Good to see you my friend. God is so good at being good. Matthew 6:33 came to mind towards the end of the prayer walk. When I feel God called me to step away from my accounting career over a year ago, I knew the journey wouldn’t be easy in more ways than one. But what I can say is that my faith has been tested, but with the testing, my faith has grown deeper as well as my connection with God. I will always be learning and growing until the day He calls me home. For my faith to grow, it takes me seeking Him first and surrendering who I am and all I have to Him. Then it takes me trusting and obeying that His will and His desire for me is right and not mine. I pray for His will to be done and shown to me, not mine. I make mistakes and will continue to do so, but I believe in doing it messy, keep trying, keep persevering, and not give up. So what I am I learning? I’m learning to trust and obey God even more than the day before to lead the path ahead and do the best I can to wait and trust His timing. God bless you and safe travels. 🙏

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thanks for sharing Anne. 🙂

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I missed your prayer walks Donny, thank you!

God is guiding me to the center of His will.🙏🏻

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me too

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Yes. God is guiding me and must have his guidance. Thank you, God. I enjoyed this prayer walk.

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Donny thank you for the prayer walk. You asked the question where is God leading me. Right now I have no clue. As you know my year has been pretty tough. I lost my Dad in June that you know. I lost my job at the clinic I worked at in August. Then got a job in Kentucky working at another clinic. You know I just jumped head first I didn’t even ask God if this was where he was guiding me. I guess it was something I wanted. Is that wrong? Now I’ve moved back to Illinois finding myself without a job. I asked for guidance from my mom and Anne. Mom says keep praying and when God is ready he’ll do it in his time not before. Mom and I always talk about the Bible. My mom has a strong faith. Anne stated to go and help in my community or church which I have, keep praying trust that God has a plan. I do my prayers and read my Bible every day. You asked as well if we believe in God coming to earth in human form and being the son of God and dying for us to take away our sins. I do believe and always have since I was old enough to understand. In my prayers, I always ask God for guidance, strength, and faith. I ask him each morning when I do my devotions. I thank him before getting out of bed for another day. I ask God to open my ears and my heart so the Holy Spirit comes in and guides me. God is teaching me patience and it’s harder than just saying it. But each time I do say it I relax a little more each day. Thank you again Donny and may I ask that you keep me in your prayers and I will always keep you in mine. Prayer is so powerful we all need it from time to time if not every day.

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Hello Shari, thank you for sharing. I am praying for you now and appreciate you praying for me.

Sounds like you are on the right path. Keep leaning on God. His love never fails

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Thank you Donny blessings to you and have a Merry Christmas where ever you spend it. Whether in Tennessee or in Canada with Dave and your family. Blessings and a Merry Christmas to your family as well.

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Hello Donny... God is guiding me along the paths of life. To a place where I can be happy, have gratitude, faith and love in my heart. "Where is God taking you?" I'm looking forward to watching your live on Instagram... When will we have one? A hug.

IndiaFreitas 💙 🇧🇷

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Thanks for sharing India. I hope to do a live soon. Just trying to get heat in the bus. it's been pretty cold lately.

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I wanted to add this many people are shy and scared to approach others because they have been pushed away and lack confidence.

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I only know one thing, the Holy Spirit wants to lead me to God's will!

I have learned so much this year, especially about having a clear goal, this helps me identify the direction I should follow.

I was reading Numbers chapter 10 the other day and when I read verse 33 my heart skipped a beat. The verse says that the ark went 3 days ahead of the people to find a place to rest. God is so amazing that He took the people out of Egypt and led them on a route that He had planned and determined, and along the way, God did not forget that the people needed rest.

The Bible is an inexhaustible source of advice and guidance! Romans 5 says that God does not take away our problems or pain, but gives us the strength to deal with them, since God's purpose is to generate in us an approved character. A person with approved character has faith and hope, and this triggers God’s promises.

While we are here in this life, we must seek direction and purpose, and my source has been the promises found in the Scriptures. Of course, I have moments when I am overcome by fear, but I intentionally turn to God, to His word, which is beautifully encapsulated in Proverbs 3:5-6.

Thank you for the prayer walk. God bless you and keep you in this intense cold in America.

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So nice to see you back doing your prayer walks, and with all God's creatures! So fun. I have often found that when I'm seeking God's guidance for direction, if there is something He wants me to act upon, I will get confirmation in some way beyond the intial feeling that maybe I'm supposed to go a certain way. Sometimes it's an open door, sometimes the voice of a friend, sometimes a "holy coincidence" that helps me to know how, where and when to step out. There are times I don't get clear answers and then I feel that God is letting me know that He gave me a brain and that I can make the best decision I know how and he will still walk with me on that path and if I need to be turned, He will make it clear. I pray you will continue to hear his voice and that He will confirm to you what is most important and how to best stay on His chosen path for you. Many blessings as you continue to aspire to His will and ways for your life. As long as we stay surrendered, He will continue to show us that way.

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It’s been awhile Donny, so good to see you back on prayer walks , I’ve had a lot on my heart lately and praying for God’s guidance and hopeful he will lead me in the right direction… thank you so much for this beautiful prayer walk, it looks absolutely beautiful and peaceful where you are at … I hope you are finding some peace and comfort in your day to day as you carry on in your life’s journey …

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This sounds like my story 😁. So confusing. However, I noticed that when I am absolutely sure of what I want. I get it done.

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Hello Jassee, thank you for sharing. What did you find confusing?

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You know the scripture you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free. I recently found that I was ignoring a truth that would kill me if I didn’t face what I had to do. I’m diabetic and that’s a fact. I was on a keto diet for a while and it was perfect. The adversary knows I’m eating all the wrong things. One of the things I know will kill me is kidney disease. The simplest way to combat it is no sugar and less than 30 carbs a day. God used disturbing my sleep by numerous night bathroom trips. No I didn’t call my doctor because he was not helping. I looked up a doctor by the name of Dr. Eric Berg. He confirmed my kidneys were failing. I was to blame and I could fix it. Benfotimine and vitamin D3 would kick in and help. I had to face this truth that sugar was literally killing me. When took those two supplements I got a surprise, a total cleanse. lol The truth has made me face that my life is sweet enough without sugar and high carbs. There is no more negotiation on this truth. Doctors can’t help and there are so many opinions about keto but when you’re experiencing a problem you go with God’s medicine and plan.

With you I asked how I could pray for you and to honor our friendship I knew you needed a release and at that request I could help. Having you as friend is my true blessing.

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Thank you for sharing Lucinda. I'm glad to hear you are taking care of your health.

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Really missed your prayer walks even though I have only been listening for about three months. I have been going back and listening to your older ones. I have also been listening to your music and enjoying it. Really appreciate all you do.

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Thank you for your support Kathy. I appreciate you.

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Hi Donny ~ Glad to take a walk with you again today. I really liked the part of your message where you said perhaps God waits to guide you until YOU start to move. I'm going to remember that. Quite awhile ago a tough women's bb coach, who's a friend of mine, said to me, "I wish you'd quit analyzing life and just live it." Those words made a difference in my life too. I think both of you kinda said the same thing. So I'm busy living life. It's a pretty awesome journey -- with a few interesting wrong turns and detours. Thank heavens, God is my GPS. Praying for you & everyone else walking along... ~ Jan xo

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thank you for sharing Jan and thank you for your prayers. Life is quite a journey.

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Blessings of increasingly abundant faith be upon you and your viewers.

Peter and I enjoyed watching this walk and the amazing scenery. Oh the sunset!!

Thank you for this prayer walk.

Amen and Amen

So many powerful points.

The only one we should depend on is The LORD. So even you being absent in prayer walks helps others in learning to lean on and seek the Lord earnestly.

Seeking His face, yes I wonder about that. Do I truly seek His face, or do I merely start to then get distracted.

When I seek His face am I willing to have His Holiness gaze upon me? That can be terrifying. Remembering the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases and His mercies NEVER come to an end is so comforting.

May His path forward be so very clear to you. May His peace and grace be upon you.

Thank you.

The concept

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You asked some great questions there Deborah. Let us know if you find answers.

Thank you for your prayers and support.

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Hi Donny I find your Prayer Walks inspirational and always challenging. Been trying to contact with you and Graham Wardle. Visit my website to know where I come from www.nevenmacewan.com. Would love to have your permission to post your prayer walks on my website

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Hello Neven, welcome. Thank you for your kind words.

Feel free to post the link to Prayer Walks on Substack on your website

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I begin and end my day in prayer. God and our Lord Jesus Christ has given me the paths that led me in a wonderful life, a wonderful husband and son. Praise Him, all glory is His. Thank you Donny for getting back to us.

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Wonderful to hear about how God has blessed you Ayn. Thank you for sharing.

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