
I believe my calling has always been to be an encourager through my faith. God placed me in various settings throughout my life to do that. Even in this new phase of life with my writing, which I know God called me into, I am given a platform to encourage people and point to God. What God has taken me through in my lifetime gives me a basis for how I am able to offer encouragement and hope. I think about I Peter 3:15, which you quoted in this walk, “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” You served up a lot of great scripture today! I feel you are also called as an encourager, Donny. It may not be your only calling, but you do it all the time in your music and in your prayer walks and in how you respond to people. I know what you do encourages me big time! There are a few other encouragers on this site, too. We all work through our individual gifts and talents, but exhortation is what we’re called to do. If we just surrender to God’s leading, then He will show us where our calling lies. He sends us and equips us, we just need to use what He has given us to do what we are called to do. Thanks for sharing the Word today! I love the exercise you gave us to do. It confirms to me I'm right where I need to be at this particular time. I know that may change or grow and as it does, I will go where God leads next.

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🙂 Thank you for sharing Cathey.

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Cathey, I agree with what you say about encouragement or exhortation! That particular gift rates very high within this community! God amazes me as He is so awesome! I feel totally blessed!

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I know you have this gift as well, Anne, and you are so willing to use it!

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I second your calling.

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Ms. Cathey you are my encouragement and you are my blessings ❤️

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Our encouragement is mutual! Love you, friend!

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Thank you for sharing that with me. It's always a blessing to receive confirmation that you're doing what God wants you to be about.

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Cathey I too affirm you in your calling.

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Jan 25, 2023·edited Jan 25, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Wow - thank you, Deborah. I'm feeling emotional about these confirmations that the lane I am in currently is in line is within my calling.

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Cathey you are always encouraging me with your words. Your writings are alway so uplifting. Thank you my friend.

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Thank you for your encouragement to me here. It blesses me! ❤️🙏

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Donny, I had just gotten back from my walk, your prayer walk was here. On my way walk today I was reflecting on my life, ( it’s my 75 birthday) the blessings I’ve received along the way, and where my journey is going. Your question about knowing God’s calling for me, I know my calling was teaching. It was the only path I wanted to pursue from the age of 14, when I was helping at vacation Bible school classes at my church. That was my professional calling, my spiritual calling as a follower of Jesus is to love one another, and to shine our lights to help others find their way. Recently I volunteered to become a storyteller in certain classes in local schools, when I shadowed a storyteller as she told stories in two classes, I knew this is where God is calling me at this time, reaffirming teaching as my gift. Recently I also have started writing poems, maybe a new found gift....I’ll take your suggestion to ask 4 people about my gifts.

Thanks for an inspiring walk. Donny, maybe your gifts are combining your music talents to share your spiritual journey and love of Jesus. Blessings and prayers as you continue on journey!

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Happy bday Linda 🙂

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Happiness and God's blessings in your life in this new cycle, Linda! 👏🎉🌹

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Happy Birthday Linda! Enjoy your day! God bless you!

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Happy, happy birthday, Linda! You are such a blessing to so many. May God continue to give you opportunities to use your teaching gift! And I do feel your writing is within your gifting as well. Many blessings for an awesome year!

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HappyBirthday Linda!

Many blessings on your journey. Being a teacher is an amazing gift. So blessed to hear how He is directing you now with that gift.

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Donny, I have to share, this is absolutely amazing and awesome how I feel God is working in these Prayer Walks and with the start of the Bible Study in which we had the first zoom call of last night. We discussed our spiritual gifts and how we can use them to serve God, others, etc. That's what I mean when I say it is amazing and awesome how God is working. I had no idea what subject matter this prayer walk would be on, but man God did as he knows all. I had to share that to start with, and I hope you don't mind.

When you speak about "Our Calling" or I believe another word is "Our Purpose" could be used, it does get frustrating as our human nature sets in, and we want to know. That could be from impatience, pride, or a number of things. God knew each of us before we were conceived, Psalm 139:14-16 supports this. God made us; therefore, he has a purpose for each of us. What that is for each of us is different. Since we are all uniquely made anew in Christ, we are on different journeys utilizing the different talents and gifts he gave us. Sometimes I believe depending on our own walks of faith, some may arrive at their calling or purpose faster than others. Why I don't know, but we're all different which is so wonderful, but like you said, we shouldn't compare ourselves with others, but trust and surrender to God for the process and in the end to be revealed.

For us who are born again Christians or have a "relationship" with Jesus Christ, we are called to serve Him and others. I truly believe He also wants us to share the Gospel (Good News) with non-believers utilizing the unique spiritual gifts/talents we are given. Like you say, we shouldn't "Make" or "Force" what you or I believe down someone else's throat so to speak, but to "share" if you will if the other person is willing and open to receiving to hear what you have to say about Jesus. I love the word "Share" as it sounds more gentle. We are called to be "gentle."

As hard it is, we need to be patient and trust God in his divine process for each of us to discover our "purpose," "assignment," or "calling." Is it easy, no, but it can be if we let it. For myself, I'm approaching "retirement" age. I am very curious as to what God's purpose is for me if and when that happens. At times, I'm more patient than others, but I know deep down, I have to trust Him and wait it out for Him to reveal. When I have waited for him to reveal himself to me for other things within the past year, He has never failed me once. I don't think he will now.

I've read when we pray to God, and if you think you have an idea of what you're being called to do, if we pray for God's will to be shown and pray for that boldly to Him, he will answer your prayer, but in His timing and His will. He knows what's best for us, but we should trust the process.

Thank you again Donny for an amazing and uplifting prayer walk. Prayers to you my friend. Take care and God bless you and to this community.

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Thank you for sharing Anne.

God is awesome!

I know you didn't know the topic of the prayer walk... Because I rarely know until the day of or at best the night before. 🙂

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Amen! That is just how God works. It just amazes me! 100% agree, God is awesome! He just keeps blessing us!

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Oh boy you brought out a lot of scriptures Donny for this week prayer walk. My calling would be that I would be serving others. My upbringing were to serve , you see we serve a God of order,one that takes delight in lining things up for our good and the glory of the kingdom. We can tell this by looking at the universe, how perfectly the stars align, the orbitals and balance, none of this is random or by accident and neither are you or your life. The Lord of the Lords breath life into you because you have a purpose and he has a divine plan for your life that is greater then that which you can imagine. Everyday Gods provide, God has created me to do great things to serve to others. Ephesians 2:10 For we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works. Thank you Donny for guiding me with this week prayer walk I have so much to study now to deepen my knowledge about our God.

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Once again more wonderful challenges. Thank you as you spur us on as the day draws nearer.

Calling... or as Anne pointed out, our purpose is what is important. Each and every scripture you shared today has been actively brought to my attention over the last month or two. Thank you Holy Spirit, the word is alive and a two edged sword.

Thank you Donny for faithfully sharing.

The Lord has been trying to teach me to 'follow' really follow Him and seek Him. I know in my 'doing', I so easily miss Him. I still usually live my life hoping He will follow me, but I do want to let Him lead and be my Lord.

I think my purpose has been encouraging and bringing ladies together who have been discouraged or feeling alone these last few years. I am passionate about sharing LIFE in Jesus now and we can have Hope. We have Hope. The Kingdom of God is at hand. We are not of this world and as I slow down to listen more, to read His word, pray Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, I can trust He goes before me and is leading me.

I want friends, family, people to KNOW Him for real.

Nothing compares.

I have been shy and struggle with what to say.

I am troubled when I see people and dont share what is truly important.

But I also know He is patient with me

He knows my heart

I have seen Him do powerful miracles so I trust He will work through me.

Continued blessings of grace and peace be upon you Donny and everyone else here.

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Wonderful. Thank you for sharing Deborah.

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Deborah, Amen to what you have said. I feel very similar. Thank you for sharing!

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You are definitely a big time encourager! I appreciate you.

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Jan 26, 2023·edited Jan 26, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Hi Donny – I can empathize with your searching for your purpose. It still hits me about every decade. When I was young, I used to think I had to find that one grand purpose, and I kept wondering when it would show up. I wasn’t sure what would happen after I completed it though. Ha! Ha!

Well, as I got older, I finally could look back & see the patterns and passages in my life. I saw that God kept giving me the same types of opportunities to use MY talents to serve others. Some of those were BIG; some were little. I just had to recognize & accept that that was what they were -- opportunities; my purpose. I'm pretty sure He uses us & we don't even know it sometimes. Right now, I’ve been presented the chance to direct & produce a production of M*A*S*H as a fundraiser. I think God has given you the opportunity to serve others with your Prayer Walks & IG Lives. You will move on from the Walks someday (like I will move on from this show) & another opportunity to use your talents will show up. I don’t think we have to be in a certain place – the woods, a cave, a deserted island to find them. I think we can choose our location -- anywhere we are happy -- & God will be there presenting us with opportunities that match our talents -- a chance to use our gifts for Good. We just have to keep our eyes & hearts open... ~ Jan xoxo

I love Proverbs 16:9: “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.”

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Thank you Donny for another inspiring prayer walk. Years ago as I was working in the financial industry I found myself having a strong desire to help young people realize their full potential. God had blessed me with a position of influence and revealed to me that my talents lent themselves to mentoring these young people and encouraging them to realize their potential. By the grace of God I was able to help many of them reach their goals in a corporate environment that was very competitive, very regulated and sometimes unkind. Most importantly as challenging as it was sometimes, I prayed daily for the fruits of the Spirit to be evident in me. I retired a few years ago but my calling gave me years of both a career and gratification in what the Lord accomplished by using me in that position. I still now after retirement maintain friendships with many of those now not so young people. They are not all followers but I have faith that God is still working on their hearts. Interestingly when discussing our journey together the followers and non followers said the same thing, that they could feel my faith and see the peace it brought to me. This sounds like a “look at me how good am I” story but on the contrary the glory goes to God and God alone. He uses us in the environment in which we land. Thank you and God bless you on your journey Donny. God will use you wherever you are.

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Thank you Donny for this inspiring message. Interesting that this is something that I have also been pondering the past few months 😳 what is my calling??? I love to write ✍️ and I have lots of creative passions - such as singing, playing guitar 🎸 etc...I've also dabbled with songwriting. In many ways I've felt a lot like a 'jack of all trades and naster of none' - After much consideration I believe that we are, all of us, called to love ❤️ and to become love in the world in the same way as Jesus - the Wayshower and blueprint for us all. My granddaughter told me that my special gift was -' loving' - and 'mothering'. I was surprised as I didn't expect that. I guess I will find 3 more folk now and ask them. For what it's worth, Donny, I think your special gift is communication. Much love Carole 💜 🙏

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Thank you Carole. Let us know what the other 3 people say.

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Thank you for this Prayer Walk. Many years ago I lead a bible study on Eph.210 and I asked the participants what they thought the works God had called them to was. Each one shared what they were doing with their Spiritual calling or gifts. When I went home I was feeling as if we hadn't really gotten to the point of what Jesus/Gos was conveying and I sensed God saying that each one only shared what their particular gifting was but the WORKs he had prepared were those things you read out today as well as things from the OT. One he pointed out to me was Micah 6;8 'He has shown you O man what is good and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly. to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." So like the scriptures you read out. Gifting is entirely another matter and that is where I struggle. I do know that many years ago God woke me from a sound sleep with a loud voice and told be what he was going to make me. However I shunned it as I didn't think I was capable of what it was. Since then I have not found what other gifts I may have and I am afraid I have missed the boat as it were because I didn't believe I could do what God told me. It meant that I would be noticed by others and I was always uncomfortable being "out there". However since then He has put me into situations and positions where I have had to be "out there". A few months ago I sensed Him saying "you may have forgotten what I said but I haven't: " Maybe there is still hope even though I am turning 76 this year. But I still have to do all those things you said as I live my life for Him.

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Jan 25, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

I'm still thinking about the "How do you suffer" prayer walk from a few weeks ago. To be honest, I usually freeze or withdraw first, then come out fighting. I have thought about that prayer walk almost every day since.

I say this because I just became aware of a situation in my community that most would view as terribly unjust. Friends and family are outraged, news media is so far silent. This morning I talked with my husband about what we are called to do in this instance. How do we participate in seeking justice as Christians. My family is saying PRAY!

Seek first the Kingdom of God.

Timely words today, Donny.

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I am praying for the situation Linda. May Gods will be done, may justice be done and may God be glorified in the situation.

Romans 12:19-21

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Romans 12:19-21 Yes. Overcome evil with good.

The news media has caught wind of the story. Our state government is relocating level III sex offenders in rural neighborhoods around Washington. One of the locations is next door to 4 of my relatives. One of the offenders is already there, with several more to come. I and my family know there is a spiritual battle going on here. Our community Facebook forum has had to delete informational posts twice in 24 hours due to threats of violence. Prayers are very much appreciated.

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Jan 27, 2023·edited Jan 27, 2023Author

Oh wow! Yes definitely a spiritual battle. I am praying. I wonder what Gods purpose is for bringing the offenders near believers?

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Oh that is awful!

Praying for you and all those potentially affected.

My daughter and her family with my granddaughter live in rural area of Washington State.


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What am I called to do? What a question! It’s one I have been asking all my life. It seems like I never have a clear answer. But year after year, I continue to walk and continue to believe. My prayer is that my calling would be clear to me. I trust that God will answer me in His own good time. It’s wonderful to read all of the posts and how so many in this community are clear about their particular calling. If only it were clear to me! This is my prayer.

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Hi Phillip, I was reading your post and thinking about what you wrote. Sometimes I have found in life we look for the big ah hah moments and the answer is in the smaller moments. Your faith shows through in your words. Your uplifting spirit shows in the fact that you read and like other community member’s comments. That may not be the calling you are looking for but it brings joy to people like me when I read of your faithful walk and encouragement to the community. Thank you 🙏.

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Oh my, thank you so much. I just got home from work and am feeling kind of down. Your post was just what I needed! I do seek and have always been a seeker. I believe that as the Bible says, I will find. In the meantime your advice is so helpful. Just enjoy the small moments and the daily interactions with people, and don't look for those "ah ha" moments. I need to trust in the Lord with all my heart and be still, knowing that God is still God and is in control and really, truly loves each of us. Have a wonderful week and thanks again! 🙏.🙏.🙏.

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Jan 28, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

I sat down today and listened to this weeks prayer walk. You know that I recently moved to the coast of SC. That was a decision that I struggled with for more than 2 years. Honestly, it was Graham that pushed me to make the final decision. I had won a zoom call with him, some friends brought me a cameo video with him, and i had a separate text message from him all of which helped me make the decision. I had asked him how he knew the difference between "wanting to do something" and "being called to do something". I truly feel that something or someone is going to happen in my life here that wouldn't have if I hadn't moved. I wouldn't begin to explain to you how he explained to me how to know the difference. But that was what finally made my decision. Graham is your close friend Donny. You should talk to him about your being called back to Nashville and wanting to go, knowing the differnce. As far as my "gift" I would have to say my talent or whatever its called is the ability to make cookies. I am going to get started soon here in my new neighborhood. I know that will go over well here. I continue to pray for your "call".

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Thank you for your prayers 🙂

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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Donny thanks for this prayer walk this week. God and faith will show me it I’m on the right path in life.🙏🏻

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Hi Lois,

Yes, you are right, only God and his Holy Spirit can show us if we are on the right path! A great way to help us with this is by reading the Bible, funny I never asked you if you have a Bible and have you read it? Would love to know!

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Hi Angela, yes I do have a bible but I don’t read it as much as I should.

Thanks for complementing on my message. I really enjoy Donny’s prayer walks. Thanks Angela ❤️

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Good to know that you have a Bible, if didn't I would give it to you as a gift lol

I'm reading Paul's thirteen letters, I pointed them out to Heidi and ended up reading them again. LOL

Have a nice weekend my friend!

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You too have a great weekend my friend. And Thanks again for everything ❤️

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Donny Mac

Watching the video reminded me of Ecclesiastes 1:13-14, in particular the phrase “chasing after the wind”. And when you said, "I am a doer" - I was reminded of the phrase Solomon used a few times, "striving to catch the wind".

Why am I saying this?

Because, in fact, I believe that God has already placed you to “do” your calling – here on the other side of America – LoL - I see God using you in so many ways…

But the world and all the things that are attractive in it will push you towards "a material doing", while the Holy Spirit may be telling you "I want you to be".

We are tempted all the time to "achievements" - that's not wrong, God gave us the "gift" for that too, but we need to be aware of the distractions that can cause us to chase the wind and those who try to do that may not make it nothing.

When Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes, he had the means to acquire whatever he wanted. “All that my eyes asked I did not withhold from them” (Ecclesiastes 2:10). However, he found that “goods and success” in themselves do not bring satisfaction: “A mere lover of silver will not be satisfied with silver, nor a lover of riches with revenue” (Ecclesiastes 5:10).

Donny, I'm sorry if I'm being bold in writing this, but that's what I felt in my heart when I watched the video last night and woke up with the same feeling, I hope God confirms that word in your heart.

My prayer is that you will continue to use your music, your gift of exhortation, your ability to love people to bring the name of Jesus to everyone across the world!

God bless you and thanks for the walk!

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You are not being "too bold". 🙂

thank you for sharing

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This reminds me of something I have heard many say... perhaps even Donny or Graham

We are human 'beings' not human 'doings'.

So yes we really need to learn to BE with Jesus, remain in the vine throughout our day not continue to 'do' then graft into the vine periodically.

Thank you Angela for being bold. 😉🙏🏼

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Donny thank you🙏I’m overwhelmed by emotions today, having a group of friends/family that warm your heart just at the mention of their name is a blessing that not many get in this life❤️ I’m not sure what my calling is in this life but I’m definitely seeking for it.... I pray you find peace in your journey and discover what God’s plan is for you and no matter what direction he sends you I know without a shadow of doubt that there will be much love and smiles among the people who surround you🙏 You are a blessing to me for sure and I thank you!! You have United a community who offers friendship love and support from thousands of miles apart !!! That’s a GOD thing🙏❤️

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When you asked the question what you are doing to prepare for others to meet Jesus. I have a six-year-old great grandson and I take him to a program at church called Kings Kids. He loves it. When the teacher is giving the lesson for the day, and he is moving around and doing this and doing that, and you do not think he is listening but when she asks a question, he will answer it. Makes this great grandmother's heart proud. I hope he appreciates this one day.

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