
This was so good and I appreciate that you tolerated the cold to film it! There's such a delicate balance in Scripture of being bold with the truth and winning people by loving them where they are. Even as a Jesus follower, I can get overwhelmed by memes and quotes and Scripture being used as a sledge hammer, so I can only imagine what that feels like to someone who doesn't have a personal relationship with Jesus. I always try to remember the words of Jesus himself, "By this all people will know you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." (John 13:35). I always pray that I will love people in a way that points them to God's love for them. But I do also know that "faith comes through hearing and hearing through the word of Christ." (Romans 10:17). So there's the balance. We have to trust God to show us what to say when. I think God brought you back to Canada for a purpose He knows and maybe you do, too. Let Him continue to work through you until He moves you again. Blessings on your time there!

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Donny, I could tell it was very cold! It was beautiful though to say the least. I agree that it is not up to us to try and convert someone. We are only called to plant the seed. We are called to love everyone no matter where a certain person is at in their life. We are all so different and unique and that is so amazing that God made us that way. Life would boring I think otherwise.

More than that, it is not up to us judge or condemn but let God take care of that. I hope I never try to throw scripture at someone who is a non-believer, but if they ask and are open to receiving it and let me know, then I will gladly share the gospel or scripture. That's the only way I will do that.

As far as the devil, it's important to take our thoughts captive and if we need to remove ourselves from any given situation or people that may bring us away from our own walk with the Lord., we should do that so that we don't walk down that same path and draw us away from God. Easier said than done a lot of times, and I'm proof of that. It's important that we take a look at where we are individually on our own journey or walks of faith, but always keep in mind that we are here to serve God according to HIS will and not our own agenda.

Well, I could go on, but I want to love, encourage, inspire, or share the gospel with others, but only if that person is open and willing to receiving it. Usually, you get a clear indication of that. I will never cram or judge someone if they don't share the same belief as I do. What I will do instead, is privately pray for that individual and hope one day when they and God are ready to welcome Jesus into their heart (what I call a divine appointment) will happen, and they will accept Jesus.

Thank you Donny. Stay warm and I wish you and your family all the blessings through the holiday season and the New Year!

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So much to think about and reflect on in my life in this Prayer Walk. Thank you Donny for being willing to share the hard stuff.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

Donny, what a beautiful walk even though it was so very cold. We all have people we want to come to Christ, but all we can do is plant the seed. I look forward to hearing again from you soon. You are a blessing.

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Dec 21, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

First off you looked COLD. (Just saying!) The message was spot on. It’s something that all us fixers struggle with. We want to fix or help anyone we care about but it isn’t our place and in doing so we dishonor ourselves. Self care and love should be our priority. Thank you for sharing such an important topic. Try to stay warm. Hugs 🤗

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Hi Donny,

I know it's very cold there, but it's very beautiful too!

Thank you for always sharing images like these with us.

Thinking about what you said, sometimes we want to win people over to Jesus, without demonstrating the main thing, which is LOVE.

We forget that we are letters written and read by all men.

We are the bible the world reads. - Billy Graham

My husband always says: "Preach the gospel 24 hours a day, use words when necessary!"

This sentence is very impactful and true!

Thank you for another wonderful episode! God bless you infinitely! 🙏🏼✨

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

James 4 is so powerful and challenging! Every time I read it I surrender to God and ask Him to help me with the “passions that war within me”.

As Billy Graham said, “The greatest obstacle to my holiness is myself. That's why I need to preach the gospel to myself daily.”

I pray to God that I can not only preach the gospel, but live the Word with attitudes!

Thank you for another “cold” walk, but with beautiful images. For those who live in a country where there is sun all year round it is enchanting to see this scenario.

I wish everyone in this dear community a Merry Christmas and a beautiful and blessed new year! (I think I'll be back here only in 2023).

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Donny, meaningful walk today. As I think about sharing what keeps coming to my mind is that I have experienced having someone use scripture as their weapon to condemn and belittle and then justify their behavior towards my response. It's hurtful not helpful, because of that while I will share scripture on my social media it's never pointed towards someone. When I read scripture and a name pops into my mind, I pray for them.

Stay warm and enjoy your time with family and friends.

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I will respond to this later Donny been traveling and weather didn’t help much delayed one flight they have to de-ice a plane and we are on our last ride and we are home

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Thank you for shining His light

His ways are higher

Praying and have been. It is troubling to know so many who are awake to what is going on in the world but following after another god.

We need Jesus so much and the beauty in what is happening is it clarifies how the stuff of this world is so meaningless.

More of Him

Less of me

May we follow where and how He leads.

May He redeem the situation and bring salvation to those near to you🙏🏼

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Donny, the walk today, despite being very cold, was beautiful area, loved the geese in background.

As always your walks challenge me to think about my faith, scriptures and my actions. My faith has taught me over the years, there are times to share scripture and then there are times when your actions as a result of what the scriptures told you, have more of an affect on someone than the scripture itself. You know the saying “actions speak louder than words”, I truly believe it. If someone isn’t open to the scriptures, continually trying to share scriptures may actually turn them away. As you mentioned we each have our own journey on the path God has planned, we can’t walk anyones journey for them, we can only walk beside them. We can show them a path, it’s their choice to follow or not. Blessings to you as you continue on your journey!

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Donny this was beautiful this my first time listening and watching you go on your prayer walk, I must say it looks very cold but also very beautiful.

I agree whole heartily with you on this you can’t cram religion, faith, scripture down anyone’s throat all you can do is be there and help guide them hopefully onto the right path, hopefully they will eventually will come around when they really need to find God and put their faith in his hands.


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I must admit I have done that what you spoke about trying to win a heart that wasn’t mine to win. I tried talking to someone to comfort them in the long run they just used me to get something else. Now I try not to push Jesus just only words of knowledge if it is needed. I can say I don’t know everything and only share what God is showing me. I want to comfort and encourage not run those Jesus is trying to win away or make someone stumble. Thanks friend for your kind word to put this.

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Dec 22, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

Thanks for another great walk. I have a brother in law that used to constantly at family gatherings get someone in a corner and start the preaching. It has gotten to the point where no one will talk to him. That is not how I perceive being a person of God. I do post scripture on social media but I do it for myself. I post positive affirmations along with some scripture. It is my morning pep talk, so to speak. If anyone gets blessed by it..... great. If not that’s ok too.

Have a blessed week and Merry Christmas. ❤️💚

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Dec 22, 2022·edited Dec 22, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

Morning, Donny! I've been mulling this Prayer Walk over. This may be a dumb question, but do you actually think it's possible to quit judging people? I love the message on one of our local churches: "Just love everyone; God will sort it out later." And I've always thought telling people how to live was "above my pay grade." I've never been a scripture pusher. I do all I can to support, help & love others -- but there's often a little voice in the back of my head about those I'm helping that says, "Boy, you're screwed up!" After thinking about James 4, I'm feeling a bit presumptuous & pompous.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

There were a few areas that this struck me! One was about temptation. I loved the idea of having a fail safe in place. I have a couple of dear women friends that are those people that I can go to for accountability. We pray for each other often. Then the idea of walking away with purpose or with intention. Don’t let the enemy have seat at your table! Lastly, the idea of loving a friend or another for where they are. I often just pray that the Holy Spirit would guide me through my actions and that God will speak through me. As you said only God can bring an unbeliever into His arms! Thank you again Donny for challenging me. Amen!

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