It's hard to narrow the attributes of God that I love most, but I'm especially grateful for his love, mercy and grace. In dealing with others and even myself, when I get a critical spirit I try to remember that God extends love and grace to me every moment of every day and I need to be more like Him. That critical spirit comes from a lack in my own view of how God sees us instead of allowing the Spirit to fill me with that love and kindness that extends out to those I come in contact with. As far as listening to God and being open to what He's asking me to do, that's a daily surrenduring for me. My human side does want to make excuses some days, but again that is a lack of faith in me to know without question that He will equip me for what He is calling me to do. I'm getting this video very early in the morning after dropping Teresa at the airport to return to Australia. There's a mixture of joy and sadness in saying goodbye, but so grateful to God that he orchestrated our friendship and the time we've had together. What a beautiful blessing our time in Canada was and what a joy to meet you along the way. God gives great gifts to us! Glad you have some work for the week. Thanks for making time and space for the video even though you couldn't be out walking. Praying for God's guidance in whatever He is calling you to do now and down the road.

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thank you for sharing Cathey. It was wonderful to get to spend time with the three of you. I'm glad you all enjoyed your time in Canada.

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I literally stopped the video several times and wrote down answers to the questions you asked us that I'm sure you ask yourself as well. God's love is vast and not narrow, and so I'm reminded to try and show that same agape love to others. Though I'll never comprehend how vast His love is, I try to do my best to show it in the ways I feel I'm called by Him to do so. God gets the glory and not me.

When you asked the question, Do you criticize others more than yourself? Honestly, this has and can happen to me when I take my eyes off on Jesus even for a brief moment. Satan will roar right in and take over. Personally, the longer I stay in this inner turmoil, fear, doubt, and low self-esteem creeps in. Eventually, I do come back around, for I know I have God's forgiving gift of grace extended to me. Knowing I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, I can ask Him for help to be directed back to Him. We're each given the choice of how long we stay in our own prideful turmoil or get on our knees in prayer, and lay those burdens down, repent, and ask to be forgiven.

I feel blessed right now to be able to spend more quality time with God. Even with that, I can still get wrapped up in self-criticism and temporarily fall away from God for a split second. I have more time to think, and often times that's not good for me as one who has a history of being hard on herself. That's not the best character trait to have, but I'll be working on that until the day God calls me home. I am so glad to be growing closer to God during these last few months since retiring as God is revealing some amazing things and small hints. Honestly, I am scared of failure, but I know I have to try, and remember, "Do not be afraid" is repeated in the Bible 365 times.

I wasn't going to mention this, but if you feel led to, I would appreciate prayer for my having a conversation with my brother. Growing up with the family dynamics I had adds to the reason why this will be a very tough conversation for me to have with him. The conversation should happen for quite a few reasons. I may be making a mountain out of a mole hill, but it's tough when you've never felt comfortable of having or sharing like this before with him. Frankly, I'm afraid, but know it's necessary. Not seeking His approval, but seeking His support. The conversation I feel will happen in God's timing and within His will, but probably by the first of the year.

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Thank you for sharing Anne, and never hesitate to ask for prayer. That's what this community os all about.

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This was a very enlightening Prayer Walk - thank you! Like you I went down the criticism pathway in my thoughts. The term "Constructive Criticism" has always been and interesting thought for me. This is supposed to be helpful feed-back if you will, but many times rather than being "constructive" it is "destructive". We live in a superficial society, "an all about me world". This begs us to be critical of others and then ourselves. It seems that to walk in faith you have to continually defend your belief system, rather than being able to live in and for your love of the higher power.

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Thank you for sharing Robin, I understand what you are saying, we do live in a very superficial society. I believe that is one of the MANY reasons following Jesus and doing what God commands will lead to life.

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I am so thankful to have God in my life. He leads me, guides me, comforts me and is always with me.

I have been asked to teach a Sunday school class. I have not taught a class in many years. So being asked to teach a class is not something I take lightly and have prayed about it. I feel he is leading me to teach this class. It will be by God's grace and leading that I do this.

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Amazing Terri, If you do decide to teach please keep us posted as to how it goes and how we can be praying for you.

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Morning, Donny ~ I’m glad to hear all is well with you. I just got home from my two-week trip to Greece. It was amazing climbing the hills to the Acropolis, standing on the starting line for the first Olympics and walking in the Aegean Sea – all the time thinking about how omnipotent God is and how small I am.

I do trust, however, that I have a part to play in His great plan. I just wish I understood that plan better. Do you understand it? Immediately, when I returned home, I was reminded that I am one of His “encouragers.” Four different people reached out to me for help and/or encouragement right away. Even though my head was still spinning from my experience in Greece, (or from jet lag – Ha! ) I answered their calls, hoping to demonstrate my faith in God.

Thank you for being a place I can go to think about what I love about God & His purpose -- wherever you are. ~ Jan xoxo

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Hello Jan, Greece? How amazing! Sounds like a great trip. I do not understand Gods plan. Sometimes I wish I did but then I think about how if God thought it would be good for me to know His plan, I think He would tell me.

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He is everything to us, couldn't live without Him! Our Savior, Sanctified, Healer, Coming King, and SO much more! 🙌🙌🙌

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Meant Sanctifier....

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Who is God for me?

God is the Creator of the entire universe. He is omnipotent, omniscient, transcendent, personal and perfect.

He is truth and love!

God is fair, faithful, kind, patient, affectionate, but he is also angry, however, his anger lasts only an instant and his care for us lasts a lifetime (Psalm 30: 5).

Studying the Bible I have learned more and more about who God is, how He acts, what pleases Him and how I should relate to Him.

I have already said a few times in my comments here, I pray that everything I know intellectually I can put into practice – this “intellectual knowledge” is not arrogance, but the result of my entire life (I was born into a Christian family and never abandoned faith in Jesus ).

Who I am?

I am the work of God, created in his image and likeness, my identity is found in Christ and understanding myself as a daughter of God gives me security and confidence in who I am.

But, sometimes I compare myself to others and find myself “trying” to be accepted by some people I admire.

This means that there are days when I feel discouraged, when I'm not sure I've said anything useful, days when I struggle with restless thoughts that question my abilities, and I'm convinced that someone else is better, prettier, more capable of doing what I'm doing.

There are also days when I feel strengthened in my faith because I am walking with other brothers who also struggle to trust and honor God amid all the circumstances that life imposes on us.

Thank you for taking the time to do this prayer walk in your living room!

I pray that God renews your strength to carry out his work in this week and I also pray that God places you in the place that He has prepared for you to spread love and salvation through Jesus!

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Thank you for sharing so honestly Angela, and thank you for your prayers

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Many years ago I was following Jesus to the best of my ability. I recognized the He had been doing His best to lead me in paths that I would learn from experiences not denominations. I was attending one church where I was told that the way I was believing did not fit there. He said you need to go to a Messianic church. At first I was offended but realized that what God used to offend me actually pushed me to the most rewarding place to discover more of Him. I learned about the Jewish feasts and their significance and participated in the Passover and Hanakkah. I fell in love with Deut. 6;4-9. I memorized it and on my way to work I would use it to begin my morning prayers. I can’t say I’m always good and don’t speak against others but I know God gives me that nudge and I ask for forgiveness. I know praying that prayer exactly who and how much Jesus means to me.

I know I’m to love Him and by loving others I show Him that I am in love with Him. When you truly love someone you speak highly of them and you’re not afraid to show it. What I’m afraid of are those times when I’m consumed with other stuff and people can’t see my care for them.

““Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. “And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.”

‭‭Deuteronomy‬ ‭6‬:‭4‬-‭9‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


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Thank you Lucinda. I think it's important to learn as much about God as we can, including the old testament holy days, feasts and what He thought about them.

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Thank you for your kind words.

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Donny, I feel like this topic speaks directly to me. Thank you for allowing me to check in on myself to assure that I am accepting the confidence that God has so lovingly shown me. My greatest love for God is His promise to love me unconditionally and walk with me every step on my journey. His love, protection, guidance and gift of forgiveness are the most dear to me. No humanly form could ever offer anything close to the Love He shows me, and that I am grateful for. I share a daily post of His word to spread His love as a way to show my gratitude. . I praise Him when I feel the Holy Spirit “ruffle up my feathers”, and most importantly I thank Him for His mercy on me. I don’t feel like I express my love for God to show attention for others because most often I’m alone when I talk to God. Normally those are the moments He comforts me as I cry out in prayer asking for guidance and strength for me to fulfill His plan for me. I literally am my worse critic, so I feel like I criticize myself more than I do others. I have always lacked self confidence and I continue to struggle with that daily. “I do not know how to speak...” This hit me full force! I use that excuse often, I feel the emotions and have so many thoughts but I struggle with finding the words or expressing my emotions on paper. I have prayed for help with this and I find I’m very slowly having success in this. Thank you Donny, and know that I appreciate you and love all of this community.

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I am happy to hear you are finding success. Thank you for sharing Heidi

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Good afternoon Donny. 2.27pm here in D/F where I am waiting for my plane to Melbourne - another 6 hrs and I should be on board waiting for departure. When you aske the question about what do you love most about God my first thought was His unconditional Love. I also thought of his steadfastness no matter what. I think I ma have told you that back in the early 1980's I was woken with a loud voice saying "I am going to make you a prophet". After checking with some other christian people I came to believe that it was God who spoke to me. However because of my lack of faith in my abilities I said sorry that is not me and I cannot do it. I realise that I was looking at my ability not at His ability and that He is able to do all things no matter what they are. I still feel as if I have missed an opportunity to be what God created me to be even though a year or so ago He said "you may have forgotten what I told you all those years ago but I haven't" I know I need to spend more time in the word and taking time alone to listen to what He may want to say to me. Maybe my insecurities still rise up so I don't do that. As for criticising others I find myself doing so at times and then I have to remember that Jesus died for them and God loves them just as much as He loves me. Anyway enough said so will close with saying what wonderful memories I have made during my trip through Alberta and BC with Cathey and Keith and seeing all the glories of God's creativeness,also how much of a joy it was to meet up with you for dinner whilst in Canada.

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Hello Teresa, it was wonderful to get to break bread with you. Thank you for sharing.

Try to remember:

Philippians 1:6 And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

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Very interesting Prayer Walk today. Thank you for taking time to inspire us in our walk with God. That is in itself a great witness for us to take time for God. Lots to digest but I start with God is and always will be whatever I need. It is only my attitude and lack of vision that fails to sometimes recognize that and listen and follow His guidance. I sometimes treat God like I do my fellow man and think saying no is a viable option.

As far as criticism, I think it is quite human to initially be critical of others when they don’t act or think like we do. What is important to me is how or if I act on that criticism. Is it a fleeting thought, do I dwell on it, do I want to lash out, do I vent to a friend (a common one for me), or do I pray that my thoughts are replaced with thoughts that please God? I do a lot of self evaluation, sometimes to the point of paralyzing me from any action at all. The current environment in many situations is that opposing views are not welcome, which makes civil discourse difficult if not impossible so silence often becomes my choice . Expressing my love of God and what He means to me becomes for me a quiet Christian witness. I know I need to do more, but feel like Paul in Romans 7:15-20. Finding purpose is more difficult in a world that seems to be turning its back on God and the roaring lion can be seen everywhere. 1Peter 5:8.

As always, thank you for making me think deeper and look honestly at God’s place in my life.

Continued blessings on your journey. Like your construction job, I am still a work in progress, trying not to be a rogue backhoe driver. Lol

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Thank you for your open and honest share Linda.

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I love his never-ending love for us, and His faithfulness to us, even when we fail Him. I don't understand His plan for me. But, I trust Him to always have my best interests in mind.

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Good morning Donny It is Thursday morning here in Alberta I was busy yesterday I did not have time to comment .Thank you for another prayer walk I always look forward to this every a Wednesday.I am back to my normal life from my trip to the Philippines with my family.We had our family reunion.I was able to see all my love ones after 6 years.We had our Despedida party before we left to say goodbye to everyone (the hardest part of the trip to say goodbye). During my trip I spoke in my church while I was still in the Philippines I shared to them how my church in Alberta grew big.We started meeting in homes until we rented a building and we call our church Hope Link Community Church.I also participated in the Feeding Program.I contributed a sack of rice, instant noodles,and canned goods.There we’re also people who contributed.We packed the goods and gave them to poor families who need help.We were able to help 60 families.I was not able to go back because we were coming back to Canada.Seeing those poor families breaks my heart and how I wish I stayed longer so I could give more time to the Feeding program.Now I am back in Alberta managing our daycare business.We are planning to sell it I am not getting any younger I plan to slow down now that I am 80 years old.I am a child of God I received the Lord as my Lord and Saviour when I was in my 30’s.I always do my devotion before I start the day.I have 5 children they have their own families and own lives to live.I am alone living in the Senior’s suites in Alberta.I am busy in church,and busy with our daycare busInes’s.I pray that God will let me slow down as soon as we sell the business otherwise I will continue what I am doing.I am busy as a prayer warrior ,many people including my children ask for prayers.I am grateful when God answers my prayers.I have a prayer list.In my prayer list I pray for you Donny,Graham Wardle and Kerry James.I pray that God deepens your faith and you will continue your ministry to lead more people to Christ.Thank you for the prayer walk you are doing.C u next week again.

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Sounds like you had a wonderful trip Elisa. Thank you for sharing.

and thank you for your prayers.

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Just a question I ask respectfully. Is it possible for one to be filled with the Holy Spirit without being a follower of Jesus? In todays prayer you asked God to fill everyone those who follow Jesus and those who don’t. Again, I’m asking this question out of curiosity & definitely not to be contentious or argumentative. I love Graham & would love him to follow Jesus & am wondering also if the God he follows is the same one we follow through Jesus. Love and in peace. 🕊️ Susan Pate

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Such a reminder that through the pain, even when exhausted,even when things are not necessarily going according to (our) plan, even when we can’t see the big picture at the moment... we can trust God’s plan...and it is good...because he is good,and he loves us. During my trials without God I wouldn’t be here,friends and my family even they live in different country I am grateful that we can access and used the technology to encourage and we pray together. So long story short... this is our God is so faithful,gracious and kind...full of great love and mercy... This last few months were a bit hard for me and my family , we keep our faith to keep moving forward. I am still struggling after losing my sister it’s only been over a month ago, she was our everything to talk to or ask for advice ,she was our vacant call and she always pointed out that we talk to God. “ Give thanks to the Lord for he is good ,his love endures forever.” Ps. 118-29

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