Mar 22, 2023·edited Mar 22, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

I really think you answered your own questions in this walk today. The only truth is God's truth so the more we are in tune with Him, allowing the Holy Spirit to lead, the more we will bow to His truth rather than our own. Our own truth is influenced by Satan, by the world, by others around us and our own selfish human desires. And yes, they do conflict. In our flesh, we want it all. We are greedy, self-serving, sinful individuals without God's truth ruling in us. We want what we want regardless of whether it's truly good for us. But God never gives up trying to teach us that what He wants for us is far better than anything we could want for ourselves unless the only thing we want is for Him to rule our hearts and make the desires of our hearts to be His will and His ways. I'm reminded of Jesus' time in the wilderness when he was tempted with everything the world and Satan had to offer and yet overcame the temptations with God's own words. He's the example of what to do with conflicting desires. Jesus said, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32). Thanks for the prayer "sit" today. It was nice to receive it early today so I could start the day focusing on God's truth. Thanks, Donny!

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Hi Cathey, thank you for bringing to mind the passage of Jesus in the desert and how clever Satan was when trying to convince Jesus to the pleasures of the world!

This made me think of "desire" as an act of "will" and in the perspective of psychology that says: "will" offers us the "desire" but also the opportunity to "choose". And this ability to “choose”, for followers of Christ, must be an action of the Holy Spirit, as Donny rightly said!

Galatians 5:16 "But I say to you, Walk in the Spirit, and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh."

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Spot on, Angela! Allowing the Spirit to lead helps us keep those fleshly desires in check. I also think about Paul in Romans 7 when he talks about doing the things he hates and how it's his sin nature that can only be overcome by walking in the Spirit. That's why it's so important for us to make it a priority to spend time in the Word and in prayer so our minds are "set on things above and not earthly things". (Col. 3:2)

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Mar 22, 2023·edited Mar 22, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Donny, it is 5:10am, and I'm usually up every morning at this time. This is the start of the day for me having my quiet time with God. When I saw the email on the phone that it posted at 4:00am EST, I was excited that I could include this with my devotion and prayer. I totally agree with you that the only "Truth" is from God. Any other truth to me would be of the "flesh" which would be our pride. To me, our sinful pride makes us think we are better than someone else, as I believe when we do that, we are placing ourselves above God.

Obedience to God will lead us to know his will, but to know when we should step in or out of conflict, we need to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. First and foremost we need to hold ourselves accountable to God, but I also believe God places people in our lives that can help hold us accountable. For me, God uses this community and these prayer walks to help hold me accountable.

A verse I read this morning in my quiet time is 2 Corinthians 5:21 which states, "For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ." Our sinful desires of the flesh lead to conflict, but we're forgiven through the blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus took our sin, and he became sin for us.

God gave us the free-will to choose. It's up to each one of us, to either choose His way or not. To be honest, I've wanted my cake and eat it to. I was wrong, and I truly accept that. I was a couch potatoe, and didn't care much about myself. I wanted to escape life, so I used food as a source of temporary means of filling my life up. I was backslidden in my faith for a number of years, and it almost took its toll on me physically. I avoided conflict within myself and became my own worse enemy. When I gave my heart and life back to Jesus (a re-dedication) little over a year ago, I asked God to help me remain obedient to His will and not mine. I wanted a better life and a closer relationship with Jesus. Fast forward to today, God has done amazing things in my life, but I try to remain each day in His will even when I face a challenge, large or small. Is it easy, no, but I'm glad I said "Yes" again to Jesus, and "No" to the old way I was living. The conscious decision I made that night over a year ago, literally saved my life. I have a burning desire or passion if you will to encourage others and spread the love of Jesus to them. As you say so often, I just want to love people in Jesus's name. I am God's vessel to be used however, he guides me or wherever that takes me. My life has literally changed for the better, and I rejoice in that decision.

If I have one prayer request, is to pray for me to know God's will each day for my life and let me be obedient to His will and not my own. Thank you again Donny for another amazing Prayer Walk and sharing what's on your heart. That speaks volumes when I can see you're being led by God. God bless you my friend and this entire community. Love to you my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

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Thanks for sharing. I am praying for you now.

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Thank you Donny! I appreciate it very much! God bless you!

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Thanks for saying what time the walk was sent!

I only saw it at the end of the day (Brazilian time) and I was completely lost, because this week is very busy for me.

I have a huge delay.

I'll watch it calmly and then comment.

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You're welcome! It was perfect for me just to extend my quiet time alone in the morning. Take care and God bless you!

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Just joined today. I really enjoyed this prayer walk.

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Welcome Donna, thanks for joining us 🙂

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Hey Donna, welcome to this wonderful community, here are people from different countries, I'm from Brazil and where are you from? 😃I love interacting, especially in multicultural communities, we learn so much. 😃

Thank you for being here and count on our prayers! 🙏🙌

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Louisiana USA

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Welcome to the group Donna.

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Donny thank you for all your dedication and inspiration to this community, the love and support from everyone is phenomenal. My perspective of “living our best life” means you take what God has blessed you with and you roll with it. (God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. )

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Donny, thanks for the early prayer walk today. As always a thought provoking walk and inspiring me to dig deeper into my faith. I’ve been thinking about your questions, thoughts all morning, there have been many challenges in my life, I haven’t always been a seeker of truth, believing the truth I would tell myself.. am working on this, God is the truth, the way, and the life. Thanks for inspiring to did deeper into my beliefs, trust and faith. Continued prayers for you Donny, on your journey...

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Hi Donny ~ what a perfect Prayer Walk for me today. I’ve been wrestling with conflicting desires for two weeks now & I even knew I was lying to myself. But your video has motivated me to finally say, “Enough, let it go!” As you and Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor say, I can choose to be more loving.

I just finished directing a play, working really hard to make $25,000 for 3 recipients. I’ve been upset that one of them hasn’t been very grateful. So in my mind I’ve been trying to decide whether I should point that out to them -- rationalizing that it would help them have better public relations in the future. Ha! Well, that’s the lie. My real desire wasn't really to help them, but to “make them pay a price." Ewww! The truth hurts, but brings such freedom.

Thanks again for being the catalyst for change... ~ Jan xoxo

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amazing! The truth sets us free. Thank you for sharing

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Thank you Donny for another thought provoking and timely prayer walk. My husband and I yesterday had a long discussion about truth and how writings about it discuss absolute truth vs. relative truth. We asked the same questions about truth as you brought up in this walk. Relative truth seems to us to be more like a subjective perspective, the way I want, desire to, or see things. It is fluid. Absolute truth is that which cannot be changed, as you said set by the One who created all things. These are my simplistic thoughts and there are many more knowledgeable people than me who can discuss it much better than I just did. On your question of justifying my behaviors, I am my biggest critic, my bar is very high and based on the Word of God. My issues comes in accountability. I tend to be easy on myself in justifying behaviors and consequences. In other words I quickly recognize my bad behaviors but rather than comparing myself to others’ behaviors I simply say to myself, I will do better tomorrow and God will forgive me. Committing time to God, patience with others and healthy habits are my biggest challenges. It is a work in progress with the Holy Spirit and me. Thank goodness the abundant love of God also comes with His patience. 🙂 Thank you again and God bless you on your journey.

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I want to respond honestly to this teaching and yes you’re a great songwriter, singer and now a teacher. The thing that comes to my mind is that Jesus is the teacher of truth and He said in John 15:1-6

““I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you. Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.”

‭‭You will never be as close to the truth than being joined with Jesus who is both the truth and fully spirit. I want to bear fruit, love, joy , peace . Patience where I am not afraid of the Father’s correction. I see things around me that I know are not from Him but I know I can turn them over to Him and He will purge them and purify them. Jesus is the truth and the Life I have no need to question that fact.

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Donny thank you once again for a very inspiring and thought provoking Prayer Walk. Sometimes we can lie to ourselves and also put God down when we think LESS of ourselves. We need to believe that what God says about us is true and try to live up to who He says we are. I have to admit that so often I put myself down and forget who God says I am. Even though I want to walk with God and hear his voice I think that I am not good enough so I don't deserve to hear from God but that is not true because God wants to speak to me just as much as he wants to speak to anyone else.

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yes He does 🙂

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Thank you!

A very powerful walk, once again. Thank you for always pointing us back to the author and perfecter of our faith. Yes, Jesus is THE way, truth and life.

So my bar? How true am I being with myself?

First question, how well do I listen, when He speaks? Honestly, not so well, tend to be rushed and distracted to the next earthly entanglement. (Dishes, etc. etc)

Honestly, do I really take the 'time' to listen and reflect, really? Again no.

How loving am I, honestly?

How sacrificial am I? Ugh although I do sacrifice and put my family first I still really live to my comfort. I do NOT happily,willingly look after all that 'should' be done.

Am I willing to set my alarm and get up each day and listen, to worship Him?

Honestly, I'm tired and my bed is cosy.

Hubby will ask me why Im up again? The dog will bark to he fed.

On and on.

But seriously my favourite place and time is with Jesus. It is so hard with family and an earthly dwelling.

I love to be outdoors and just rest in Him. But when I am, am I really willing to take the time to listen? Honestly listen even to the hard things He will say to me?

I am thankful He looks at my heart. He knows where I want to be in my life with Him. Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift.

I am ever thankful for His mercy and kindness.

I am thankful for each of you here.

Taste and see He is good.

One of my favourite places to sit with the Lord is through the path beyond the concession and down to the beach by the old cabins. (tiny bay south of where you were filming) Aaah. In a low tide To put my barefeet in the sand or lay on the ground and look at the sky allowing His love to wash over me.

Donny, continue to be blessed on your walks as you bless and challenge us.

My husband, Peter, asked if you ever meet people so feel free to drop in. Look for the big maple leaf.

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Thank you for sharing Deborah.

These feel like lyrics to a song or poem

"sit with the Lord through the path beyond the concession and down to the beach by the old cabins. In a low tide To put my barefeet in the sand or lay on the ground and look at the sky allowing His love to wash over me."

Just saying. 🙂

PS I like meeting people

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What a gift to hear lyrics in what you read. But seriously it is an amazing place.

Pop on by anytime in the area.

Maple Leaf and trampoline

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Mar 23, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Humanly speaking, we cannot comprehend the depth of change that God desires to see in our hearts and minds, we need the Holy Spirit's help to completely surrender our "will" and/or "desire" to God.

By nature I am a person who likes to help, anyone who knows me knows that I am capable of giving up many things to help others, but sometimes this is a problem, because I can advance the “signal”.

I have learned to go to the throne of grace and confess my repentance based on "who I am" and then ask for forgiveness "for what I've done." Does that make sense to you, Donny and community?

Another thing, I wanted to know what you guys think about Proverbs 27:17

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Makes sense yo me.

Iron sharpens iron... that is why we are in this community 🙂

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Just listened to this Donny thank you for sharing this was deep and heartfelt, what you have said here about most people are afraid of conflict so they lie to themselves instead of standing up for themselves and conform to what that other person is saying but what is my truth might not be someone else’s but I believe if you live in kindness and love and not making your truth someone else’s and living in gods love and faith and not pass judgement because you are only hurting yourself

Knowing right from wrong in your heart and living in your faith 🙏❤️

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