I know it personally to be true for me. The discipline needed to change the way we see ourselves and the words we say depends on our trusting and obeying God and His Word. We have the power to control our thoughts, words, and actions, but not certain circumstances this life presents us with. How we respond is where we are in our faith.

What you shared about forgiveness is so crucial in how we see ourselves, the words we use, and the actions we take. We may brush off and bury something that truly needs forgiven because we'd rather not walk through the messy process of letting it go and asking God to forgive us, forgiving ourselves, or forgiving the one who may have hurt us. From my own experience, the longer I bought into the lies, the more I hurt myself mentally and physically, and most of all that sin separated me from God and hiding behind my faith.

Thank you again for your kind words from two years ago and the prayer you offered then as I truly believe God used you as His vessel to help me start the journey forward to walk through the things I left buried for so many years to now have the passion for helping others with similar circumstances. We never know whom God will bring into our lives to help us reveal something that needs to be dealt with so we can grow in our faith and help others.

1 Peter 5:10 (ESV) - "And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you."

Thank you for today's prayer walk and God bless you!

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Beautiful prayer walk Donny, I also love the sound of the wind in the trees, where you prayed by the lake was beautiful .

I struggle with certain fears that I have that have been brought on to me through my overthinking of trauma that I have suffered through, I ask God is there a lesson I should be learning here or does he want me to work through my fears and for me to realize I need to put everything in his hands and know he will always protect and guide me ….

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did you find an answer?

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It’s been difficult , I felt there was no clear path, but the only thing I can do is just walk into them and just surrendering to God putting all my faith in him and know he will protect me …

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Halina - I'll pray for you for God to help you and reveal to you next steps. He will guide, protect, and show you the next steps when you're ready to release it all to Him. It brought me the inner peace when I finally did. It wasn't easy, but the blessings afterwards are so worth it. 🙏

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Thank you Anne I really appreciate your prayers 🙏❤️

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Your words compelled me to think. My struggles are those that I can’t control alone. I need God in my largest struggle. I’m diabetic and cancer survivor. It’s too many carbs and sugar that bondage me. Each time I struggle I have to turn to God. The radiation I took for the cancer and the surgery have lead to blindness. The diabetes added itself to blindness as well. The self control doesn’t work well sometimes. Being diabetic doesn’t turn off the cravings of sweets. I daily ask God for removing tgis struggle. I know what is needed but I’m lazy in the flesh. Many don’t understand the diabetic fight. SUGAR is everywhere in everything but water. My mother would say only one won’t hurt but for a diabetic that only leads to the struggle of resisting another one. God is showing me I must be disciplined enough to resist the temptation and look for His solution. Prayer is my greatest ally and Jesus my best friend. Some struggles are those we aren’t able to fix without discipline.

I pray you are happy and God eases your struggles.

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Jun 5Liked by Donny Mac

Galatians 6:2 "Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." Praying for you Don, 778 984 1280

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thank you for your prayers and for sharing this great word.

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What a beautiful place you are walking in this morning. Your prayer walks are just wonderful and I pray for you daily. Thank you so much for your inspiring words. I will go on my walk later this morning.

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Thank you for your prayers Terri

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Jun 7Liked by Donny Mac

Struggle equates to fighting, fighting with God about something. Whenever I "struggle" with sin or forgiveness, it is me fighting against the will of God. God's will in the sense of forgiveness or confession of sin or whatever it may be. Simplistic, yes, but it is how I understand it.

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Loved the walk today with the whistling wind, the scenery and the sounds of the birds. Naure is such a joy but only if we open ourselves to the world around us. Your questions were thought provoking and soul searching. I appreciate how you lead us to these revelations. Blessings as always.

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Jun 5Liked by Donny Mac

Donny as usual this prayer walk hit me and your prayer was what I really needed 🙏🙏 I need to think differently about a situation at work and I have prayed and asked God to forgive me if I am in the wrong and to guide me to do and say the things that is pleasing to him 🙏🙏 Donny just wanted you to know how much these prayer walks have helped me 🙏🙏 Thank you again and thank you for my shirt got it Monday 🙏🙏i cannot wait For you to get your bus going cause I know that you will bless alot of people like you have me🙏🙏

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Jun 5Liked by Donny Mac

Your prayer walk was beautiful today. I love seeing the wind blowing the trees; although, it made me feel cooler than like a warm June day!! The talk in the walk was just what I needed today. I now live in an apartment in my daughter's house. It's pretty, but I have felt very lonely and isolated here . I keep trying to find reasons to go out. That's my struggle. I feel like it could be God disciplining me to spend more time alone with him. You have given me a lot to ponder this week. Please pray that I will be more in tune with Him and continue praying for others.

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Praying now

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Jun 6Liked by Donny Mac

Thank you!

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Your prayers this week.. thank you so much. My mindset is in a better place now. I need to keep my focus on God and others, not on myself.

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I have felt you

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Sometimes I "struggle" with my own humanness; the constant failure at being who I want to be, the never-ending need for forgiveness when I'm not being Christ-like in my words or actions, my stubborn refusal to confess something as sin, my short-sighted responses to others. I'm so grateful that God never withholds his forgiveness, grace and mercy. Life is interesting at the moment and normally I might be struggling with disappointment, or worry, or patience, but God has granted me some pretty amazing peace for the path we are traveling. What we're going through doesn't feel like discipline, but there are always lessons to be learned in the trials of life. I don't feel I'm struggling, but I am looking for lessons and holding tight to God's peace that he has so generously blessed me with at this time. I appreciate you, Donny, and these questions you give us to ponder. Today I mostly appreciated your beautiful, humble prayers.

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