Thoughts from the Road

Jeremiah 17:9, Philippians 4:6-8, Proverbs 4:23

As I drive I enjoy siting in silence, thinking and praying. This prayer walk I share some of the thoughts from the road.

#1 Feelings: Do they control us or do we control them?

#2 Focused on the highlights: Are you focused on the highlights of your life or creating moments so that highlights become the norm?

#3 It’s about time: Are we capturing and controlling time or are we being cornered and boxed in by the confines of time?

#4 Are you thankful: It’s easy to complain when some one does something we don’t like but do we recognize moments that could have been disruptive and are we thankful for when they aren’t?

Faith in Motion:

Choose one (or more) of these topics and talk to a friend about it. Share and listen to each others perspectives. Ask yourself, What did you learn and what did you teach?

Prayer Walks with Donny Mac
Prayer Walks with Donny Mac
Donny Mac