Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Psalm 139:13-15 came to mind this morning and is scripture that I read this morning before watching your prayer walk. "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth."

I believe God's character is woven into each one of us. We are human and of flesh and bone, and filled with flaws. But God is loving and forgiving because of his amazing grace. Because of Jesus Christ, we are "new" persons, so we should have as much respect for ourselves and others as much as God has for us. I know I still have the tendency to criticize others when I shouldn't due to my past. I've let go of a lot of that, but I believe you never forget it. It happens when I temporarily take my eyes off God and the lies of feeling unworthy of God's love filter in. It's an every day battle with me, but God claims victory over death; therefore, when I lay down those sins before him, I am forgiven.

I'm not sure I would like to live in a world filled with no criticism. I say that because there can be constructive criticism if done in the right way. Constructive criticism can lead us to improve on something or ourselves. To improve at something or ourselves within the will of God should challenge us and be a good thing. Example: If you were writing a book and meeting with an editor, wouldn't you want or expect the editor to give you constructive criticism or feedback to make your book better? If criticism is done properly through respect and highest regard, then I would love that.

Long story short, there is always going to be good and bad criticism. I welcome Godly constructive criticism to help make me a better person. That better person I'm speaking of is one in service to Christ as anything that I say, do, write or share personally is all for His glory and not mine.

Donny, I want to personally thank you for helping and giving me constructive criticism when it comes to songwriting. I never knew I would pick up and try to learn to play a guitar much less try to write a song. That kind of criticism is done with respect to challenge me to become better at this and many other things. I am very grateful! We can also use what we've learned to pass that on to others. Thank you for another great and amazing prayer walk.

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thank you for sharing.

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This is a very thought provoking prayer walk - I am glad you continued from last week as I have spent time listening to my own thoughts as well my words to others. I had think about do we offer criticism or are we actually just being more judgmental and where am I in both of these schools of thought. I don't think they are interchangeable I think you can offer effective criticism, but when you are judgmental it is personal - I have this quote highlighted from an article I read by - Russell Bishop, an educational psychologist, “If you look at a couple of different light sources, say a candle and a 100-watt light bulb … you may be able to notice the relative difference in the amount of light being emitted. An evaluation (that is critical analysis) would simply state that one is brighter than the other. A judgement would condemn one as too bright, or the other as not being bright enough.”

What gives us the right to pass judgment on others either in thoughts or words...In my world of trauma and education I see preconceived judgments placed on students and others all of the time. People are very quick to criticize parents, caregivers, teachers etc., but never consider at what gives them that right - who are they to think this way about situations they may not be informed about?

I can tell by your message this is something you have spent much time in thought about and I appreciate you bringing this to the group to consider and discuss. It is so important, especially for those who are in the midst of coming to terms with the hand they have been dealt in life to understand that we are all created in a beautiful light and the purest of love.

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Oct 5, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Thank you for sharing Lucy. Most important thank you Donnie to bringing this topic to our attention. You bring a lot of inner reflection on myself.

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Oct 5, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

My comment from last week answers most of the questions from this walk – lol.

To corroborate, psychology says that no one escapes this tendency that has penetrated so deeply into society (I criticize, You criticize, We criticize).

And you were assertive when you said that criticism comes from the unconscious desire to devalue others, because this increases our value (or we believe so). When we criticize, we assume a position of superiority, so criticism becomes a way to inflate our ego. Criticism always implies a tacit message: we are better.

As for the verse, I remembered a few:

Galatians 5:15; Matthew 7:1-5; Luke 6:37-38; 1 Peter 3:16.

But, Proverbs 15:1 has taught me a lot, especially in the last few days when God has led me into silence.

But, I kept thinking about some scriptures, such as:

2 Timothy 2.17 - Paul criticizes the profane talk of Hymenaeus and Philetus.

3 John 1.9 -10 - John criticizes Diotrephes' malicious words and attitudes.

Acts 13.9-10 - Paul criticizes the attitude of Elymas, the magician, for hindering the preaching of the word of God to the proconsul.

Galatians 2.13 - Paul criticizes the feigned attitude of Peter and Barnabas who allow themselves to be carried away by hypocrisy.

It is clear that not all types of criticism are good and edifying. There are people who criticize with the sole and exclusive intention of causing problems. However, we cannot deny that criticism is part of the defense of faith and the exposure and defense of the truth. It is not always pleasant, but it is necessary in many moments.

Therefore, in some situations criticism is indeed biblical!

Do you agree with this?

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You made a lot of great references there Angela, Thank you.

In order to constructively dive in to answering the question "Do I agree with this?" We would benefit from first discussing the differences between criticism, discernment, judgement and condemnation.

As I type this I realize I may have not used these words accurately or appropriately in this Prayer Walk.

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

I think you used the term correctly, but I thought I could contribute by expanding the discussion when I remembered these scriptures.

But, here goes, my understanding for each concept you mentioned:

Criticism: there are some definitions that corroborate judging, but I like to understand it as an activity of examining and evaluating in detail, perhaps because I am a teacher this is an essential skill for me in this context.

Discernment: is the ability to distinguish right and wrong, true and false. In the biblical context, it is the ability to correctly understand and interpret teachings and apply them to our lives.

Judgment: the Bible presents some different types, but I think the best definition for this case is what God says about judging people with the intention of condemning them. However, I open a parenthesis, because this concept deserves a deeper discussion about what John 7:24 says.

Condemnation: This is a difficult topic to deal with as it involves judgment and punishment. He challenges us to reconcile these principles with the reality of sin and its consequences, but to fully understand what the Bible says about condemnation it is necessary to examine the context in which it is used, even because God is loving and merciful and is always seeking redemption and the salvation of people.

Thank you for accepting this discussion, which really helps us understand how the Bible is in fact our manual for life!

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Oct 4, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

This was a beautiful prayer walk. I love the sun streaming through the trees and the full beauty of nature. This topic is a great follow up to last week’s self evaluation thoughts. My criticism of others normally comes from two motives: 1. they don’t do things or think the way I do 2. they don’t accept me or I feel rejected by them. When I think deeper about these two I see that they are more an internal problem with myself rather than their problem. My self-doubt, insecurities are manifesting itself in tearing them down. I do sometimes criticize for #1 but rarely for #2. Those thoughts are held inside my heart or sometimes surface in conversations with a trusted friend. I have mentioned before that a problem I have with social media is my tendency of trying to gain the approval or acceptance of digital strangers. I see the need to work on this area and put this world in perspective. On the subject of constructive criticism I try to think of that as wise advice rather than criticism. Mostly that works! Lol. Why do I care what other think of me? Because I am human and dwell amongst humans. I value peace and civility and my Christian witness. Galatians 1:10 Following the teachings of Scripture is the roadmap on this journey that I wish to follow. Where my earthly journey ends does not depend on the approval of man, the approval I seek is that of God. The reward of hearing the words “Well done my good and faithful servant”. Thank you, Donny, for your inspiration. You never fail to make me think deeper. Continued blessings on your journey!

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Thank you for sharing

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Oct 4, 2023·edited Oct 4, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

I confess that I had a bit of a hard time following all your thoughts about criticizing ourselves and others, but I was able to focus on the question of "why do I care what others think of me?" The verse that came to mind was Ephesians 5:1–2 (NKJV) “Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.” I care because I am called to be Christ's ambassador so I represent him to others. If I claim to be His, but don't look like Him in how I live, I'm not a good ambassador for Him. If I get criticized because of my faith, then I can live with that. Of course we all want to be loved, but that's a line in the sand for me. If someone doesn't like me because I'm a Christian, then I'm sad that that's the reason they don't like me, but I'm not going to compromise my faith to please humans.. It's more important to me that I please God. I still sometimes get too critical of others and even myself when I'm not letting the Spirit lead and guide. And sometimes I probably care too much what others think of me instead of seeing me as God does. Then I have to go back to the word as a reminder about loving as He does. 1 John 4:16 "And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them." All we can do is pray to be more like Him in our words and deeds. Thanks for another beautiful walk in the woods with good things to ponder!

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Good scripture

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I love this topic and before I listened Mark and I were talking about this subject in a round about way. I don’t care much about what people thing or say about me. What I do care is when I see someone being hateful toward someone else. I approached a pastor a few years ago just to share things about the Holy Spirit with him. He had a proud bone and it seemed as though he didn’t really want to hear from a woman about the subject. It’s those things that make me sad. When a friend is not treated with loving kindness it makes me sad too. I just know my friend is looking for love and acceptance and if they are possibly feeling rejected. I criticize when I see someone swooning over someone to hopefully get extra attention. That my faulty nature and I have to ask God for forgiveness. I’m mostly critical of others when they reject others. My husband doesn’t enjoy church because he is quiet and others judge him thinking he doesn’t love Jesus. You’re one person who actually saw him the way he actually is and held no judgment about him. I saw you approach new people with an open hand and heart. Pastors could learn a lot from you. And for the pastor I introduced you to, I would say to him, I love my Instagram friend, Donny.

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

I have hesitated writing this time because this is very personal. But, the Lord has laid on my heart to share it. First of all, Donny, this walk was just beautiful! Makes me want to come visit B.C! I am still dealing with my 35 yr old daughter, who is very depressed. She is an ESL teacher, single. She is a strong Christian, who thinks she has all the answers. Her boyfriend dumped her 2 months ago after a year of dating. I live with her until the end of December, and she has a 15 yr old foster girl here who is an illegal immigrant from El Salvador. I have criticized her in love to help her get out of the depression, and to set boundaries for this teen. But, she has just cried and said she was going to do it herself as she has no one. I have tried to be here for her, but she has rejected my help. I am at a loss on how to help. Please pray for me and her. She loves Jesus, but feels He is silent to her right now. Sorry this is so long, but I need some prayer warriors on this. Donny, can you please pray for us?

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Thank you for sharing Denise. I am praying now. It is possible that God wants to use someone else to 'help' your daughter.

But I know He wants you to love her, offer forgiveness and grace as God has given you.

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I agree with you, but she won't share with anyone

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I wasn't sharing with anyone when God got my attention.

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Denise, I just read this a few minutes ago, and I will be praying for this situation.

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Thank you. We need it.

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Thank you Donny for this prayer walk I really needed to hear this cause I have Alot of people try to down me and this has been my kinda life every sense I was little but watching you today made me realize I don't need to worry about people and we need to worry and do things that God looks at cause I have realized he made me so he is the only one I really care about 🙏🙏 Thanks again Donny for what you do cause it has made a difference in my life 🙏🙏🙏

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Thank you for another great “walk” Donny. As someone who has completely changed from a person who always cared what others thought about her, to the person I am now in a mindset of “not caring” what others think (not in a bad way), I am grateful for the change. With age I have realized that in the flesh I will never measure up to the standards expected of others, I’m faulty, I fail, but I get back up again and that fuels me to push harder for my desires and goals. When I accepted that mentally I found a new mindset. I was put here to only please 1 person, my Heavenly Father. 🙏

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This prayer walk was very thought provoking and I have thought about it since yesterday when listened to you. I certainly want to be more like Jesus and want people to see Him in me. I have been very upset for several weeks over a confrontation with one of my grandsons. He had brought a girl to my house to stay the night with him and I told him she was not staying here. He got angry and called me the most unbelievable names including not being a Christian. That is certainly not the way I want him to see me, but I Corinthians 6 says for us to flee from sexual immorality and he certainly wasn't doing that. I pray that he will change and ask the Lord into his heart. I continue to pray for him daily.

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Thank you for sharing Terri. I am praying now for you and your grandson. It isn't easy but we must stand firm, especially in this day and age, in truth. Jesus is the truth.

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You are so right, Donny. He knew I meant it when I told him it was wrong for her to be here. That was why he was so angry with me. Thank you for praying for us. I pray for you every day. I hope things are going well for you concerning the visa and a car for you.

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thank you for your prayers

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Praying for you, Terri. I had a similar situation that happened with one of my cousins years ago. Years later, his girlfriend became a Christian. She told me she appreciated me sticking to my beliefs. It's hard sometimes to stand for what is right. Good for you!

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Thank you so much for your reply.

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As a fellow Canadian I wanted to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving and I forgot so do apologize.

Take care and have a Blessed weekend!

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Thank you so much for allowing me to join you on your prayer walk. As usual the setting was soothing and ever so peaceful. The camera caught the sun's rays as you walked, and it was inspiring and beautiful. BC is one of our most scenic provinces and I have seen them all having travelled from coast to coast. Now to criticism. I have learned in my advanced years not to be critical of anyone if you have not walked in their shoes. I know right from wrong and to me, there is no gray area in between. I try to do my best which is not always possible but the effort is what counts. I no longer let what folks think of me affect my life. However, challenges help one to grow and develop which gives enrichment to one's soul and spiritual inner being.

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