Is hate a sin? I definitely know it leaves a dark space in your heart. I was tempted with vengeance a lot when I was younger. I am finally letting go of "needing to punish" people who have hurt me. I was an expert at passive-aggression toward people who criticized me: my husband, my students' parents, my ex-brother-in-law, etc. I always said it felt as if I were winning a lot of battles, (especially with sarcastic, nasty words) but I was losing the war. Today when I feel any hatred start flickering, I choose tranquility instead.
Your question as “ How have temptations change through out my life”?
For me temptations is a tragedy of life is not unanswered prayer but rather, the un offered prayer. Today I choose the field of Hope, wear my Faith and Obedience like a crown because we are the sons and daughters of the High King , the Lord of the Lords. There have been days where my strength seems to be all but existent , however through the prayers , standing on Gods promises, Faith and Gods Love I can be restored! My prayers are diminishing because I feel scorned by worldly events, my feelings unworthy because of sin, or scared to pray in boldness because I was afraid and feel I let down my prayers goes unanswered. Or that I am bugging God and he just doesn’t want to hear it again? Life can be hard and life can be easy, many times I know I feel like I have to go so far to reach His presence, to feel His touch and to get discernment, wisdom and let’s face it HELP!
I pray until I can feel His presence. Today I will be cautious of the reality to speak into existence, it is the very words we speak to ourselves, we speak to others that begin to build the existence we live in. May our words be great, our Faith be greater and the outcome be beautiful.
1Thessalonians 5:16-18 Rejoice always, Pray continually, Give thanks.
Temptation is a very overwhelming feeling in most of us, sometimes you have to sit back chill out and ask yourself how the thoughts of temptation are even in your head.. but like you said it’s US ... my biggest temptation is wanting freedom, freedom from everything mentally physically and emotionally.... sometimes I feel like just escaping to the middle of nowhere (with my girls).... the sinful ways in me just wants to hide away from everything and everyone... I struggle because I know thats me being selfish. and sinful !! I pray for Gods guidance and strength because I know his plan is greater than my sinful ways.. it’s amazing at what your mind can “trick” you into feeling... but like you said Donny, God does provide an escape route for us we just have to stay on the path to that route🙏
Donny, Your question about what tempts me the most; to be honest, it would depend upon my frame of my mind at the time or what I may be personally going through at the time.
Your question as to how have temptations changed throughout my life; I would say as I grow in my faith, the temptations are somewhat different. They're not so much on material possessions as may would have been when I was a lot younger, but mine are mostly now when these lies or toxic thoughts as I put it from the past want to rear their ugly head from time time.
All temptations in reality for me are my own selfish desires or when I take my focus away from God and that's when those lies from the past start to creep in. We were born to sin. Unfortunately, it's in our DNA due to Adam and Eve eating the fruit from the forbidden tree.
The hardest thing for some of us to do is to forgive ourselves. We can confess our sin(s) to God and ask HIM to forgive us, but if we're hard on ourselves as I tend to be, it can be very hard for me to forgive myself. This has become a little easier for me now after I re-dedicated my life to Jesus over two years ago. It's not easy, but I do know it's necessary. Over two years ago, I had to ask God to help me forgive myself of quite a few resentments I held on to for way too long. I try not do that any more. As I said, it's not easy, but I do try.
Donny, thank you for the beautiful prayer walk. The topics are great each and every week and all these prayer walks help me tremendously. We appreciate you and these prayer walks so much! Glad you got to see Key West, FL. It's very pretty there. Take care and God bless!
You are right when you say that the great challenge is to "forgive ourselves", I like to remember that the Bible teaches us that when God forgives us, he no longer remembers our sins: "For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will not I will remember their sins more" (Jeremiah 31:34).
Ahhh the book of Jeremiah is so beautiful and full of uplifting teachings...
Angela - that is so true. Book of Jeremiah is full of many teachings. Forgiving oneself especially me, is very hard at times. Praise Jesus, it's not like it used to be, but I'm one that's pretty hard on myself. That will probably be something I will have to live with for the rest of my life, but I'm so glad it's nowhere near what it used to be. I refuse to go back to those ways, but only try and be the best as to how God leads me from here on out. Take care and God bless!
For sure we are most tempted by our own selfish human desires. I think the answer comes in walking in the Spirit - giving over control, surrendering moment by moment. One of the fruits of the Spirit is self-control. It's not always easy. Temptation is a powerful beast. I give in to temptation when I am ignoring what the Spirit is telling me. When I'm in tune with the Spirit, conviction guides me. Unfortunately, sometimes conviction comes AFTER I have already given in, so I related to you crossing the first line but not the second. Thinking before acting might be a good place to start for all of us. Thanks for another gorgeous walk and lots to think about. I'm grateful you do these walks and share your learning process with us so we can all grow together!
Truth! The Bible shows that the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit fight because they are opposites (Galatians 5:16-23). Thank you for reminding me of this scripture.
When I began to think about my answer about temptation I looked at God’s word for my answer. I went to Proverb 6;16-19 about the things God hates. These things lead us to follow our temptation.
Prideful look, lying, shedding innocent blood,feet that run toward evil, a false witness and one who sows discord among others. I don’t like being that person who disappoints God. If I do anything that I know He doesn’t like I ask Him above all to forgive me and like The Lord’s Prayer , ask that He keeps me from temptation. He is just and faithful to forgive. 
I think temptation is different for each and changes with age. For with age brings experience, things I did in my younger years I would never do now. I've always been a rule follower, but what about thoughts, those can get me in trouble. Looking in the mirror at the person God created and being critical of what I perceive and see. Rehashing a conversation and being judgemental that's where I struggle. For thoughts can become actions. I try very hard to catch my self-talk and flip it, not always successful and then I have to go to God for forgiveness. Then again what about when we ignore God's prompting and do our own things. Seek God's forgiveness and then forgive yourself is the only path that works for me.
I feel this “walk” was sent to me personally. Thank you for your thoughts and insights. Question - aren’t struggles put in our path to help achieve personal growth? The first time you crossed the line but when you were tempted the second time you listened to your heart. That’s growth and sharing it with us is amazing. High five!
I don't think all struggles are put in our path to help achieve personal growth but I know that God makes ALL things good for those who love Him... even our bad choices and mistakes. And for that I am grateful and hope to spread that love and forgiveness through out the world.
Sorry to enter the conversation, but I would like to collaborate with the reflections, even because I had doubts about your answer Donny (I apologize in advance, if it's just a linguistic/translation question).
When you say, “I don't think all struggles are put in our path to help achieve personal growth” how do you understand James chapter 1 verses 2-4?
I always understood that James says that we go through struggles so that we become perfect and whole, according to him, this is the perfect result of perseverance (this for me is personal growth).
In 1 Corinthians 9:25 it says that “everyone who struggles exercises self-control in all things..."
I understand that it refers to self-knowledge and emotional balance, therefore, personal growth.
Just, putting a little "wood on the fire" as the saying goes... :)
Donny, I always get something from your walks. Sometimes it’s the quiet around me as I listen to your walk, other times it gives me food for thought on my morning walks. Every walk gives me something to reflect regarding my beliefs which in turn strengthens my faith.
This week your question about facing temptation has made me really look at how do I face temptation. As I was reflecting on temptation in my life, I realized that I usually try to justify it, saying it’s going to be ok just this one time, which also makes it easier the next time temptation comes around. I believe that resisting/ not giving in to temptations helps build strength and faith to stand stronger when it arises again. You said God always provided an escape...that escape is the choice to resist or give in to the temptation. It’s our own desires that presents the dilemma. Matthew 26:41 says”Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation.”
Thanks again for an inspirational walk. May God continue to bless you on this new journey you are taking.
I think you asked a question is temptation frustrating? And my answer is yes! I don’t become overwhelmed when God provides ways out but if I choose not to take them then I get very down on myself. That may be the part that becomes overwhelming. I would say my biggest temptation is trying to control all parts of my life. And when that temptation comes my natural way to fight it is busyness and that will send me into a tailspin. I try to focus on the small wins when I get overwhelmed. That seems to begin to carve a path out of self doubt. However I do find myself just crying out to the Lord in prayer for his help when I feel tempted. Praises that He gives us a ways out!
That beautiful turquoise water looks mighty “tempting.” Key West is a unique place and a great setting for a prayer walk. I sure hope you didn’t find a sign warning you not to enter like you did at the fort! Temptation is something we can all relate to. It’s so much a part of our lives. I appreciate how you describe temptation as coming from our own desires. But as is stated in 1 Corinthians 10:13, God is faithful and will not allow up to be tempted beyond our ability to endure and always provides a means of escape. While that is comforting to know, it also sets up a high standard for us. Many times, in my life I was afraid to go about daily living due to fear of running into temptation, failing to resist, and then sinning. It’s been a real dilemma for me. How do you and others deal with this? Also, I’ve had difficulties with forgiving myself even when I knew that God had forgiven me. It's a real struggle. I know I need to let go and trust, but I find it difficult to do. Thoughts?
That's a tough situation to be in. Afraid to go out for fear of running into temptation, failing to resist and then sinning.
I walked away from my career when I came to faith in Jesus. In part because I didn't want to be tempted to brag, boast or be prideful. I stayed away for almost 10 years.
What I've learned from staying away and eventually coming back to it is this:
- Its hard to learn with out failure
- Gods grace is new every day (Lamentations 3:22-23)
- If God forgives me who am I to say otherwise?
- surrounding yourself with people who truly devote their lives to Jesus is helpful
- when you go out, go with someone who knows what temptations you struggle with and they will keep you accountable
Very helpful, Donny! I have been thinking a lot about what you have written. It occurred to me that my hesitancy to "forgive myself" when God has already forgiven me has an element of pride in it. Not good!! I think accepting forgiveness involves some humility on my part. Hope you have a blessed week!
Answering your question: What tempts you the most?
I usually say that everywhere I look there is a "temptation" to challenge me...
That's why we cannot underestimate the power of temptation, it can cloud our mind, it is "wise" in using our desires and emotions to cloud our mind, in addition, our "I" knows how to justify and rationalize evil with sophisticated pretexts, such as says in the book of Jeremiah 17:9, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked..."
How have temptations changed throughout your life?
I don't know if temptations have changed or I have, but what I do know is that the devil is a tempter and, in the current world, it seems that he is freer and ready to attack us, because the world offers so many things that at first glance " are good and attractive" and as we are inclined towards evil we are easy prey.
I believe we fall into temptation when we neglect the duties God has given us, when we harbor evil in our hearts, when we allow ourselves to be attracted to Satan's actions, and when we walk away from fellowship.
I like to think that Jesus, in the desert, overcame temptations, so here is a good example of how to “deal” with temptations, we need the “desert”, that is, silence, the Holy Spirit and prayer. Inner silence leads us to hear the voice of God and enter into communion with Him. And only when we look within ourselves and let the Holy Spirit enlighten us, do we see the truth of who we are and how much we need to be regenerated.
John Owen says that "The aim of temptation is to dishonor God and to cast down the soul."
Sometimes I think , God is within me, would I want God to go through this experience? No, I love God too much to put Him through this We are the temple of God God bless you Donny. You are a good man.
Thank you for the beautiful walk this morning and your words. When I am tempted about something I immediately go to the Bible to help me. I find this has really helped me.
I don't know where your next Prayer Walk will be, but I live in North Carolina and it is such a beautiful place especially for walking and visiting so many places, especially the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Thank you for the suggestion. I recently went through North Carolina and Ould have loved to do a prayer walk or two in the area but alas a lack of money and previous engagements didn't allow me to stay.
God willing the resources will come in and I will be able to return. 🙂
Since this prayer walk, I've been faced with so many temptations! Or maybe because of this prayer walk, I am more aware of them. They come in so many forms! But it's been good to confront them and be able to resist them by praying moment by moment. Hope you're all having a Spirit-led week!
Now that is funny. I've had a similar experience, or maybe I'm just more aware of temptation because of the topic this week. Hope you have a great's only Monday! Lots of prayer...amen.
Is hate a sin? I definitely know it leaves a dark space in your heart. I was tempted with vengeance a lot when I was younger. I am finally letting go of "needing to punish" people who have hurt me. I was an expert at passive-aggression toward people who criticized me: my husband, my students' parents, my ex-brother-in-law, etc. I always said it felt as if I were winning a lot of battles, (especially with sarcastic, nasty words) but I was losing the war. Today when I feel any hatred start flickering, I choose tranquility instead.
Thank you for sharing. It's nice to look back and see growth.
Is hate a sin? Good question. Knowing that God can't sin here are couple scriptures to read Proverbs 6:16-19, Malachi 2:16, Romans 9:13
Another question worthy of thought. What would a word study of the word hate (as used in the bible) bring up?
Word studies are the BEST! I love following a word through Scripture and seeing God's whole counsel on a topic.
That’s a good response
Your question as “ How have temptations change through out my life”?
For me temptations is a tragedy of life is not unanswered prayer but rather, the un offered prayer. Today I choose the field of Hope, wear my Faith and Obedience like a crown because we are the sons and daughters of the High King , the Lord of the Lords. There have been days where my strength seems to be all but existent , however through the prayers , standing on Gods promises, Faith and Gods Love I can be restored! My prayers are diminishing because I feel scorned by worldly events, my feelings unworthy because of sin, or scared to pray in boldness because I was afraid and feel I let down my prayers goes unanswered. Or that I am bugging God and he just doesn’t want to hear it again? Life can be hard and life can be easy, many times I know I feel like I have to go so far to reach His presence, to feel His touch and to get discernment, wisdom and let’s face it HELP!
I pray until I can feel His presence. Today I will be cautious of the reality to speak into existence, it is the very words we speak to ourselves, we speak to others that begin to build the existence we live in. May our words be great, our Faith be greater and the outcome be beautiful.
1Thessalonians 5:16-18 Rejoice always, Pray continually, Give thanks.
Temptation is a very overwhelming feeling in most of us, sometimes you have to sit back chill out and ask yourself how the thoughts of temptation are even in your head.. but like you said it’s US ... my biggest temptation is wanting freedom, freedom from everything mentally physically and emotionally.... sometimes I feel like just escaping to the middle of nowhere (with my girls).... the sinful ways in me just wants to hide away from everything and everyone... I struggle because I know thats me being selfish. and sinful !! I pray for Gods guidance and strength because I know his plan is greater than my sinful ways.. it’s amazing at what your mind can “trick” you into feeling... but like you said Donny, God does provide an escape route for us we just have to stay on the path to that route🙏
Donny, Your question about what tempts me the most; to be honest, it would depend upon my frame of my mind at the time or what I may be personally going through at the time.
Your question as to how have temptations changed throughout my life; I would say as I grow in my faith, the temptations are somewhat different. They're not so much on material possessions as may would have been when I was a lot younger, but mine are mostly now when these lies or toxic thoughts as I put it from the past want to rear their ugly head from time time.
All temptations in reality for me are my own selfish desires or when I take my focus away from God and that's when those lies from the past start to creep in. We were born to sin. Unfortunately, it's in our DNA due to Adam and Eve eating the fruit from the forbidden tree.
The hardest thing for some of us to do is to forgive ourselves. We can confess our sin(s) to God and ask HIM to forgive us, but if we're hard on ourselves as I tend to be, it can be very hard for me to forgive myself. This has become a little easier for me now after I re-dedicated my life to Jesus over two years ago. It's not easy, but I do know it's necessary. Over two years ago, I had to ask God to help me forgive myself of quite a few resentments I held on to for way too long. I try not do that any more. As I said, it's not easy, but I do try.
Donny, thank you for the beautiful prayer walk. The topics are great each and every week and all these prayer walks help me tremendously. We appreciate you and these prayer walks so much! Glad you got to see Key West, FL. It's very pretty there. Take care and God bless!
Thank you for sharing Anne.
You are right when you say that the great challenge is to "forgive ourselves", I like to remember that the Bible teaches us that when God forgives us, he no longer remembers our sins: "For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will not I will remember their sins more" (Jeremiah 31:34).
Ahhh the book of Jeremiah is so beautiful and full of uplifting teachings...
Angela - that is so true. Book of Jeremiah is full of many teachings. Forgiving oneself especially me, is very hard at times. Praise Jesus, it's not like it used to be, but I'm one that's pretty hard on myself. That will probably be something I will have to live with for the rest of my life, but I'm so glad it's nowhere near what it used to be. I refuse to go back to those ways, but only try and be the best as to how God leads me from here on out. Take care and God bless!
I pray for you Anne! I am sure that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion (Philippians 1:6).
For sure we are most tempted by our own selfish human desires. I think the answer comes in walking in the Spirit - giving over control, surrendering moment by moment. One of the fruits of the Spirit is self-control. It's not always easy. Temptation is a powerful beast. I give in to temptation when I am ignoring what the Spirit is telling me. When I'm in tune with the Spirit, conviction guides me. Unfortunately, sometimes conviction comes AFTER I have already given in, so I related to you crossing the first line but not the second. Thinking before acting might be a good place to start for all of us. Thanks for another gorgeous walk and lots to think about. I'm grateful you do these walks and share your learning process with us so we can all grow together!
Truth! The Bible shows that the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit fight because they are opposites (Galatians 5:16-23). Thank you for reminding me of this scripture.
Sometimes I feel that fight! If I'm honest, it's a daily battle.
One of the best locations! However, the messages and the thoughts are part of the human condition we all deal/suffer with daily. Well done.
Thank you Donny,
When I began to think about my answer about temptation I looked at God’s word for my answer. I went to Proverb 6;16-19 about the things God hates. These things lead us to follow our temptation.
Prideful look, lying, shedding innocent blood,feet that run toward evil, a false witness and one who sows discord among others. I don’t like being that person who disappoints God. If I do anything that I know He doesn’t like I ask Him above all to forgive me and like The Lord’s Prayer , ask that He keeps me from temptation. He is just and faithful to forgive. 
When I saw the walk, the first thing I remembered was that
in the Our Father's prayer, we find this request/exhortation: "and lead us not into temptation", I'm glad you mentioned that.
God bless her!
I think temptation is different for each and changes with age. For with age brings experience, things I did in my younger years I would never do now. I've always been a rule follower, but what about thoughts, those can get me in trouble. Looking in the mirror at the person God created and being critical of what I perceive and see. Rehashing a conversation and being judgemental that's where I struggle. For thoughts can become actions. I try very hard to catch my self-talk and flip it, not always successful and then I have to go to God for forgiveness. Then again what about when we ignore God's prompting and do our own things. Seek God's forgiveness and then forgive yourself is the only path that works for me.
I feel this “walk” was sent to me personally. Thank you for your thoughts and insights. Question - aren’t struggles put in our path to help achieve personal growth? The first time you crossed the line but when you were tempted the second time you listened to your heart. That’s growth and sharing it with us is amazing. High five!
That's a great question.
I don't think all struggles are put in our path to help achieve personal growth but I know that God makes ALL things good for those who love Him... even our bad choices and mistakes. And for that I am grateful and hope to spread that love and forgiveness through out the world.
Hey Donny and Cathy,
Sorry to enter the conversation, but I would like to collaborate with the reflections, even because I had doubts about your answer Donny (I apologize in advance, if it's just a linguistic/translation question).
When you say, “I don't think all struggles are put in our path to help achieve personal growth” how do you understand James chapter 1 verses 2-4?
I always understood that James says that we go through struggles so that we become perfect and whole, according to him, this is the perfect result of perseverance (this for me is personal growth).
In 1 Corinthians 9:25 it says that “everyone who struggles exercises self-control in all things..."
I understand that it refers to self-knowledge and emotional balance, therefore, personal growth.
Just, putting a little "wood on the fire" as the saying goes... :)
Donny, I always get something from your walks. Sometimes it’s the quiet around me as I listen to your walk, other times it gives me food for thought on my morning walks. Every walk gives me something to reflect regarding my beliefs which in turn strengthens my faith.
This week your question about facing temptation has made me really look at how do I face temptation. As I was reflecting on temptation in my life, I realized that I usually try to justify it, saying it’s going to be ok just this one time, which also makes it easier the next time temptation comes around. I believe that resisting/ not giving in to temptations helps build strength and faith to stand stronger when it arises again. You said God always provided an escape...that escape is the choice to resist or give in to the temptation. It’s our own desires that presents the dilemma. Matthew 26:41 says”Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation.”
Thanks again for an inspirational walk. May God continue to bless you on this new journey you are taking.
I think you asked a question is temptation frustrating? And my answer is yes! I don’t become overwhelmed when God provides ways out but if I choose not to take them then I get very down on myself. That may be the part that becomes overwhelming. I would say my biggest temptation is trying to control all parts of my life. And when that temptation comes my natural way to fight it is busyness and that will send me into a tailspin. I try to focus on the small wins when I get overwhelmed. That seems to begin to carve a path out of self doubt. However I do find myself just crying out to the Lord in prayer for his help when I feel tempted. Praises that He gives us a ways out!
That beautiful turquoise water looks mighty “tempting.” Key West is a unique place and a great setting for a prayer walk. I sure hope you didn’t find a sign warning you not to enter like you did at the fort! Temptation is something we can all relate to. It’s so much a part of our lives. I appreciate how you describe temptation as coming from our own desires. But as is stated in 1 Corinthians 10:13, God is faithful and will not allow up to be tempted beyond our ability to endure and always provides a means of escape. While that is comforting to know, it also sets up a high standard for us. Many times, in my life I was afraid to go about daily living due to fear of running into temptation, failing to resist, and then sinning. It’s been a real dilemma for me. How do you and others deal with this? Also, I’ve had difficulties with forgiving myself even when I knew that God had forgiven me. It's a real struggle. I know I need to let go and trust, but I find it difficult to do. Thoughts?
Thanks for sharing Philip,
That's a tough situation to be in. Afraid to go out for fear of running into temptation, failing to resist and then sinning.
I walked away from my career when I came to faith in Jesus. In part because I didn't want to be tempted to brag, boast or be prideful. I stayed away for almost 10 years.
What I've learned from staying away and eventually coming back to it is this:
- Its hard to learn with out failure
- Gods grace is new every day (Lamentations 3:22-23)
- If God forgives me who am I to say otherwise?
- surrounding yourself with people who truly devote their lives to Jesus is helpful
- when you go out, go with someone who knows what temptations you struggle with and they will keep you accountable
I hope this is helpful
Very helpful, Donny! I have been thinking a lot about what you have written. It occurred to me that my hesitancy to "forgive myself" when God has already forgiven me has an element of pride in it. Not good!! I think accepting forgiveness involves some humility on my part. Hope you have a blessed week!
Answering your question: What tempts you the most?
I usually say that everywhere I look there is a "temptation" to challenge me...
That's why we cannot underestimate the power of temptation, it can cloud our mind, it is "wise" in using our desires and emotions to cloud our mind, in addition, our "I" knows how to justify and rationalize evil with sophisticated pretexts, such as says in the book of Jeremiah 17:9, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked..."
How have temptations changed throughout your life?
I don't know if temptations have changed or I have, but what I do know is that the devil is a tempter and, in the current world, it seems that he is freer and ready to attack us, because the world offers so many things that at first glance " are good and attractive" and as we are inclined towards evil we are easy prey.
I believe we fall into temptation when we neglect the duties God has given us, when we harbor evil in our hearts, when we allow ourselves to be attracted to Satan's actions, and when we walk away from fellowship.
I like to think that Jesus, in the desert, overcame temptations, so here is a good example of how to “deal” with temptations, we need the “desert”, that is, silence, the Holy Spirit and prayer. Inner silence leads us to hear the voice of God and enter into communion with Him. And only when we look within ourselves and let the Holy Spirit enlighten us, do we see the truth of who we are and how much we need to be regenerated.
John Owen says that "The aim of temptation is to dishonor God and to cast down the soul."
Anyway, I have a long road ahead of me...
Thanks for the walk and reflections!
Sometimes I think , God is within me, would I want God to go through this experience? No, I love God too much to put Him through this We are the temple of God God bless you Donny. You are a good man.
Donny, 1 Corinthians 6:19
Thank you for the beautiful walk this morning and your words. When I am tempted about something I immediately go to the Bible to help me. I find this has really helped me.
I don't know where your next Prayer Walk will be, but I live in North Carolina and it is such a beautiful place especially for walking and visiting so many places, especially the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Thank you for the suggestion. I recently went through North Carolina and Ould have loved to do a prayer walk or two in the area but alas a lack of money and previous engagements didn't allow me to stay.
God willing the resources will come in and I will be able to return. 🙂
Since this prayer walk, I've been faced with so many temptations! Or maybe because of this prayer walk, I am more aware of them. They come in so many forms! But it's been good to confront them and be able to resist them by praying moment by moment. Hope you're all having a Spirit-led week!
Now that is funny. I've had a similar experience, or maybe I'm just more aware of temptation because of the topic this week. Hope you have a great's only Monday! Lots of prayer...amen.
Thanks, Philip! Guess we need to have our guard up, huh?
Always. Spiritual warfare is real. Too real sometimes!