Loved this timely prayer walk! I have been doing a lot of thinking about my presence on social media platforms. I feel like I am competing, comparing and worrying about what others think. When I am posting things I always think “how will others take this” rather than how do I really feel. Your walk today made me ask myself am I doing that in my Christian walk? Being a chaplain’s/preacher’s wife for a very long time and also in a job where there were many expected behavior standards I have a lot of experience conforming to expectations. That is part of my life. I can’t always say or do what I want. I accept that. I never felt like I was being disingenuous, just guarded or reserved. I emphasize the glass half full and never address the glass half empty. I know I can’t hide from God but I am good at hiding my feelings from humans. But you bring up, as always, interesting questions. Am I being fake? Do people really care? Should I share, not so much physical ailments, but rather should I be sharing when I have doubts or struggles in my faith; when my heart is hurting or confused. Should that be shared with good friends? How about just acquaintances? Do I owe people a confession? Not sure about that one. As always the feelings I express here are my opinions. You have such a way of making me think of things from an angle I have never thought of before. Thank you for your thought provoking inspiration. Can you hear my brain churning? God bless you and shower you with blessings on your continued journey.

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Wonderful questions and reflections Linda. I hope you ponder and pray long enough to find answers

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Aug 18, 2023·edited Aug 18, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

I love your ponder and pray! I have been doing a lot of that since yesterday. What I have learned is that my issue comes in a fear of vulnerability. I need to humble myself before God and man. I am a work in progress, working for a closer relationship with God. God bless you Donny and thank you. Prayers for your visa meeting. 🙏

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Linda I love everything you have expressed here I’ve been going through the same feelings and challenges as of late I understand what you are saying about posting and talking to people who maybe your not sure about and worry about what they might think of you and the vulnerability aspect of all of it sometimes I feel I have to disengage with people because it becomes over whelming for me

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Aug 18, 2023·edited Aug 18, 2023

Your comment about disengaging because it becomes overwhelming is so true for me. I have to remind myself that for the most part it is a “room” full of strangers. I rewrite and delete a lot, worrying about what others think. I love reading what others, like yourself, post. I think I will always be somewhat reserved on SM. I am trying to be more genuine and a little more vulnerable to friends that I trust, even in the virtual world, but that circle is very small right now. Thank you so much for your comment and expressing how you feel. I often feel like I am on an island. Have a great weekend.

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I understand completely Linda I as well, feel like I’m on an island sometimes it seems if you don’t conform to whoever it might be you are left to drift I feel we have to be true to ourselves and have an open mind but with that said I also feel as you this is all SM and most part these people are strangers so we tend to air on the side of caution it’s like your second guessing yourself I find it’s best to be honest to yourself 🌹🙏

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Well said! Thank you. I feel if we look around the island we are on we probably are not as alone as we think. ❤️🙏🤗

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Good morning Donny! To be honest, I still ask myself this question from time to time. Usually, that happens when I realize my walk with God is not what it should be or when I've temporarily not placed Him first. I tend to wear my emotions on my sleeve. I think people probably recognize that once they get to know me.

The part you spoke about towards the end about caring what others think about us only hurts ourselves and our growth in our own walk with Jesus. I know this to be true because growing up I was teased or bullied as they call it now and grew up with low self-esteem. I tried doing things to please the crowd to gain their approval. If you think about it, that was the worldly view back then, and it still is if we're not walking with Jesus. It's also temporary. I had a very low opinion of myself. Even though I've let that go and have forgiven whomever for whatever and myself, once in awhile thoughts like those will surface. I don't wish to "bother" or burden people. As I see it, that is pride building up in me sent by the enemy of Satan himself thinking I know better than God what people think about me or they don't care. Thanks to God first and many within this community and yourself Donny, I'm constantly growing in my faith, and this isn't as much of a problem as it used to be. God has placed so many of you in my life to help me with this. I'm so humbled, blessed, and grateful for that. Now, I love myself because I'm a "Child of God" and am "Chosen" as He first loves me.

The last thing I'll add, is it is an individual choice each of us has to make to either let God's light shine through us or not. As you said, God will help us and wants us to be that way, but it is a choice we individually make every single day when we wake up to walk the walk with Him or as you say it be fake. Today, I don't want to be fake, but walk and talk to help and encourage others in God's will. Thank you again Donny for all you do to encourage each of us through your music, your testimony of faith, and these prayer walks. Thank you for being the real you as God created!

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I fake it when I don't feel well and and someone asks me how I am feeling, and I say I am fine. I find myself doing that a lot lately. I have had a headache for a month now, with the doctor trying me on different meds for my heart. It is just easier to say I am fine than to go into detail about what has been going on with my health. People don't really want to hear about your medical problems. Donny, I love your prayer walks. They are so encouraging. I hope you have found a new vehicle and things are going well getting your visa. I continue to pray for you daily.

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Thank you for sharing Terri, I want to lovingly disagree. I want to know about yours and other medical problems so I know what to pray for and how to care for people.

I am still looking for a vehicle and have a meeting tomorrow about my visa. 🙂

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Prayers for your meeting tomorrow Donny! 🙏

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Terri, thank you for sharing. I'm glad you did so I can add you to my prayers. Praying for you right now. Galatians 6:2 - "Share each other's troubles and problems, and in this way obey the law of Christ." God bless you Terri!

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Thank you so much Anne. I covet your prayers and thank you so much for them. May you have a wonderful day today.

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Aug 16, 2023·edited Aug 16, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Great questions as usual and a fun location for the walk today. I'm quite sure I have spent plenty of time in my life faking it and not being honest about what I was really feeling. It was easier to pretend and not have people poking around in my true thoughts and emotions. More recently, though, thankfully God has grown me and I am much more an open book and am not as afraid to be vulnerable and I don't so much worry about what people think of me. I still do sometimes "put my best foot forward" and try not show my flaws, but I guess I've gained the confidence to just be who God made me to be even with my imperfections. And I have come to gravitate toward other people who are real and willing to be themselves, too. Accepting that God knows us intimately and nothing can be hidden from him reminds me that there is no use faking my way through life. Although I don't know you well, Donny, I appreciate how open and real you seem which is what makes these prayer walks even more meaningful. Thanks for the reminder today to do a heart check about whether I am being genuine and sharing openly and honestly with those around me.

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Thank you Donny for another prayer walk. I say fun because of the location, it was fun because it was part of the scenes at the movies, and a total different location that are usually our prayer walks. Your question concerning are we being fake?, required me to some deep soul-searching, and not always liking the Answers. I know that I have been fake in answering to friends of how I was, because I didn’t want them to see that I was in an unhealthy marriage. But they were able to read the signs, and knew anyway, and still loved upon me. I did leave that unhealthy relationship, at the age of 70, and started over.

I did have to apologize to friends about not being truthful to them, to which they answered, “ we know.” And I also asked God for his forgiveness, and not being truthful about my situation, but He already knew. And when I knew what I needed to do to escape, God opened the doors. Thank you for giving us another prayer walk, you are such a blessing to us. Blessings and always to you.

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Good Morning, Donny!

Ah, you are making me think this morning. I grew up in a family who preached “Don’t let them see you sweat” and “You catch more flies with honey.” It wouldn’t be surprising to hear my mom singing Dick Van Dyke’s “Put On a Happy Face” or Julie Andrew’s “A Spoonful of Sugar.” I think as a result I became a really positive person, enthused about life. I learned to see life’s challenges as things I could tackle with God and the right attitude. I think God has used me many times to be an encourager of others.

But, of course, everyone has “issues.” Ha! I do have a wonderful family and core group of friends who know most of me. I turn to them when I need guidance or lifted up. And if I really need mental help, I have a circle of professionals I confide in.

God , however, knows me the best. I have always known I can’t fool God – He knows all my thoughts. I feel really comfortable with Him because I know He accepts me & understands me even though I disappoint Him sometimes because I am definitely flawed.

I am going to think today about what you said about being fake. Am I a fraud when I am unhappy or troubled and still “walk down main street” with a “Happy Face”???

Thanks! Have a great day! (I mean that. hee hee!) ~ Jan xoxo

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These were hard questions for me. Since I was saved many, many years ago I have always wanted to carry Jesus on my face. I have wanted His light to shine and yes hide my self so others couldn’t see the depths of the real me. My daughter asked the other day why can’t we just be real with each other? I told her we don’t share everything because the human tendency is to judge the person and not feel the compassion we really should. I sit here mornings reading and listening to what God might say. I think about the woman with the issue of blood that hid in the crowd so she could get touched by Jesus and not judged for who she was. The real me typically finds what I share to others to express what I’m going through. The real me is trying to express that even if my face is showing me a bit false. You can find the real me in what I share if you care enough to look. The things I don’t hide is the way I feel when I see or hear someone attacked by words knowing full well there is bones without a heart speaking. I don’t want to appear fake so I guess God has given me a face that won’t hide my feelings. Thanks for this opportunity to share my thoughts. What I noticed about you when I met you was how real you were and I had missed that with many others before. ❤️🤗

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I love this Donnie what you have said here it made me think how SM has made us all so vulnerable and trying to fit in when we all know we are who we are there is only one of us we must be true ourselves and stop trying to fake it and putting on a fake façade🙏❤️

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Donnie I loved this prayer walk it made me really think on so many levels about my life how we need to let go and become more vulnerable and just let our true selves be and not worry if we fit into a certain category or mold to have to believe the same way as others because you worry about not fitting in or being judged I know I need to be more open with myself and disregard what others think of me and be honest with myself and to let everything go and practice more love

Blessings 🙏

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Really enjoyed this prayer walk. I have spent time being fake and often asked why? Wonderful setting for this also. As always so much to think and pray about.

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Thank you Donny for another prayer walk.It is easy to fake when you want to make things short instead of going into details. I’d rather say everything is okay than going into details.I always enjoy your prayer walks Donny because I learn many things. Did you get a new vehicle yet? I want you to know that I always pray for you and your ministry. God bless you.

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thank you for your prayers. No, I haven't found a vehicle yet. Still looking 🙂

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Good Morning, Donny. I listened to the prayer walk this morning and I'll have to admit I have to really think about that question. It's brought up a lot of things from the past that I think I was faking, like my 27 year marriage. And the things my family would say that they didn't think I was myself when I was in that marriage I was who he wanted me to be. Also growing up the oldest of 11 children, I couldn't really be myself I had to be what everybody else wanted me to be. Anyway, I'll just have to give that more thought. Love you and the prayer walks.

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Thank you for sharing Deborah. I pray that God through Jesus shows you that you CAN be yourself and that He loves you.

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Thank you. Lots to think about. I appreciate and am grateful for you.

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Donny, when I saw the title on Wednesday, I thought about the times in my life when I was faking it, mainly just to get through the day. This morning I listened to it again while taking a walk in nature and watched the sunrise. Some good questions in this walk! There was a time in my life when I was faking every day, saying to my family and friends that everything was fine, when really inside I was deeply hurting. I have shared with you before about suddenly losing my husband, for the first year after that almost everyday, I would put on my "I'm doing fine face" as I thought I could do it alone. Well, I finally realized I couldn't..let the Lord back into my life, let my family and friends back into my life and took off the I'm doing fine mask. I know there are still times when I "fake" emotions as I'm not ready to share how I am really feeling, the whole vulnerability of putting things out there. It's still a work in progress but I am getting better about sharing. I also think we all have times in our lives when we are faking it to get through a situation or a social event, I know I do.

Listening to the prayer walk this morning was a blessing and a perfect way to start my day, so thanks once again for the inspiring walk and helping my faith to grow on this journey of life! Blessings!

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Thank you so much for praying for me. I went to the doctor yesterday and now along with the issues with my heart, I have a kidney infection. But Praise God my month long headache is gone and I am actually feeling better, even with the kidney infection.

I continue to pray for you, that your meeting goes well and your visa comes through. And I pray that you find just the right vehicle for you. Many blessings, Donny.

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Aug 17, 2023·edited Aug 17, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

What an unusual place for a walk, I loved it! (It has beauty in the concreteness of the buildings and architectures).

As for the various questions, my answer is: Yes, I pretend!

Why do I do this?

Because I have a natural inclination towards sin.

Do I simulate emotions? Yes!

According to psychology, this is a matter of social survival.

Do I feel good doing this? No!

The Bible says that we are sinners by nature. Romans 8:3 "sinful flesh"; Colossians 3:5, "Earthly nature."

David says he was born with sin at work within him: "I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me" (Psalm 51:5).

Unfortunately, we do not lose our sinful nature when we receive Christ.

The Bible says that sin remains in us and that the struggle with this old nature will continue as long as we are in this world.

Thanks to God and through the life, death and resurrection of Christ we receive the grace of reconciliation with God. No matter what happened God has power to forgive and transform.

Thanks for the walk!

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Before another day passes, I must thank you for a wonderful walk and talk. Yes we are all fake at some time but to me it depends on the circumstances of the moment. I try to be sincere but it doesn't always work. This summer I am working with the public every day and I do find a cheery greeting and lots of genuine smiles helps to light up many faces. Compassion and love for fellow human beings dishevelled though they may be, is the only way to fly. By the way, your beautiful smile is back and I hope all is going well. Take care.

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