Aug 17, 2022·edited Aug 17, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

Be quick to hear, slow to speak, & slow to anger is great advice from James. This is pure wisdom that we can and should apply in our every day lives. As you said, if we are quick to hear, we are willing to listen and analyze what others are saying so we don't fall into Satan's trap. Self-discipline also is essential to achieving this. Galations 5:22-23 was actually part of my quiet alone time this morning and I believe really applies here as these verses speak of when the Holy Spirit controls our lives we can produce the fruits of the spirit. "But when the holy spirit controls our lives, he will produce this kind of fruit in us; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, feelness, gentleness, and self-control. Here there is no conflict with the law."

Be doers of the word and not only hearers means simply we should be obedient and focus on God's love and faith to guide us accordingly. Obedience requires effort and that is not always fun for any of us. If we say we have faith but not do any "works" we are deceiving ourselves and others and our faith is not genuine.

I know I'm guilty of all this every day. I wake up each morning, pray and ask God to lead me in a way to share the gospel with someone if the opportunity presents itself, encourage someone who is down or feels lost if God chooses to place that person or situation in my path. I pray for God to always help me be conscious of these opportunities. I constantly fail at this because of my sinful nature, but I honestly try to do try my best.

My prayer is to have more self-discipline, be more obedient, have stronger faith, and let Jesus take the wheel to guide me. That's my prayer and hope. Will I fail at this? Yes, but all I know to do is to keep trying.

Thanks again Donny for this prayer walk. Safe travels and continually praying for guidance as you travel on this current journey! Take care and God bless!

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Ironically when I began my journey to find “me” and to learn self love, after I confessed my emotions to one of my friends she replied..... that’s why you have been so quite these last 2 weeks?? .... I didn’t even know I was changing but God worked on me and he still is... Her words were you’re “being still” 🙏 I pray that his grace is shown through me ....

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Another beautiful setting - I would love to be walking on that beach! What struck me today was the idea of the Word implanted. God promised through Jeremiah and confirmed in Hebrews that when we enter into the New Covenant with Him, He writes his Word on our hearts. That pretty much gives us no excuse not to share it. I'm much more an introvert/listener and it's amazing how when you listen, you have a strong sense of when to share something from the Word and God gives you what to say. My experience is that it works best when you have a relationship with someone so that there is a trust level. If they see integrity and hope and joy in you, they are more likely to hear when you share the Word with them. Sometimes I wish I was more the bold talker when it comes to sharing Jesus, but God gifts us all differently. However, listener or talker, we still have to be hearers AND doers. How we live out our faith oftens speaks more loudly than our words. Your music speaks of your faith and people are drawn to it. But you also share very openly in a humble way that wins people. God uses you just the way you are, as he does each of us if we let Him. And like you said, when God gives us an opening and tells us to do something, we need to go, trusting He will equip us perfectly for what He is asking us to do. Thanks for always challenging us! I love reading what others get out of the great questions you ask. You're helping God grow all of us.

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Beautiful beach, my niece got married on that beach, it has the best white sand.

Walk today gave me some things to reflect on, am I doer of God’s word. Like Nancye said how a person lives their life speaks volumes. Think, hope, I’m a doer in that context, I know I don’t always speak/quote God’s words but feel my actions, how I treat others, and just daily life reflects His words. Anger and conflict are actions I work hard to avoid, it just doesn’t feel good in my heart, doesn’t mean there aren’t times I’m angry, it’s how I deal with it. Sometimes it’s just listening and letting others vent, reflect, work through their feelings, then ask why feel that way. Doesn’t always work, most of time yes.

Think part of problem in today’s world is people don’t listen and even when they do, they don’t really hear. It’s more about them, their agenda, not God’s work. Keep on doing what you are doing, we need more like you to shine their light on the darkness in the world. Blessings to you!

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

This comment is just a parenthesis, but I felt the urge to tell you that, Donny.

James is often compared to Paul, as both use typical evangelist language, that is, they do not focus on theological arguments, but on a practical approach to scripture.

I see so much similarity of prayer walks to the language used by James and Paul, so my brother, keep studying the book of James on your journey as a “student of Jesus”.

I grew up watching Billy Graham's shows, and to this day I'm surprised by the real power of his messages, they were simple, objective and short, but they reached crowds. Why did I cite this example? Because I believe that there are men and women with a sovereign calling from God, who have a special anointing to win souls.

When you said you felt like getting in your car and leaving Nashville and going to a place that has nothing to do with music, “maybe”, it is God leading you to “your calling”, because being an evangelist is not an option, is a gift, a calling, the Bible says, “He gave some to . . . and others to evangelists” (Ephesians 4:11).

An evangelist, if we go by the concept, is one who spreads the gospel by traveling to different cities to spread the teachings of Jesus Christ. This is what you have been doing through the Prayer Walk and now in your travels!

God bless you and may the Holy Spirit continue to guide your journey!

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

Wow. That is a lot to think about. I know I am a terrible listener. I am also that person that constantly interrupts. So this walk hits me hard. But it is well needed.

I used to be a devout Christian and fell away. This community along with Graham’s community are guiding me back to the love of Jesus.

I am going to work hard at listening, reading the word and soaking it in.

Thanks for all that you are! ❤️

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Hearing the waves from the video brought tears as I want to walk and feel the sand and soak my feet in the ocean . Donny thank you for this weekly Prayer walk also for sharing these reminder and for challenging us also each week.

Some ways I give my best to building a relationship with God. This morning I was very distracted after my virtual meeting with my surgeons PA . My worry creeps in and this thought hit me hard . Usually after my quiet time with God I feel very connected . I got discouraged then I remind myself that God has my back.Everyday I write a scripture even if it’s one verse. If it speaks to me ,speaks life. Connecting with God if even for a brief time in the beginning of my day can make all difference in my spirit. Every day we have : What will we allow to reside in our hearts . What will we allow to take root. We can choose what fills our hearts and where we allow our minds to go. Seek, knock, open the door and will not be weary and afraid any longer. If I am standing on that cliff, I will ask for peace and wisdom. Our God is a creative God , a loving God and if we allow him to use us as a vessel , we must also know He will continue to help me grow to meet the next level, then the one beyond that. I’ll have to put in some work , stand in faith, ask for His help but he never leave me without the tools and resources to succeed if He planted me here. So I roll my shoulders back, seek wisdom, stand up tall, say a prayer and walk forward today in peace, delight and confidence. Walk side by side with the Lord, the ultimate victor and be not a doer. Go Forth Hearers and Conquer!

“ Behold , you delight in truth in the inward being, and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart.” Psalm 51:6 (ESV)

Psalm 46:5(NIV) “God is within her , she will not fall; God will help her at break of day,”

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Mark and I attended a group Bible study a couple years ago where we were encouraged to listen so we can hear the other person and not ask leading questions so the person felt the desire to express themselves. I took that and I have gotten better at listening. I’m not perfect but instead I pray and lean on the Holy Spirit before I utter a word. I have a friend I use to try to talk to but when I tried to speak all she would do was interrupt and tell me she knew better. I learned a lesson from her too. I know I don’t have all the answers but I have Jesus, the truth, the way and the life in me that’s my only confession to others. I want others to know where my joy comes from and I will tell others that. I will listen with my mouth shut and my heart open. Ephesians 4:26 says be angry but don’t sin. Too much talking raises loud voices and can shut down open communication.

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Hi Donny Mac ~ I really enjoyed your beach walk this morning. Reminded me of my morning walks on Sanibel Island, Fla when I'm there. I definitely believe in God, and I have always thought of the Bible as a wonderful guide & a beautiful piece of literature. I have never believed it as the " infallible" Word of God though. Just wanted you to know, however, that I'm going to re-study the Bible with a more open-mind this next year -- because of you. Thanks!

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

Hello to all of you in this dear community! I have felt so much from reading through all these comments. It is like a virtual Bible study! Thank you, Donny, for following God's lead to bring us these walks and allow us this beautiful opportunity. I know it is all God! So much again in this walk. What got me too, was the idea of the "implanted word". I just did a bit of research about this idea. I found this wonderful quote about the word being implanted in us. It is a bit long, but I felt it was so helpful: "Before we are born again, our hearts are full of other things that push out the word of God. We are like people who are so stuffed with candy between meals that when the feast is offered we are not hungry. In fact, our stomach turns at the thought of eating. This is how unregenerate people feel about the real meaning of God’s word. They feel no need for it. So it has no place. It’s not implanted in them." (From John Piper, DesiringGod.org) So, that bring me to a question I have had for a long time. This could depend on your doctrinal beliefs, but how can we evangelize to someone that does not have the word implanted in them. So, then, it brings up a point that it is not our job to save people but to be still and to listen and by our actions (and words) be a minister of the Light. I have used the excuse much before that if I cannot save someone, then what is the point in sharing. It is as simple as this, it is a commandment from God! AND...I always use this analogy, if you have baked a delicious chocolate cake and you don't offer a piece to your neighbor who comes in and smells the yummy cake, then that is so selfish! So, offer the cake! BUT, it does require boundaries to know when to listen and when to speak. Ugh, this is a hard subject, Donny! Thank you for bringing it all up for me and all of us! Or, thank you, Lord, for putting it in Donny's head and heart to share it with us!

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What a beautiful place to share your great message. Lately I had some talks sharing the word of God with close friends, but I recognize that I have been very focused on my work and I haven´t look around me to be aware of people who needs someone to listen to them. Thank you for the reminder.

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James is powerful book. We can be doers and not say a word. Sure we can about talk Jesus, but if we don't set example our words are lost. Thank you for sharing this reminder to be hearers ,the example must come first.

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Aug 18, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

Beautiful walk Donny! The ocean looked so very powerful with its waves leaving water on the beautiful sand. Thank you for sharing with us Don. I love the quietness and the stillness of the early mornings and late nights. I Live alone, in a very small community, and as I age I really like the quietness, so that I can listen quietly listen to God‘s voice and I can hear him. Blessings to all!

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Thank you Don for this beautiful prayer walk which deserves many comments and reflections but I was not very available as I was busy with my father who is very tired. Thank you all for your deep and touching comments. May God bless you 🙏

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I'm finding that I have to ponder and re-listen to these prayer walks so I really dig down to answer for myself the questions you pose. I'm more to being a listener before I act or speak. I find that as a Christian I tend to surround myself with like-minded people. While I think our core people, the ones we spend the most time with should be of like mind. I need to be open to reaching out and making friendships and sharing my heart to be obedient to God. For me I have used hospitality to touch others. Offer a place to stay, a plate of food, a ride, just acts of love. For sometimes our actions speak volumes.

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Aug 19, 2022·edited Aug 19, 2022Liked by Donny Mac

Thank you for these prayer walks. They are such a blessing.

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