Mar 16, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Donny, listened to the prayer walk before attending a soup supper followed t mid week Lenten service, a Holden Evening prayer service..which is an evening prayer choral service. During the service right before a silent meditation I thought about your question, what/ why am I praying. My praying during the service was thankfulness for my life and the blessings I have received. It was a different experience as I was reflecting on your question. The scripture for the evening was Psalms 23, even though I have recited/ read it many times, I was more aware of the prayer.

For me my prayer time is for gratitude, guidance, healing, strength and forgiveness. There are many little mini conversations with God throughout my day, thank you Jesus moments, Lord what am I to do or show me the way. Over years with my walk with the Lord, my praying has changed from being self centered, to asking prayers to show me the way Lord, gratitude and healing/ comfort for those in need. I’ve also learned prayers may not always be answered or answered in manner I wanted/ expected....God has a path chosen just for me. The song “Open the Eyes of My Heart”, just came to me as I am writing.

Many continued blessings to you Donny, praying the way is opened for you to return to the states.

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Mar 15, 2023·edited Apr 4, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Thank you once again Donny for your prayer walk about prayer. I love it. My manner of prayer has changed over the years. One day I was praying and I paused in mid prayer and realized I was almost demanding God answer my prayers. I was self absorbed in everything I was praying for. Make my life easy God, solve all my problems God. I knew I needed to learn how to pray with a sincere and contrite heart. John 14:26-27 came to me when Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth, give I unto you, let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid.” Now I pray for that peace, brought to me by His guidance and acceptance of His will. I end each prayer with praise, gratitude, a petition for the lost. Do my “demands” still come to mind, yes they do, but God already knows my thoughts so I do not feel obligated to verbalize them. Since using this simple formula my prayer life is so much more fulfilling spiritually and I feel closer to God than ever. Most of all I feel a “peace that surpasses all understanding”. Philippians 4:6. I understand that prayer is unique for each person and this may seem like I am on autopilot with God, but each time I pray it is a new, peaceful and wonderful experience. Thank you for your inspiration and bringing together this community of thoughtful, caring people. God bless you on your journey.

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According to the Scriptures you shared, we should pray about everything always. I pray a lot, throughout my day, mini conversations with God. I also have quiet times of prayer and meditate on Scripture. I have not a single doubt that He hears and answers. I pray for myself, for others, for situations, but I know sometimes my prayers have selfish motivations, so I try to make sure that I always remember to pray "not my will, but Yours be done" and be willing to rejoice when it's His will and not mine that happens. Sometimes I don't understand the whys of His will, but I know He does what is best in all things and I trust Him to do just that even when, in my humanness, I don't get it. God knowing my every thought brings me up short sometimes when I realize not all my thoughts are kind and loving. I depend on His grace and forgiveness every single day. So among my prayers are lots of heartfelt "thank you"s . Another great prayer walk, sir!

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Thank you for bringing to mind the "Our Father" the perfect prayer that Jesus taught us, I love the thought of Saint Thomas Aquinas when he referred to the Our Father as:

“The Sunday prayer (Our Father) is the most perfect prayer. In it, we not only ask for everything we can desire properly, but also according to the order in which it is convenient to desire it. So this prayer not only teaches us to ask, but it also orders all our affections”.

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Jesus gave us a beautiful pattern for prayer, didn't he? It's got all the important things. "Thy will be done" rises to the top in most all of my prayers.

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Yes, you said correctly "Jesus gave us a pattern for prayer", and what I love about it is that if we look at this prayer, apparently it is so simple, yet so complete, then only Jesus could teach us this beautiful prayer!

Thinking about it gave me a big smile and made my heart rejoice! WOW!

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Mar 18, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

That was beautiful! That beach is going on my list of places I would like to visit when I go to that area of Canada! I was really struck as you were talking about prayer and especially just this overall feeling I had as I was watching the prayer walk. I had not taken time to watch the last few and it’s really bothered me of why. I realize I’ve listened to other podcasts or watched a show when I could have taken time to watch the prayer walk. I think I get caught up in wanting to sit and take it all in, and I get distracted by the idea of having time and solitude and quiet with no one around for me to take in the concepts from the walks or other Christian leaders per se. And I realize that that is an allusion and then it made me realize I do actually do what you mentioned I actually do pray all day. I am maybe not 100% continuously praying throughout the day. I have a running conversation with God. So, this was kind of a confession time for me and a realization time that the circumstances don’t have to all be what I think they should be in order for me to sit and listen that God can actually speak even in my busyness, even if I’m not 100% able to sit down and take it all in, He still will speak to me. I know this was quite random thinking so thanks for tracking along if you end up reading this.. 😌😀

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Prayer for me is a dialogue with God!

If God speaks to me through Scripture, I speak to Him through prayer. So prayer is a fundamental part of my relationship with the Lord.

Just as my body needs some nutrients to survive, my spirit and soul need prayer to stay “alive”.

I believe that a prayer life is when we have constancy and consistency.

I have had wonderful experiences with God every morning in my devotions, some of those times I don't speak a word, I just surrender to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

You are absolutely correct that we can pray at all times, is what Paul encourages us to practice “praying in the Spirit” – Ephesians 6:18.

But this is a significant challenge in the Christian life, because we are still walking the path of sanctification, where we are taught and molded to live more and more for Christ, in a life of righteousness according to the Lord's will.

Thanks for the walk and message!

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Another good prayer walk Donny and thank you for guiding us through. I do pray daily,praying reminds me of our reasons for living. When I pray to God, it will build up my spirits and will lift me from my daily trials I face with. When my anxiety spiraling and the circumstances surrounding me are seemingly insurmountable, I have a choice to shift my mind back to God trusting in His good and sovereign purposes. I do this thru praying and the Holy Spirit help me focus. On His words, On His promises,On His plan for my life. This is how I fight my battles. Praying is my weapon of choice. When I pray I stop looking at the right in front of me and start looking at the God in us! I pray through my worry, I pray through my fear, I pray through my stress, I pray through my exhaustion. My praying brings a breakthrough! My praying changes the atmosphere! God has already given so many answers of what I’ve been praying for.

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I loved it when you said “praying is my weapon”, it reminded me of Ephesians 6:10-11:

"Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand firm against the wiles of the devil."

This scripture is an exhortation to be courageous, but at the same time it reminds us that we need to “ask God” for this courage, and that if we pray we will have the manifestation of God's power in response.

Thanks for sharing and God bless you, Lucy!

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Gracias Angela y si, tambien he leido esa escritura, pero no con la frecuencia suficiente como deberia.🙏

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Gracias por responder en español, me facilita la comprensión!

Sí, todos tenemos ese desafío de tomarnos un tiempo en las Escrituras para aumentar nuestra comprensión de lo que Dios tiene que decirnos.

Este también es mi desafío!

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Thank you Donny again for your prayer walk I just wanted to thank you for what you do I want you to know that it means Alot to me 🙏 when I pray I do it to have God's help or for God to help someone else 🙏🙏 my real dad was really sick with cancer and was suffering Alot and I remember

praying for God to end his pain and he died the next day 🙏🙏so I believe that when we pray or whatever I pray I ask for his blessings in on way or another 🙏🙏 Thanks again for what you do it means so so much to 🙏🙏

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Donny, I've read many things on prayer and had Bible Studies regarding prayer, and have asked myself the very same questions you're asking us. Do I have the answers, no, and I won't ever be perfect at it. As you were speaking, it reminded me right now I always try to pray for others or for myself in the name of Jesus, and pray boldly and reverently for God's will and timing to be revealed in whatever it is I'm praying for. As you said, we can pray anywhere. There's no specific right or wrong way to pray, but several things I try to always do, is pray in Jesus name, be thankful or grateful, and pray for God's timing and will to be done. I don't want my will to be done, but I want God's will for me as between prayer and scripture, that's how I fee God guides me. I know I'm praying for myself for something specific right now to determine when or if I should retire. Also, what is next after I retire from this job? All I do know, is I want God to literally guide me to that decision through prayer and Scripture. He is the one who will show me when or what will take place. I'm at peace right now praying about this when I could be fearful, but it takes faith and letting God show me the path ahead. There's so much scripture regarding pray in the Bible. Matthew 6:5-13, James 4:3 are just a couple more that I don't believe you referenced in the video. Thank you so much for this prayer walk. We should all stop and think about this as prayer is so important. Take care and God bless you and all in the community!

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Donny, thank you so much for this prayer walk. I get up very early every morning and spend time in God's word and in prayer. I have a prayer list from my church every week and it is very long because there are so many needs physically. I spend time praying for each of these needs. Throughout every day if one of these needs pops into my head I immediately pray a short prayer for that need. When my husband was so sick with cancer, I prayed for him constantly. Of course I prayed for his healing. He passed away 4 years ago and he is in heaven today. So God did heal him. I know I will see him again and I look forward for that day.

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Well Donny you have done it again. Thank you for following God's leading in bringing this Prayer Walk today. I struggle with prayer all the time. I find it hard to communicate in person let alone with some one I am unable to see. When we had that time of silence I felt God telling me that when I do pray it is out of 2 things, Obligation-to God, to others and myself and also out of guilt because I don't pray regularly. I do pray for God's will when I do pray, for salvation for certain people but these prayers need to be consistent for God to answer them. Hope this is making sense for you. I am not a writer and don't use flowery words just trying to be honest.

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Prayer became more natural and easy for me when I was able to accept that God loves me and wants to hear from me no matter what I'm feeling. It never worked for me when I had that, "Well, I haven't prayed today so I guess I should" thing going on. I just began to include him in my thoughts as things happened around me and it usually begins with gratitude about something "Wow, God, what a beautiful sunrise! Thanks for letting me experience that this morning." Or "Father, please be with so and so today because they have this going on....." as people and situations come to mind. It's like having a constant friend beside me to share my life with. I don't know if this helps at all, but I hope you will find joy in communicating with the One who loves you more than you can imagine.

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Teresa - loved what Cathey shared below. I feel the same as prayer became more natural for me as my faith grew able to accept that God loves me and each one of us as we are. We are his masterpiece. There's no right or wrong way to pray, but pray without ceasing anytime, any where. I could go on and on myself, but that's the long and short of it. God bless you my friend!

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How sweet it is to dwell in the arms of the Lord. I used to read You shall love the Lord with all your heart, soul, and spirit as it was commanded. I placed this in my heart and often prayed it. We should teach it to our children to love Him. I still pray that way. I love being in the presence of Jesus. I know He holds me when I do. I don’t close my eyes because I may miss Him pass through. Once when I was praying with a friend He walked through with his fragrance. There were only me and another girl, so he was the only one with that scent. When I pray I truly seek His face and have been rewarded. I don’t pray for myself. I pray for others and His grace to fall. My prayers are often spontaneous that way the Holy Spirit prays for me. I do know those who honestly prayed for my daughter they have been a reward to her mother. Thank you my friend for reminding me to pray and study God’s word.

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Mar 19, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Wow! This was an awesome prayer walk. I definitely was reminded of the areas of my life where I need to make changes. There are things I need to limit and devote more time to prayer! I pray for you and the plan God has for you! And I am so very thankful for these prayer walks.

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Good Morning ~ I have been a bit behind in my listening/watching your prayer walks and today I now know why. I needed this walk, this prayer topic and hearing you share about your 96 yr old sweet grandmother(I do hope you make time to see her....you will never regret it). I am struggling right now with those same thoughts and prayers for my soon to be 92 yr old mother. I am her full time caregiver and we have had quite the health roller coaster since mid July. Her quality of life has been greatly impacted and so has her level of care. She wants to stay here in my home with me. Daily, I pray for her strength, healing and recovery.....and God’s will to be. Hearing you speak about possibly selfish reasons for strength, healing, recovery....brought tears to my eyes. I’m the 4 yr old daughter who wants her mama to live forever and I am an adult daughter who wants her quality of life not to be a struggle. It is a difficult place to be in right now. I just wanted you to know the impact of this particular pray walk and why I didn’t listen until today.....I needed it today, not on March 15th. Thank-you, Donny🙏🏼💞

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Prayer; it’s a precious thing! Or should I call it a thing? Over the years as my relationship with God has grown; prayer is a way of life for me. It now keeps going; there really is no end; it’s a conversation with Him. I do have my quiet time in the mornings where I read my Bible and pray; but then it continues..... I’m so grateful for that. Yes, it has times of rejoicing, times of thankfulness, times when I ask Him for things, times when I vent to Him.

I have found that I know He accepts me as I am, so I can be honest with Him how I feel; but we have a relationship now that He also speaks to me as we go through the day; sometimes it’s conviction, sometimes comfort, sometimes answers, sometimes we enjoy life together. Do I have the perfect prayer life, no, I’m not perfect. But I have a perfect Father and I can rest in that. This was a great reminder to rest in Him and trust Him to guide me; cause I have some MAJOR decisions to make in the weeks ahead and life isn’t really pretty right now; it’s ROUGH! But I keep holding His hand to lead me!

My biggest problem is trusting myself to hear Him; believing that He speaks to me! But He does cause I’m His child!

I hope this makes sense!!

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Thank you Donny for this prayer walk I just was able to read it now. I have been under the weather with COVID so I’ve been quite tired. I am feeling much better but my cough is still hanging around. I do want to say even though there is no right or wrong way to pray. I do at times enter my prayers with Lord Heavenly Father gracious Lord thank you for waking me up today with air in my lungs and a few day to get it right. I am not perfect and don’t pretend to be. I am a sinner and do not deserve your love. Though you are a gracious God and you died so I would be forgiven all my sins. I pray for those that are sick and in the hospital. To heal them so they could go back to their loved ones. If he decides that they need to go home with him I ask to please don’t let them linger in pain. I pray for the loved ones left behind when God decides to bring their loved ones home. Ask God to wrap his love around the family and give them peace. Then I go through each family member and all my friends to just watch over them and guide them and give them peace I also ask guide to help them make good decisions. Then for me I ask God to guide me to show me the way. To open my heart and mind to hear him. I even read My Daily Bread in the morning and read the Bible in the morning and when I can I meditate. This allows me to start my day. I’ve even prayed again on my way to work if I found my self short on time in the morning. God as done so much for me. How can I not thank him. He’s my Lord savior Jesus. And I will never be able to repay him for all he’s done for me.

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