You were a trooper to make this video happen. We've all been there - that place where your mind and body are all done. I used to try to power through those times, but in my "aged" wisdom, I know to allow myself to rest when I need it. Thanks for thinking of us all, but take care of you. Prayers up for true rest, renewed energy and strength! Soon you'll be back to "soaring like an eagle" (Isaiah 40:31). 💕🙏

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Cathey - I immediately thought of Isaiah 40:31 myself and Psalm 23. Great minds think alike, LOL!! Take care and God bless you my friend!

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I love how God gives us Scripture for every occasion and he brings the same ones to others like a gathering of the saints. Hearts united! ❤️🙏

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Donny rest well. Let’s us carry the burden while you renew your strength. As a community we each need to shelter each other. Sending prayers. (Yes, I took this prayer walk as a prayer request ) we appreciate you and are grateful to have you in our lives. Love you. 🤗😊❤️

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Donny, how kind and thoughtful you were to make this video. Man, you are a trooper. Two pieces of scripture I immediately thought of when I started watching the video. 1) Psalm 23: (NLT) - The Lord is my shepherd; I have all that I need. He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name. Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me. You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings. Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.

Isaiah 40:31 (NLT) - But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.

After you get the much needed rest, you will sore God willing and I truly believe you will. Get the rest. I just saw where Cathey Cone quoted part of Isaiah 40:31 too!

I will ask for prayer for safe travels on Friday, 3/3 and coming back home on Monday 3/6. I'll be listening to my Spotify playlist on this road trip that I'm looking forward to. Take care and God bless you Donny and this wonderful community. Donny, get your rest so you can fly. God will definitely provide for you.

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Thank you Anne. I pray you have safe travels and God reveals something new to you on your journey.

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Thank you Donny! I hope God does! If He does, I will let you guys know!

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and yes, safe travels for you. His angels surround about and His hands be upon the road before you. 🙏🏼

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Thank you!

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I'll be praying for safe travel, Anne!

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Thank you!

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Prayers for a safe and blessed journey, Anne.

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Thank you!

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Praying for your trip, Anny!

God bless her!

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Obrigado Angela!

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Thank you Donny, first of all for your faith and willingness to bless us with this prayer walk but also because this is exactly what I needed today. My spirit is tired and worn out from trying to gain acceptance and validation from people. What is more worrisome, it is from people I do not even know other than through an online presence. Your inspiration today helped me focus on what is important, the only acceptance and validation needed is in my walk with the Lord. All other worldly things are just temporary when measured with eternity. I pray you get some rest and physically get renewed. Your faith is strong. It will prevail in your journey. God bless you.

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Well said 🙂🙏🏼

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Thank you Donny. I hope you got some rest and have a great Thursday. 🙏🙂

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Amen Linda!

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Thank you Anne. 🙏. Safe travels this weekend. 🙏

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Thank you!

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Why don’t you let all of us bless you back and we will pray and hold you up while you sleep. 🙏

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Yes! This

Donny we send blessings your way of His peace and strength!

Mount up like an eagle on the wind.

May His Glory shine through.

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I certainly don't mind this being shorter Donny. We don't want you getting sick. So get some rest. I'm tired today as well. My daughter came into town last night and her daughter came here and we all stayed up too late. Today we moved her daughter to a new place. Loaded and unloaded 3 cars full. So I get it. I know God gets it. He wants us in our best form. And in order to do that, we need our rest. Take care. ♥

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Donny we bless you. Take time to refresh as you can. May the Lord pour into you.

Crazy weather here. Sorry this BC snow is NOT like Alberta snow 😉

Thankful for you speaking into our lives.

He goes before you.

May the Life of Jesus course through your veins and being. His Kingdom come, His will be done.

He gives life and life abundant, not as the world gives. So we look to His abundant life.

We are in the world not of the world. So our strength does not come from the stuff of the world

Blessings dear brother.

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Donny, one can see you were super tired, so the short prayer and scriptures fit perfect, and I wouldn’t want to walk in the weather you were having today...it is currently like that here, wet, slushy snow.

I appreciate your prayers from last Sunday on the IG live, my asthma is doing much better, can breathe easier. Prayers being answered.

Donny, the prayer walks, even short one like today, challenge me every week to reflect on my walk with the Lord. My faith and my relationship with the Lord have grown with every walk.

Sending prayers for you, Donny, to get the rest you need, your path will become more clear and you will soon be on your way back to the states. Continued blessings to you as you are a blessing to many!

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thank you Linda 🙂🙏🏼

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Thank you for making this video even though you were tired and you still made it for our community,so thoughtful and kind of you Donny. Get some rest my friend and I will be praying for you. We finally received the schedule for my husband after waiting for two weeks. Prayer request as we are going the same time with my appointment next month.🙏🙏🙏

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praise the Lord

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¡Oro por ti y tu esposo, Lucy!

En español para ayudarte a practicar el idioma - lol (una vez me dijiste que necesitabas volver a hablar español).

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Buenas Dias Angela y much as gracias te aprecio. Si, puedo entender que sea es una de nuestras lenguas natives mientras creciamos y el ingles es nuestro segundo idioma.

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Awesome “Prayer Walk” Donny! It was so nice of you to do this “Prayer Walk” even though you were tired. Short or long doesn’t really matter because everything you say and pray and the Scriptures you read are so comforting. It has brightened my days and given me strength for each day. God Bless You!

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Awh, my friend I never would hold your being tired against you. I do know how hard you work and how much God wants to bless you with rest. I know Jesus was praying and needed rest and how He encourages us to rest in Him. When I’m tired I take my pillow and wrap my arms around it and in my heart I know Jesus is my resting place. Ii is a place I pray for my friends. I know you’re tired and your health will suffer if you don’t rest. Like I told you you owe me or anyone anything but love. This is what we owe you and our understanding when you’re tired and need rest. Go sleep.

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Fatigue sets in

Exhaustion takes over

God take this burden from me

Jesus is all I need to see

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Interesting! I am in the exact same place at the moment 😳 I guess the best thing to do is rest....and sometimes that means not pushing yourself to do anything at all. Listening to your body and going on 'shutdown' for a while. There is always a reason for each season of our lives. Perhaps our body is preparing for a period of intense activity- or recovering from one. I know when it happened to me I used to fight it - but now I recognise the need to relax and recharge without feeling guilty. Our bodies are so amazing and know what we need. Much love to you as you allow this time to regenerate you in every way. 💜🙏

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I find myself in the same place too. It's a "let go and let God" moment for me. Blessings!

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I pray that you will get the rest you need and that God will open that door you need opened.

And for each one that participates in our weekly prayer walks, I thank God that you are here, and I pray that God will bless you to be a blessing to others.

In Jesus Name,


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Donny thank you for this "Prayer Walk" even though you were so tired and worn out. it was just what I needed today after a long day out. Came home tired and didn't want to go to our Church Group tonight but after listening to this I have decided that yes I need to go. I pray that you will get lots of rest and a sound peaceful sleep, and that you wake up renewed and refreshed. Thank you for praying for my son Paul on Sunday. He was quite sick but has improved and came home today. May God richly Bless you in al your endeavors.

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Praise God 🙂🙏🏼

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Donny get some rest. We all know how it is when it’s all we can do is put one foot in front of the other. God has a way of letting us know when our body needs rest.🙏

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