
Donny, this prayer walk was perfect for me today. My day was so busy, as I sat down to listen I thought I just need sometime to let go of the day....you started sharing about just going to take time today to sit and listen, I said thank you Lord for sending Donny with this walk, it is what I need. Did you know listen and silent use the same 6 letters? I sat in my quiet home, listened to the sounds from your walk, gave thanks to God for the day, the many blessings that came into my life the past few days, and listened to God. The past couple months have been challenging for me, there was a lot of why is this happening to me questions, what are you trying to tell me Lord? Tonight as I sat in silence, I felt Him telling me it’s going to be okay, He showed me the blessings in my life, there is love and peace in my life, I need to share this love and peace with others. I shared with you this poem awhile ago, thought I would share it again here.


Story, song, messages, signs came to me

Different but same, what am I to see?

Same song kept playing, sung in different ways

Music is a rhythmic sign, what does it say?

Inspiring story of a life, strong faith was the start

Yet another sign, what did it say to my heart?

Books, books, rearrange, pages open to a sign

Special note by a friend, what am I to align?

Signs get louder, louder, be still my mind

Embrace silence, listen a message to find.

Prayer, meditation show me what to heed,

Believe in yourself, you have all you need.

Trust your faith for guidance every day

Gratitude for blessings, love is here to stay.

Share peace, love, joy for all to see

This is what the signs said to me.

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Thank you for this beautiful time of meditation and listening for God's voice. Even though I've been a believer most of my life, it's only in the last couple years that I have learned how much I need times of quiet so He can speak into my life. Some things in my life lately have reminded me how much I need to trust Him with everything because He is God and I am not. Life can certainly throw things at us that shake our resolve and make us feel out of control. Maybe they happen so we remember who really is in control and that we can surrender to that. When I got quiet during the video just now, God put this verse on my heart: "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33). These are the words of Jesus. Who better could we have walking beside us than the overcomer of the world? Who else could give us true peace? I needed this today - thanks for helping me take the time to get quiet and listen. Feeling very blessed.

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God is with me and I know this everyday. Your friend Graham had his poem out yesterday and it was actually a meditation. I turned his meditation into prayer time. What God revealed to me is my lack of trust. Trust in people. Perhaps it’s because when I become friends with someone they find it so easy to walk away and cease the friendship. The blessing I got was knowing this and the sovereignty of God and my trust in Him becomes stronger. I do know I try too hard to be a friend. I would just love that the friends I do make they stick around a bit and give me returned trust. Thank you sweet Donny for what you do for so many of us. God bless you,

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This was a very peaceful, encouraging "Prayer Walk" Thank you for being obedient to what you sensed God was telling you. I have found it hard in the past to really hear God but since Graham challenged us to write a poem each week for a month God has inspired me with not just 3 poems for the challenge but 2 others since. !The one I wrote yesterday was about Living Water and the river and water today was so wonderful to listen to. Today I didn't hear anything specific as I kept thinking about that poem and the water. Thank you for your willingness to spend the time doing these prayer walks for us.

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

Thank you Donny, this is my first time on the prayer walk for me it was so touching that I could feel God touching my heart.

This just what I needed in my life right now 🙏🏻

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

I've already mentioned that I have a very active mind, I'm talkative and I act on several fronts, so I almost never "stop". But during the pandemic (this was a good thing she did for me) I started dedicating a few nights to prayer, when everything is silent I can better connect with God.

It's always great to hear from you! That's why we're looking forward to prayer walk, so this episode was a pleasant surprise, especially as it continued recording at that moment that proposed silence.

You were very wise in the production of the video, the river, the noise of the waters and the singing of the birds contribute to decrease the mental energy, in my case, in São Paulo/Brazil we had a rainy night, guiding me even more to the contemplation of creation God's.

During all my meditation Psalm 46 cames to my mind, especially verse 10 that I have in my memory: “Be still and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the Gentiles; I will be exalted above the earth.” As well as a quote from Billy Graham: “Ask God to show you His plans for you, not just bless your dreams”.

Thanks for the walk. God bless you!

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Donny thank you for this prayer walk,I struggle thru the night . I prayed, meditate talk to God nothing to calm myself and my mind were very restless. So I start baking at 4:30 AM after all baking is done I decided to go for a very long walk and talk to God. I asked myself should I handed it over to God? I know all too many times I will say , “I got this,” with tears in my eyes. Do I and do I push through and make it happen? Yes, usually but it’s a struggle. How much easier would it have been if I partnered with my Father in Heaven , the one who loves me beyond measure. Today be still long enough to hear direction from above, allow myself moments to reconnect and not react in haste. Breath and know that this day is a gift and one fill of promises. Today be still , be at peace.

Ecclesiastes 3:7 A time to tear and time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak.

Be still in your mind

For a moments time,

To hear the quite whispers

From deep,in your souls.

Like a dance

Frozen and focused.

Each step a speechless

Enhancement of love.

Allow the tranquility

To open with in you,

To feel the beat of

another’s drum,

Be filled with joy

React not in haste-

But truly, in abundant love.

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Sep 22, 2022·edited Sep 22, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

Hi Donny ~ I often walk & meditate by a river in farm country just as you did today. The stepping stones the Wyandot Indians used to cross the Sandusky River are still there in the river behind me. When I sit on a bench there, I often wonder if it's God, Indian spirits or my own self-talk whispering to me??? I hope it is God. It seems as if someone wants to tell me that I am loved but that I am not the Center of the Universe -- that I am only a wonderful part of it just like the butterflies that flit by & the wind that blows my hair. Recently, I feel like I am not being asked to fix this broken world any longer -- but that my purpose is to learn from all this worldly chaos -- to "fix" myself -- that -- that's really why I'm here. How do you know if it's God talking to you? Is it a feeling for you?

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Thank you Donny for this episode! I will follow your advice; I need a direction from God to make some decisions. Blessings to you! 🙏🏼😇

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Sep 22, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

Thank you Donny Mac for reminding me

not to always “unload” but to just sit still and listen. I enjoyed the peace of this message. Although I don’t know that God said anything to me, it was a blessing to just take the quiet time and listen.

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Being still and listening hard for alot of people, I think we have to learn to enjoy stillness and quiet.. We live in a world that offers constant entertainment whether it's music always in the background to a TV on. As I've grown older, I enjoy the silence more as it helps me keep conversing with God, His creation and listening.

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Your prayer walks are wonderful. I enjoy them so much. I live in such a peaceful place and walk very day listening to the sounds God has provided for me. I sit outside every day just enjoying what He has provided for me. I love watching the birds come to the feeders and to the water feature to drink water. God is blessing me so much.

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I’m completely humbled by this prayer walk, several of you know I am not a “be still” person .. i’m always staying busy .but tonight I went for a quick walk, pushed aside the school work and tinned in and meditated. Today has been a really tough day for me emotionally and being still is just what I needed. 🙏 thank you

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Donny, thank you for this special prayer walk today. It is such a crazy and noisy world we live in today, I truly believe we need to take time, be still, and really listen to what God is trying to tell us. I can’t always go for a walk in nature, but I really try and make it a point every morning to have what I call a quiet time alone with God. If I don’t, my day goes a little haywire. My alone time consists of taking a deep breath, being still, and quieting myself so I can try to really be one on one with God. There are days that are better than others, but I do try. I don’t force it. I really dive into HIS word and try to understand what he’s trying to tell or teach me. Afterwards, I quiet myself and go into the prayer time. I really try to quiet my heart and my mind. I do fail at this at times because I’m not perfect and make mistakes. Luckily, it’s quiet at my house except for an occasional clock that strikes, but that is what I try and do every day. I do love to walk and be in nature, but most of the time, God reveals his will to me through his word and right there in that room. I loved the sound of the water running down stream in the video. I do agree with you that we do need to take the time to get quiet and really seek him with our whole heart, mind, body, and soul. I feel very humbled and blessed today! Thanks again Donny!

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This afternoon I came to this walk down and discouraged. I asked the Lord for guidance and to speak to my heart. That's all, with no agenda. I had to let go of everything and trust that God is in control, no matter what I see or think. God is so good! The silence and the scenery were beautiful. I kept meditating on the well-known verse "Be still and know that I am God." Psalms 46:10. Thank you for a very timely prayer walk, and blessings to all.

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Sep 21, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

I felt the Lord encouraging me to "move", but I'm not sure what it means. Somehow, I don't think it is in the physical sense. But, I also felt pulled to write about this--so time will tell if this message is meant for me or someone else reading it. Thank you Donny.

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