Apr 24Liked by Donny Mac

What am I worried about? Worry rents a space in my mind that distracts my focus to something that causes mental distress. In those moments, I ask the question why am I worried and what can I do about the situation. Answering the questions refocus attention to find a solution, and if no answer, I try to release into God’s divine plan. However, I have some health issues that l’m dealing with that concern me…not worry but a state of what next. I am a child of God and I trust He has the best plan for my life if and when I surrender all to Him. Easier said than done some days and in some circumstances. Thank you for a thought provoking prayer walk and beautiful song.

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Apr 24Liked by Donny Mac

Worry weighs a person down, an encouraging word cheers a person up. Proverbs 12:25

And which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? Matt 6:27

I try not to worry. God is in control and I can trust Him.

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Wow - what a beautiful place you found for a prayer walk, Donny. I found myself wanting to be there with you in that beautiful forest with all the sights, sounds and smells. And David, thank you so much for sharing this awesome song and insights about it. When I find myself worrying, I try to stop and ask myself two questions: 1. Will my worrying about this change the outcome? 2. Is there anything I can or should be doing to change whatever it is I'm worried about? If the answer to both is "no", then I give it to God and try to let go of that worry that wants to creep in. This is timely for me today as my husband is dealing with a pretty heavy health challenge. So far God has helped me overcome the worry and trust him with the outcome. Donny, thanks for continuing to listen to what God wants you to bring to this community for prayer and consideration. Blessings!

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What am I worried about? Also, who or what am I? - Donny, loved the prayer walk today as I've asked myself these questions many times in my lifetime. David, loving music and writing as I do, your song really spoke to me and also what you shared relating to the message and story behind it.

Who or what am I? I am a beloved, chosen child of God who has flaws and has come out of many comfort zones. I am who God says I am and no one else. Not what the world thinks, friends think, but only what God says. I admit like most of us, I get off track with fear and worry, but that happens when my focus shifts from God to myself and sinful pride eludes itself. Praise God, He loves me, you, all of us, and forgives us each time when we confess and repent.

David, like you said, no matter what happens in our life, good or bad, life goes on, but if our faith is in the healthy fear of the Lord, that keeps our focus centered on God, gratitude in our heart to live life with a healthy mindset that gives rest to the soul. I admit it's hard some times even now, but God gradually nudges me back and I'm so glad He is a loving God who forgives me each time. Through prayer and reading and meditating in His Word, that's how it's done for me. 2 Cor. 10:5 and James 4:7 are two verses that I live out daily.

Thank you both for an inspirational prayer walk. I'm praying for that divine moment that God lays on my heart to do a random act of kindness. God bless you both and thanks again.

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Again thoughts were jumping in my head. I think one reason we worry is we can’t see the outcome of what we’re worrying about. I have to wait so I’m learning to turn my worries into constant prayer and trust in the Father to move all the pieces. My daughter is transferring to Texas in a few weeks to a new phase of her rehabilitation. My concern is the snakes along her path. I want God to continue to guide her. I now trust He has her.

What do people think about me? Being honest I’m never sure. I met you have gotten to know you but have wondered what you think about me. You still talk to me so hopefully it’s because you like me a little bit. There have been those that come across my path that have judged me and chose to not be friends with me. I believe I have the 5 friends that we are told if we have 5 we are doing good. Friends of yesterday aren’t all still here.

The ones that read this will know I’m their friend.

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Apr 24Liked by Donny Mac

I am learning that when I start to worry that I don't have confidence in God. The pandemic taught me to leave it in God's hands, like even the birds do . 1 Peter 5 :7

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What am I, Donny? There are literally an infinite number of ways I could respond to that question: I'm a human being, a caring friend, a faithful companion, a lover of animals (especially dogs and horses), a singer, poet/writer, public relations manager (back in the day),former outreach director, and more, if I span my entire life thus far. Most of all, though, I am a person who seeks to know the truth about the inner wisdom which resides in me. How I can apply the awareness I find there to foster the greatest good (whether in small ways or larger) for all.

What am I worried about? I'm worried that those whose evil energy seems to be in control of our world right now, will create such havoc that those who aren't centered in a strong faith may give up. That they will be pulled out of alignment with God and into a vortex of endless pain, death, and suffering. It is my belief that repetitions of this pattern can only be ended when a person is ready to ask for God's help, and becomes willing to accept it.

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Apr 25Liked by Donny Mac

I know that's not what this walk is about, but I liked that you mentioned that Isaiah 58 is an exhortation to practice fasting not just as abstinence from food, but as an instrument of social justice - fasting is also about sharing with the hungry and clothe the needy.

Like you, this understanding had never occurred to me before.

When I read the chapter again and considering this perspective I saw that it was very clear.

In fact, the author reminds us that if we do this we will be called “repairs of breaches” and “restorers of streets to live in” (verse 12).


Thank you for leading me to absorb even more the teachings of the Word of God.

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Apr 24Liked by Donny Mac

What a gorgeous walk to meet with God! Such foundational questions to be asking in our lives as we walk in faith. Thank you for inviting David on to share his own insights and his beautiful song!

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Who I truly am is a child of the king Jesus.

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