
Oh boy, you ask the toughest questions and they are always ones that at some point we have to wrestle with. It's so true what you are saying about reading the WHOLE counsel of God's Word and making sure we are in context. So much misconception comes from parts of Scripture being pulled out and misunderstood or even misquoted. And I agree that the best way to understand prayer is to read EVERYTHING Scripture has to say about it. I'm a big time prayer but I try to pray that what I'm asking is in God's will and that I will surrender to His answer whether he says, "yes, no, or wait". When our 17 month old son was dying, of course I was praying unceasingly for healing. It was hard to understand why God would say no. It could have been a crisis of faith, but I accept that God does what he does in love and that one day I will understand. 1 Corinthians 13:12, ESV: "For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known." For now, my faith remains in God who loved my child and who loves me. Thanks for sharing your friend's question and reminding us to always look at the bigger picture in God's Word. Blessings!

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Good stuff bud! I think something so deeply connected with forgiveness is resentment. And in finding our way through what I would call 'impossible' acts like forgiveness (as they are impossible without Jesus), it really helps to look at resentment and to bring it to the surface and to see what you believe it is protecting you from. What pain are you protecting yourself from in your resentment? I've found that once I can identify what the actual pain is, a lot of times forgiveness is halfway there and sometimes even 100 percent there as I realize what is going on inside of me. It's then a journey with God again and it's got nothing to do with the other person 'triggering'- or even causing - the pain.

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First Donny I’ll say this was an interesting walk, in my 37 years I’ve never been told the Bible was actually written as you explained. The one thing so many countries have in common is the BIBLE. It’s amazing🙏 I don’t think I would ever consider myself to have enough FAITH because there is always room for me to improve my faith mentally and spiritually. As for getting what we “believe” for, I have recently learned to ask God IF it’s his will to answer my prayers for myself or my loved ones and friends. Sometimes our selfishness does get in the way of his plan. I like to fix things and help others so it’s hard to pray and sit back and watch situations that I can’t control so that is where my FAITH can always get stronger because I know our God is in control. Wishing many blessings to you all❤️🥰

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

WOW! Powerful and challenging message! So, I'll have to write a long text, forgive me LoL

I join your question: “Why don't we always get what we 'believe in'?” – this is one of the main challenges for the Christian life, understanding the “silence” of God – but, I decided to believe that God has unknown purposes behind his “silence” or the “no” response. Especially when I go to the scriptures and see that God didn't answer Jesus' prayer in Gethsemane.

And because God didn't answer, did Jesus lack faith? No! God didn't answer because he had a greater purpose.

Another biblical passage that helps me in this context is the request of Marta and Maria to heal Lazarus, God also did not respond immediately, because His purpose was the resurrection of Lazarus through the intervention of Jesus!

I loved it when you encouraged us to read the entire book to identify the context of the biblical passage, I love reading and researching. Well, I confess that I'm that kind of person who has a diary full of thoughts, song excerpts and bible verses...

In Mark 11, the metaphor of the dried fig tree always catches my attention and what it teaches us about looking like Christians and the challenge that Jesus issues about bearing fruit, I understand that here is a warning to be aware, because people want to come to us and finding the peace and love of Christ - I ask myself: does my behavior really testify to the love of Jesus?

I love reading Matthew 17, but this chapter is so challenging, especially the transfiguration concept.

Luke 17, we have so many lessons in this chapter that it's hard to single out one, but I'm always moved by the teaching about the power of forgiveness and gratitude that I find in this chapter.

Thank you for the different “walk” and message!

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Dec 15, 2022·edited Dec 15, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

Hi Donny -- I smiled when I recognized the verses you put up on the screen today. I chose Matthew 17:20 as my Bible verse for my confirmation – long. long ago. And I used to wear a little glass bead with a mustard seed in it around my neck. I remember thinking it was a symbol that since I believed in God, I could do anything.

After listening to your commentary & re-reading The Parable about the Mustard Seed, I realize I still have that same belief today -- that because I believe God EXISTS & that He gave me gifts to work with, I have the ability, strength, courage to do good things that I choose to do – and that God will back me up when I do them. Make sense?

But I’ve had an ah-ha moment now. I didn’t realize having Faith in God meant – not just that He exists – but trusting that He has a plan for me and that the power to do things doesn’t come from me, but from Him – that He’s not just an encourager, that He doesn't just intervene once in awhile.

This is a big realization for me. I don’t know if I believe He has a plan for each of us, but you’ve certainly given me a nudge to continue looking at the bigger picture.


~Jan xoxo

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Donny, Amen to what you're stating about Forgiveness. I truly believe Forgiveness should be the one of the central themes of each and every prayer. Also, Matthew 6:5-18 is Jesus teaching the disciples I believe about prayer and fasting. Verses 9-13 is the Lord's prayer which most of us know by heart. We may have memorized these verses to the Lord's prayer, but how often do I or any any of us really take a deep look at those words and study them. Verse 12 (NLT) "and forgive us our sins, just as we have forgiven those who have sinned against us."

When I went back and read the four chapters you mentioned above, forgiveness is the one word that I saw that stood out each time. Every morning when I have the extended prayer time, I ask God to be forgiven of my sins, those whom I may need forgiveness from, and those whom I may need to forgive.

I'm not a scholar either, but I really try when I'm seeking God's guidance or direction on something, I read a lot of scripture and not just concentrate on one verse. I want to absorb as much of God's word as I can. I also rely on a lot of prayer before making. If I don't feel it, I won't move forward. At least now I try not too. I can't say I always did that. I really do try my best.

Jesus died on the cross at Calvary and paid the ultimate price for our sins which is forgiveness. That doesn't mean we don't sin any more, but it means we shouldn't take that for granted, but forgive one another and ask each time in our prayer to be forgiven from HIM.

Hope what I've shared makes sense. I really do agree with you that we should really immerse ourselves within the word to really capture the full meaning of whatever it is that we be asking God for. I really try to do that more and more now; whereas I have to admit, I didn't do as much of that in the past.

Thank you Donny and God bless you and the entire community!

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Donny, I think sometimes we approach prayer and Jesus as a sort of sugar daddy that because we believe he'll give us what we want, not as Almighty God. We want what we want when we want it. When my son was diagnosed with a brain tumor I prayed for healing and I firmly believed God could heal him, that my granddaughters would have their daddy to grow up with. When that didn't happen how I wanted, of course I was sad, but over time came to realize that God answered just not how I wanted. My son is healed and with his Savior. Who am I to tell God how to answer my prayers. God wants us to ask but to trust He knows best and to praise Him always.

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Wow Donny this week prayer walk questions are tough and brought out few sad memories but I’m moving forward . If you take God at his word, your ordinary day-to-day life should be a reflection or an acting out of his promises to you. I was thought to read scriptures and if we or can’t comprehend it to read it again,my dad would tell us go slowly pray and re read them again. I was raised catholic and goes to a private school that we attend mass daily during school sessions. You mention “Forgiveness” holding on the past was tearing my heart , we can’t buy time back . So earlier this year I had written to the surgeons that had my first 5 failed surgeries 12/22/2014. I written him as he is still in jail and I have forgiven him so I can invest my time to my most important humans of my life my family. When we were young teenager us siblings we quarrel not really but we disagree most times , our dad would hear us bickering and remind us just think your only hurting yourselves ,so forgive each other because you’re going to miss out and you’ll regret it. I went thru darkest hole and ask God why he needed our two tiny humans with him? I’ve come to believe maybe God will not want me to be a mother? But God did gifted us three years later with a very healthy little boy and his amazing grown man and a father and he gifted us three little human. I overcome my pain and suffering life continues as we thought, then I got sick I soared and now I’m healed. This past couple weeks were a whirlwind for us we spent two different ER came home to rest. Couple days later last Wednesday we received the news and we dislike to hear the word cancer my husband. The good news is early stage and it’s treatable, praised God . We suffered , maybe thats how God suffers with us too? The strength that God has given me on my beautification journey that lasted 8 years this we will conquer also what we are facing. We will be going home to my country of Philippines and enjoy life and as soon as we get back we will meet up with the oncologist at Mayo we pray he will heal him also. My relationship with God is to be energetic ,vital mirror image of the trustworthy , loving merciful God you have come to know. Faith ,Hope, Love. We must strive for faith,hope,love in all our dealings, whether with others or with yourself . Please say extra prayers for us , we will be living next Wednesday and will be up traveling until late Thursday arriving my island. This has been a long coming home 10 years since we were home last due to I got sick.Much blessings 🙏

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Dec 15, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

This week’s prayer walk was powerful!

As a Christian I believe that the power of God will give me the strength to Believe in faith and trust him to show me right or wrong.Thanks Donny 🙏🏻

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I have looked forward to this from you my friend. I have watched many Christians pray for things and even non-Christians pray thinking they knew the scriptures. Like Isiah 9:10 where the children could not take no for God’s answer in fact they were defiant. The bricks have fallen and the fig trees are felled so in defiance we will replace with cedars. We on 911 our leader quoted that scripture and did not know it was rebelling God. The trees planted there died and would not live. If anyone wishes to know more about what happened they can read The Harbinger and Harbinger II by Jonathan Cahn. We should be concerned about listening to scripture and like you said become wise by reading the whole book. Thank you Donny. My world is being rocked and I need many mountains to move🙏🙏🙏

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Donny I am glad you are safely back in Canada. I pray for you daily. Nothing is impossible with God. Even a small amount of faith is adequate to move a mountain assuming that the move is in God's will. The ministry of the disciples would always require faith and prayerful reliance on God. Jesus taught His disciples about the nature of faith and the power of prayer. Forgiveness is a requirement of both faith and prayer.

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Dec 17, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

Wow! This walk was chopped full. I loved it. I was challenged and so enjoyed the message. I also thank you for your vulnerability for saying that not all prayers are answered the ways we ask for them. It reminds me of Randy Travis' song...Unanswered Prayers. That idea can be so difficult when God does not heal people we love. I do know that as you said, Donny, it is a seamless book, not broken up into chapters/verses. Last year, I did a study by Angie Smith that was a guide to read through the whole Bible. It was exactly as the title says, Seamless! Here is a link to it for anyone that would like to look into it. Reading through all of the Bible can be overwhelming, so it is a wonderful guide. https://www.lifeway.com/en/product-family/seamless?cmpid=pm:ggl:220808%7Cboth%7Cna%7Cwomen%7Cseamless%7C8852748708%7Cwomens_ppc:lerma_product_angie_smith_seamless:139655843696&gclid=CjwKCAiA7vWcBhBUEiwAXieItst3WZTaNu5D1PeAQP_YN7JE3loXvKXjZ9ajfI8quFE6er1IqqVuIRoCqaoQAvD_BwE

Also, one of the parts in the walk that I felt most intrigued by was when you said that in the Bible that the word Christian was used negatively. It actually means a follower of the way...I love that! To me that is personal and not about religion. So much here as you said, I will listen to this one again for sure!

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