I had to stop this video more than once because it was emotional for me. That cemetery broke my heart. But so did your questions. A year and a half ago, God led me to walk away from a job that I was in for 19 years and I thought I still had a ways to go. I resisted leaving it with everything in me and had every excuse in the book of why I thought I should stay. When I finally listened to God and quit, there was no plan for what was next for me. I asked nearly every question you asked here today. I couldn't hear what God had for me. Surprisingly, the best advice I got was from someone who is deeply spiritual but not a Jesus follower. He said to confront all those feelings of fear, anxiety, loss, confusion and to let them pass through. He said that my next job was to connect to God, trust his guidance and get into my heart, then the next step would come. Sound like anyone we know? It was a process I have had to repeat over and over in the last 18 months. But every time I do, the next step shows up and it's better than I could have imagined. I think we may have in common that we are doers and tend to get ahead of God sometimes. You said you feel unsure and are questioning what's next. Then you asked if you needed to just be still. As hard as that is when you see things to do, that might be exactly what God wants from you so He can show you His next steps for you. And they may end up looking nothing like what you expected or imagined when you said "yes" to the journey to Nashville. I'll be praying that God shows you those next steps one at a time.

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I just quoted what you said about "standing still" in my comment.

I like a metaphor I heard in some sermons that I don't remember who did it, but it says that Jesus overcame temptation with "the wilderness, fasting and prayer" which for me refers to being quiet and introspective to hear what God has to say .

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I have learned there is so much value in getting to a quiet place to just listen. I've always been a big prayer, but often I would do all the talking. It's hard for me sometimes to calm my thoughts and give room for God to do the talking, but doing it regularly has blessed me tremendously!

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I understand you, I'm talkative and proactive, so I have a hard time quieting my mind, I think my mind doesn't stop even when I sleep - lol. But, I'm learning to be quiet and it's been so good, but I still have a long way to go.

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"I'll be praying that God shows you those next steps one at a time." And so will I, Cathey!

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A little over a year ago I walked away from my job because my dad was entering the final days, weeks or months of his life and I was his primary caregiver. I was unable to concentrate on my job and also take care of him (and his affairs) in his time of need. While I was aware of the financial burdens this would probably bring me, I did what I felt I needed to do. Was I certain that this was what God wanted me to do? No. But I was unable to do anything else, and I felt that God must have allowed me to reach that point – where I would be able to walk away from that job in confidence and with no fear, and thus be able concentrate on my dad. When he passed, I was devasted and completely alone, wondering what in the world had I done? And yet I felt no regrets whatsoever. I prayed, I grieved. I kept moving. I handled my dad’s matters. I looked for work and applied to jobs. I was rejected, rejected, and rejected. It was during this time that I was led to Graham’s Time Has Come podcast, which led me right here to Donny’s Prayer Walk. This community has supported me in amazing ways, and I was able to survive those difficult months. I am grateful to each and every one of you. A year later, I am about to return to the workplace. I have a conviction that this is where I am meant to be, and that I was meant to go through all that I’ve gone through since September 2021. Whatever faith I had was a gift from God, and it was His grace and mercy that have guided me down this path. Now what? Only God knows, and I pray that I will continue in faith and cooperate with His move. Wow, this was more than I intended to write! This Prayer Walk was intense and emotional, and it opened up a lot that has been suppressed. Donny, I am confident that you are on the right path because He has led you here. Keep the faith and continue in prayer.

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I am so glad things are looking hopeful for you!

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Thanks, Cathey. That is exactly how I feel...hopeful. God is good.

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A mighty powerful walk today my friend. Emotional and thought provoking as well. As you know I am currently in the process of having a home built and moving 3 hours away from everyone and everything I know. I am 71 years old. I have bounced back and forth so many times to the tune of "Whatever am I doing, what am I thinking of"? There have been a couple of disapproving "friends" and when I listen to them, I totally want to back out of this. Which at this point I can't do, that option is no longer there. You have seen the house under construction. There is no backing out. But I have a good friend, an extremely religious friend. This is what she said to me. If God has provided a way for me to make this move and there have not been any glitches along the way, he is telling me to go forward, everything will work out and be ok. Proceed with my plans; God has taken my hand and will guide me. I think of this frequently as I prepare for this big move. A great walk today Donny. Thank You.

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Days ago the pastor of my church preached about conviction X preferences, he said that preference is associated with what I want, but conviction is the certainty that we believe that God will do the best and that his plans are better than ours. It takes conviction to overcome all the struggles and storms we face.

His words reminded me of this preaching!

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Last year I didn’t know you, Donny Mac. What I have learned about you hopefully I can express all God wants me to say here. here ? When you were coming here I knew you were coming out of faith. But just like God knows where the dry land is He knows who He can trust to bring the water. It had to be someone with a dream, trust in Him and was willing to do what it takes to bring faith back to here. He was feeding your dreams but touching so many that needed to hear His voice. You have encouraged me more than you will ever know. I felt like I finally got a helper. God is not done with either of us. You can be assured He is still with you. That was His promise to you when you left Canada and me when I found a new friend.

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Donny's faith is something that impresses me and to see that God has honored him is a beautiful testimony for us.

When I think about what Donny did when he left Canada I feel so small and so little faith.

And I pray asking God to increase my faith!

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Donny, I can say this was pretty emotional for me as well. As you were talking and walking, I was thinking and evaluating my own life. Am I totally surrendering myself in faith and trust to God, or am I just going through the emotions? To be honest, there are days when I believe my faith is stronger than others, but overall, like I've shared over on my blog and here, my faith and trust in God is so much stronger now than it was over 7 months ago.

With that said, 2 Corinthians 5:7 comes to mind which simply states, "Walk by faith and not by sight." There's a song by contemporary Christian artist, Jeremy Camp that's called "Walk by Faith." Back in June of this year, I wrote about Faith and included this song of Jeremy Camp's. There's a phrase in this song that really speaks to me. I'd like to share again what that was and what I wrote about it. "With one breath, you made me new, your grace covers all I do." In one breath, one moment, Jesus laid down his life for each of us on the cross and paid the total price of DEATH which closed the book on all our sins. Donny, in your song, "Home", the phrase "To live is Christ, to die is gain" which is Philippians 1:21 is one my favorite lines. Living means fruitful service for Christ, and dying is even better because that would mean no more problems, pain, etc.

Faith is the key to life's journey for me now. I cannot fathom a life without it, and I don't want to. Donny, as I've shared with you and in previous comments here or on Time Has Come, my life changed greatly the first of March. Donny, both you and Graham have had an impact on my life in many different ways. We never know when God may work through any of us, but He has literally worked through you to inspire and encourage me and many others in this community. I'm so grateful to have to have met you and call you my friend as well as so many new friends in this wonderful community.

Totally surrendering my life to Christ through faith and trusting completely in HIM along with having an in depth Bible Study nearly every morning since then has led me to do things I thought I would never be capable of. I really can't understand why or how God got me here, but all I knew was to trust that tug on my heart after time spent in the Word and through prayer. I simply did not want to do anything but to follow God's will. I knew that tug was coming from God. Also, I can honestly say God can reveal his will or direction for your life definitely through the Word.

I don't know where God will be taking me in the coming months or years, but all I know is to try and remain faithful in my daily walk which consists of prayer, daily Bible study, being still & quiet. None of us know that because that is what Faith is. All I do now is try and let "Jesus take the wheel" and take it "One Day at a Time." If you think about it, that is really all we can do. Totally surrender to God through faith & trust he knows best.

Donny, thank you for an incredible prayer walk and encouraging each of us to take a look at our own walk of faith with God. Prayers lifted to you my friend and to this community which is simply amazing.

Quick note, I went to the doctor today to make sure everything was okay after the pain I experienced last week. Doctor took x-rays, and unless the radiologist finds anything that my doctor couldn't see, it does look like it was a pulled muscle that will take time to heal. It's mostly just soreness now and very manageable. Thank you so much for the prayers. They were felt and definitely appreciated.

Donny, God bless you and to all in this beloved community!

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Donny, several months ago, I wrote this poem on Faith, and I haven’t shared it, but God laid it on my heart during my quiet time this morning to share.


Sitting along the shore,

My heart beats rapidly.

My brain wants to explore,

As I’m filled with anxiety.

As I watch the waves crashing,

I feel I’m losing my faith.

The fear of something attacking

Is not something I wish to embrace.

Be still, be quiet, and just breathe.

Pray to God for guidance.

Release all those insecurities

That currently rule my conscience.


Father, all in thy hands

Forwarding all issues to heaven

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Hmm. We were writing at the same time and I see a theme in our comments!

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Yeap, indeed. Of course I have to be long winded and detailed being the Accountant in me I guess. LOL!! But every bit of that is true. We never know what's around the corner, and frankly I don't want to know. That's what faith is. A lot of us will have that in common.

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😂 Well, being a writer, I have a hard time paring down words, too, so I get it. Confession here: sometimes I DO want to see what's around the next corner.

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Sometimes or should I say "Some Days" me too, when those "feelings" as Donny puts it or another word "Pride" wants to know.

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You are an inspiration in empathy.

May God continue to bless your life and all his plans!

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Thanks Angela! It’s all God! Take care and may God bless you!

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Donny, you had me in tears several times during this walk. You are doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing my friend. You are walking in faith and preaching to all who will listen. You have gotten me to listen. I am nowhere near where I need to be but you and the people of this community are doing a good job holding my hand and leading me to where I need to be.

At one point you were standing in the cemetery and speaking of God’s faithful servants, the sunlight from the heavens were shining down on you. Gods love was lighting you up.

I am crying again just writing this. Thank you for all that you do. I am forever grateful. ❤️🙏

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Amen Jan! Jan, you are inspiration to me more than you know. You are walking in faith my dear friend. I see it over on Instagram in what you share. God is using you even when you don't know it. That's exactly how it happens. This community has been brought together by God. Just remember we are all growing. We will until it is time for us to go to our eternal home! Take care and God bless you my friend!

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Ok. Now you have me crying again! I just want to do more. I love you all! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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I totally understand. Keep that heart open. Be still, quiet, and guess what, God will direct your path! It's a daily choice, not easy, but it truly pays off in the end when you see or hear someone is blessed!

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Hey Jan,

The Bible says in Psalm 147:3 “God is pleased with a broken and contrite heart”. I love this psalm because it teaches us that we can open our hearts to God and He does not judge us, on the contrary, He heals our wounds.

Keep going, you're doing great!

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Hi Donny, thank you for another thought provoking Prayer Walk. Back in the early 90's when I hadn't been a christian for very long I was woken by a very loud voice telling me that he was going to make a prophet. After thinking about who it might have been and inquiring of some christian friends the concensus was that it was God. However I didn't have the faith to believe that I could do that as I looked at my own inabilities and not at what God could do so I shut off from the possbility. I have missed out on so much by not having the faith in God to do what he said he would do. However I do believe that God keeps his word and although it may not be exactly the way it would have worked out back then, I believe he is giving me the ability in the Poems he has inspired me with since our friend Graham's challenge back in August. Although I have thought they were more about me I have found that many others have resonated with them as they have spoken to them. Keep doing what you believe God has called you to and he will direct your path as long as you are listening and obedient to what he says. If he is silent it most often means you are on the right track.

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I listen to your video a couple times and also cried, tears of joy . For me faith is the spiritual strength that God gives you founded on wonder-working triad. If I didn’t have a strong faith I wouldn’t be here in earthly life, our Lord God shows us how we are to behave with others by actively demonstrating these virtues through his own unblemished behavior towards you. If you take God at his word, your ordinary day-to-day life should be a reflection or an acting - out of his promises to you. Your relationship with others should be an energetic, vital mirror image of the trustworthy, loving and merciful God you have come to know. It really is a simple as one to have faith. We must strive for faith in all our dealings, whether with others or with yourself, if you want to be fully pleasing God. I was in a very dark place the beginning of my journey and I was a coward and angry at God but my husband and family just keep,pressing on towards me. Today I am fully pleasing God and this I pray daily.” God, I want to build my life upon the principles of Faith, Hope, and Love . Guide me and keep me on the right path. Amen.

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What a powerful walk, Donny! Your passion is contagious. As many comments stated, it was an emotional walk. I was challenged as I was reading Hebrews 11 through 13 of all of the individuals who followed the Lord’s lead. The phrase “By faith” just kept striking a chord with me. Every single individual stepped out by faith. I indeed feel that I have stepped out in faith as far as career paths in the last several years. And lately starting to write a book has definitely been an act of faith. But, in my personal life is where I feel like I have to step out in faith. And I’m not quite sure where God is leading me on that one. By faith to be vulnerable is what is ringing true in my ears at this moment!. That’s a tough one!!!

I love it that benediction in Hebrews 13: “[He will] equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.” Hebrews‬ ‭13:21‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Blessings to all!!

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Wow! What a great inspirational prayer walk. Don’t let your faith wavier. Stay on the path you are taking. We all feel that way sometime but Jesus is always with us. Just like that poem Footprints in the Sand. There are two sets of footprints (yours and Jesus) and then there is only one set of footprints. Because there is one set of footprints means that Jesus is carrying you through your difficult time and troubles.

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Thanks Donny for another beautifully inspiring prayer walk. This past summer my faith has been tested many times, which has left me asking why is this happening, or what is the Lord trying to teach me. Then I remember to stop, listen, spend time reflecting and trust as I’ve done in the past. I know God is beside me, guiding me every day in my faith.

Did a prayer walk this morning asking for the guidance on what going on in my life currently.

On another note, your walks have helped me find more inner peace and if I listen to them before going to bed, they are like a quiet meditation before sleep.

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Just listened to the prayer walk. When I got the email with the title I decided to wait to listen and really think about my faith and was it in motion? I think there are times when much is required of our faith, big steps and there are times to be still, and re-nourish our hearts and minds. When I made the decision to sell my home in California of 25 years and move across the country the plan was to be half a year on the west coast and half a year on the east to spend time with all my kids. My house sold in a day, I found a beautiful rv in my price range, the plans were set. Then my son was diagnosed with a fatal brain tumor, I questioned every decision I had made, my son made me promise to continue in the plan to move so I did. I moved in December of 2019 right before the pandemic, my son died March of 2020 just before the locked downs. My home is in a new community so when I moved in I had construction all around me, I was home for a month before I went back to California to be with my son til he passed into the arms of Jesus. I flew back east the day California went into lockdown and outside of my daughter I knew no one. God gave me lots of time to be with Him and grieve. Though that process I found a church home, have made good friends and been given an opportunity to serve through singing in a choir and now being on a praise team. I've joined in this wonderful community and connected with inspiring people here. How we live our lives has impact on those around us that are watching and people are watching each if us, be it our families, those we work with or live around.

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Donny I believe in the last 3 years my everyday life has been a test of Faith for me, not by my choice to step out but something God chose for me. First our home was damaged in a hurricane right after our homeowners insurance was canceled due to improper under-skirting, and then shortly after my husband going out of work because of an injury . I started working 6 days a week and every second of my free time I give to my girls... (they can go with me to work so that alone is a blessing) Everyday was a mental and financial battle , so in February I stumbled across a podcast featuring some dude called DonnyMac ! After watching that podcast my whole lifestyle has changed I put my Faith in God and the people he has blessed me to come to know and I have never been more spiritually, mentally and somewhat financially blessed. We out in April we are getting a new home (hopefully in the next year) for FREE ! My husband is finally able to go back to work. And brighter days are ahead. To GOD be the glory ....I know to always run to God with every burden , blessing or advice I need. And it means the world to be able to message a friend and ask “Pray for me🙏” And without hesitation they do.... Faith is something you can easily slip away from but when you do find it, its glorious ... I’m so thankful for Faith and everyone who blesses me everyday to remind me I’m worthy of His love. Thank you Donny ❤️

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Heidi - what an amazing story. Like you, and so many of us that podcast and seeing how God works through Donny and Graham too in bringing this community together is simply amazing. We are all so blessed and I am eternally grateful. Like Cathey said in her reply to me, it seems we have a very similar theme. We are all here because of God first and foremost, but two guys in particular who are truly friends and decided to share, and we were able to see & hear Donnys testimony of faith! To God be the glory! Take care and God bless my friend!

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❤️thank you God bless you too 🙏

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As a chronic overthinker, I want to say, “Don’t overthink this.” Thanks for the reminder today!!!

If your idea was to grow your music career to honor God when you left Canada, keep working at that. God gave you the gift of music. (I think that gifts He gives us are meant to serve Him.) And I wouldn’t be surprised if He planted the idea to go to Nashville in your head . I bet God said, “Ok, Donny, go to it. Let’s see what you can do. I’m here if you need me. ” I think you SHOULD have a plan and just let God guide you. if your plan is aligned with His, God will help you through the problems & challenges. Have you seen evidence of that so far? (I think I have with what you’ve shared.) You may be serving His purpose many times over already without even knowing it.

One time -- I think God gave me the idea to direct a show in memory of a fellow teacher who died young. I was hoping to honor her and raise money for her children. Of course, there were many challenges, but when one of the actors quit the show an hour before our first performance, I almost had a panic attack. I think we must have been aligned with God’s plan because He provided another actress for the part right away. I couldn’t believe it. I should have had more Faith. One of the actor’s sisters had been attending a lot of the rehearsal with her & volunteered to fill in. She had all the lines & songs memorized already.

I'm going to direct another show in the next couple months to benefit some good causes in my community. I'm stepping out in Faith. So I hope you keep pointing your compass at where YOU want to go; I bet He called you to that. Trust whatever should be – will be. If it’s only your Ego directing you, and God doesn’t want you going there; he’ll change the direction on the compass without you even realizing it. Keep going...

Sorry for preaching at you, but in my gut I believe you are on the right road. God Luck!

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Amen to all that you have written, Jan. I have sensed the same thing - that God can use Donny's music in a powerful way. Lately I have been disappointed in the modern Christian music. Much of it is great, but sometimes I think that it would be so good to turn on "K Love" and hear Donny Mac singing his messages with that country twang. 🙏

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I think I will be redundant, but in fact this walk was special and made me think how much I have a good life!

The transitions I made were all very well planned, including the result of a lot of prayer, this shows me, that I have actually experienced what Psalm 34:8 says “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in him.”

Of course, I've had and have ups and downs, but when compared to others it makes me feel like I'm "a spoiled crybaby", anyway, I don't have much to say if it's based on my experiences, but the light of the Bible I share some scriptures that corroborate with the questions asked.

The first biblical passage I would quote you already mentioned “Be still, and know that I am God”, incredible, but this verse, in some way, is accompanying the last three walks. So, I agree with what I said to Cathey, maybe this is the time to stop and let God “execute”.

Another verse that I love and find so powerful is in Lamentations 3:21 “I want to bring to remembrance what can give me hope”

Dude, look how many lives have been and are being impacted by the Walks! That is success and in the fullest meaning of the concept. Success that reverberates in heaven.

The third verse is in Jeremiah 29:11-14, see what verse 11 says: “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” – when I remember this verse I scream 'HALELUIA'!

Every time I pray for you I feel that you are on the right path and that the Holy Spirit is leading your life!

Thank you for everything you've done for this community, for sharing your musical talent to bring us joy and all the 20 walks you've taken so far!

God is with you Donny!

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Your prayer walk I enjoy so much to me but this one really hit home for me 🙏🙏 I am praying over it every day and please pray for me that GOD would open the doors that I need 🙏🙏 in Jesus name I pray 🙏🙏

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Amen Heidi! Have patience which is hard, and believe me, it will happen in His timing. Rest in his presence and he will lead you accordingly. Not easy, but trust that he will.

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Just be still.... I love you Robin! God hears your prayers , his timing ❤️

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Thanks love you

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