Donny, I’ve asked myself these questions so much the past few years, and hope like you, I’ve learned something new that God helped me to acknowledge and let go of and let God carry the weight. Each time I went through this process I grew in my faith and spiritual walk which in the end I’m forever grateful. Asking ourselves these questions without beating ourselves up is essential to walk through it, learn from it, and grow faithfully from it. That’s how it’s been for me. Each time I feel an even closer connection with Him.

Thank you for this prayer walk and encouraging us to ask ourselves the hard questions. God bless you!

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I couldn’t agree more with you, Anne! Well said!

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Thank you! Happy New Year!

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Good morning Donny and thank you for doing this special walk. I listened right when I got the notice but I was being distracted by the movie i was watching with my husband. But this morning I was by myself and listened to in the quietness of my living room. Boy you do know how to draw things out of me once I start hearing you talk about hard questions. I did stop this to really pounder what you were saying about what are you bonding to. There are lots of things to be honest. Anger,failure, people pleasing thinking I’m okay but really not. Trying to stay focus on the road ahead when I went to give up. But here’s the thing I seem to always turn myself to asking God first for help, forgiveness to seek his guidance. To thank him for each day I get to rise out of bed for walking along side me when I fail each day to be the person I want to be. I celebrate Christmas because he came as a baby to grow up in human form to do wonders for us even though we don’t deserve his love. I sing to worship him. That’s the least I can do for what he does for me. I prayed for forgiveness and I asked for strength to forgive myself. I’m still working through all of these issues and I feel my faith is shaken a bit to be honest. I just keep asking God to continue to strengthen my faith and to help me get through this time. But those are the things that I’m bonding to. I haven’t given up just a little weak but I am trying my best to be strong.

Thank you done for giving me something always to think about in your prayer walks it’s good for me to hear you talk. It makes me think on things I never would think on my own. Blessings to you my dear friend.

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I rushed Mark home to hear your prayer walk.

I guess I’m not bound to tradition because mine have changed over the years. I wanted a tree for Christmas but my youngest dog wants to rip it up. I know God uses animals to talk to me about what’s important so we didn’t do a tree. I like giving gifts but Christmas is so commercialized I made the gifts hopefully the kind they will love longer than a minute. I love my family, husband and daughter but life makes things a bit challenging. What I used to think about holidays has changed. I stay away from Halloween, horoscopes and palm reading. One truth I hold is when I had cancer God opened up psalm 91 to me to reveal how much He loves me. I’m not the richest person in the world and can’t be anything but myself. I’m not special but I am to Jesus. That’s enough for me. He placed in my heart a love for animals and especially dogs. When I support someone I’m all in until I’m no longer needed. God placed me here to love. I’m going to do that one thing the best I can.

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Thank you for this Prayer Walk Donny. It made me realise that I have been holding onto a lie that I told myself (and God) in the early 1990's. Now I have to repent and ask God to help me to stop being bond by that lie and let him do what he wants to do in and through my life in however many years I have left on this earth.

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Thank you Donny. This prayer walk really resonates with me, as I know I’ve been telling myself many lies. Prayers and blessings as you continue your journey.🙏🤗

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Loved this walk. Richard and I have talked about this topic so many times before. People do things because of tradition. They don’t even know why they are doing it a lot of times. It’s just always been that way. We trying to get out of traditions and bondage. People think we are crazy but that is fine. We want to do what God wants us to do not what man wants us to do. Good word, Donny. Hope to see you soon, Rick and Gesta

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Hello Donny...Thank you for this strength that you give us with your prayer walk... I feel in my heart an immense love for the universe and God's creations... The questions are infinite and echo in my mind, about various segments, I think I have more questions than answers... I am immersed in an ocean of gratitude and respect for the creator. Thank you for the moments of pure love, in your walks of praise... I wish you a Happy New Year, may God renew your energy and your faith. A hug from Brazil... Infinite blessings 🙏

IndiaFreitas 💙 🇧🇷

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Good to see you walking Don. Keep on sharing His love every chance you get, praying some of those seeds might fall onto fertile soil.

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Thanks Donny for this prayer walk. I really needed this and it sure has given me something to think about. I am also a follower of Jesus Christ, but do have questions from time to time. Love and prayers!

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Enjoy your beautiful walk

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Looks like bear country, I would have to have bear spray lol

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Thank you for this beautiful prayer walk. Kind of surprised there isn't a ton of snow on the ground there. I really appreciate the scriptures being listed right on the page.

The Lord kept bringing me back to, be still and listen, what are the lies I keep telling myself? And I need to purposefully listen and continue to ask myself this.

Abundant blessings of grace and peace be upon you.

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I enjoyed this walk very much, I wanted to listen to it a couple times to approach your questions in a more thoughtful manner. There have been more than a few times in my life I have questioned faith and why things happen the way they do. But, I also always hold on to the promise and hope that things are going to be OK. Maybe not OK in the way I wanted , but OK. I struggle a bit in my friend group with conversations about religion, because there are so many belief systems and I personally do not think there is not one religion that is more faithful than another. Many times these conversation bring into question the right and wrong way to worship or the "proper" way to practice faith. Others may not agree, but I don't think faith can be forced on you, you have to come to that on your own. We are all bound by the teachings of our upbringing and the paths we have chosen to walk as adults, but I believe faith comes to you in the moment you realize you are the only one who can truly chose your path. Blessings to you, the light you continue to spread through your faithful journey is making more of impact that you may ever realize.

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Hey Donny as always I really enjoyed your prayer walk I am always asking GOD to help me to let me know what I am doing that isn't pleasing to him and help me to be a better Christian each and every day 🙏🙏 I also ask you to keep me in your prayers I am having problems with my foot and I can't hardly walk my foot burns and hurts so I can't work 🙏🙏 I wish I could help to do your prayer walks but I pray for you all the time 🙏🙏 also Donny your past two prayer walks where breaking up real bad 😔 Thank you for what you do cause it means alot to me 🙏🙏

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praying for your healing now

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Thanks hope your next prayer walk won't keep breaking up 🙏🙏

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