Hi Donny ~ thanks for the walk! I just wrote my blog on being grateful -- the opposite I think of feeling "deserving." Several years ago I started REACH, a youth ministry of hands-on classes for children Gr K-5 on Saturday mornings in our community. I was whining to our Weekday Religious Education Instructor that I wished more people in my church had Faith in me ~ that I had proven myself to be successful many times before with big projects. Without hesitating at all -- she said, "Think how God feels!" OMG that very moment snapped me out of thinking I deserved anything & started me focusing on things to be grateful for instead. Every night as I'm falling asleep I come up with 10 small things to be thankful for that day -- some times for people I don't even think deserve it. Ha! It has actually changed how I wake up in the morning. Thank you, Lord! xoxo
Wow, this does make me take a step back and think about what we say to our friends or people we come in contact with. I try and not say you deserve this or that to people too often, but I probably have at some point in my life. I believe with my whole heart that we are placed here to serve Jesus/God with our whole heart. It's not about me, it's about serving HIM with the spiritual gifts/talents he's given to each one of us. Ephesians 2:8-9 states "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is a gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast." Basically, we are saved by grace of Jesus dying on the cross for each one of our sins. We don't "deserve" or we can't earn our way to have eternal by doing good deeds, etc. We don't earn or deserve God's love; he gives that to us unconditionally from the day we were born. We have to come willingly and humbly to HIM giving every part of ourselves to HIM. We don't deserve anything because we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God every day as Romans 3:23 states, but by the grace of God, he gave us the FREE gift of eternal life because of his unconditional love for each of us. It's up to each one of us to choose God or live in the flesh. For me, I choose to live and serve God/Jesus. Donny, once again, thank you for the wonderful and insightful prayer walk. We appreciate you and God bless you!
Exactly, Anne! We don't deserve the unconditional love of God or the fact that when He looks at us, He sees Jesus in us. That humbles me every single day.
Jesus did say to seek Him and to knock at the door. In Him we have life both here fulfilled and a life of eternity ahead. We should not seek the pride of life that turns into vanity. We should give all we can to the world which is hurting. To live is Christ the ability to love unconditionally. To die is gain and reap the rewards of that unconditional love we expressed while being here in the moment. Thank you for this remembrance of why we are called out of bondage. There is a joy,joy,joy down in my heart I want that to be what stays, not because I deserve it but because it tells the world who lives there.
Donny thank you for this week prayers walk, I appreciate you for sharing it to us and I look forward your Wednesday post. My very thoughts about “deserve?” It can shape your day, spoken out loud they are given even more power. Positive affirmations are believed to permanently change an individuals way of thinking when repeated over time. We start to believe what we are saying and we put our words into action. Let’s start today with a pathway for the amazing! Love bears all things, as Jesus faithfully bears your weaknesses so faithfully bear his strength in helping others. Believe all things. As Jesus believes your life is worth sacrificing. I have the power to change my thoughts in a second. And so as others. I live in the present and am confident of the future. Hope all things . As Jesus hopes that you will willingly reflect his image, so maintain the hope that anything that comes into your life works towards that end. Endures all things as Jesus endure the cross to provide you eternal life, so obediently endure in this life in order to give him the glory. “ I am the Lord your God; so consecrate yourselves and be Holy, for I am Holy.” Leviticus 11:44 AMP “ To the one who comes near me, I will show myself Holy; before all the people, I will show my Glory.” Leviticus 10:3 MSG
I love how you wrestle with questions like this because it really makes me think about how I would answer. "Deserve" is a complicated word. Why do some people "deserve" good and some "deserve" bad? I've so often heard people say, "Well, he got what he deserved" when someone makes a bad choice. Bottom line.....we all deserve hell. It's only by grace we get heaven. I also think happiness is temporal, circumstantial, and fleeting. There's a difference between happiness and joy. We can have joy in our relationship with Christ even when we don't feel happy about our circumstances. Joy is deeper - it comes from knowing we deserve hell, but instead we get heaven. To me living our best life is reflecting Jesus so that He is glorified and others can see Him in us. There's much more to think about and say, but these were my initial thoughts. Thanks for giving me something to think and pray about this week while we're on a camping trip. Lots of time to reflect!
Reading through the comments and insights is utterly inspiring! Donny, such thought-provoking questions in this walk. Most days I hear my clients share of hard stories and circumstances. I may be thinking internally “you deserve better”, but I have learned that if I say something like that, their focus goes inward. They begin to focus on the negative they are surrounded by instead of focusing on God. To me, “you deserve better” is focusing on what can you “do” to “get what you deserve”, which breeds pride. The kind of unconditional love that God gives is given to us out of not us deserving it but a kind of selfless love that my human brain cannot fully understand. If I feel I want “to do” something then I try to attune with God as my guide. “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13. I use the phrase “reframe” a lot. It is a way to look again at the situation from a different perspective, a God-driven perspective. “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” Colossians 3:2. Thank you again for listening to God, Donny, it is a blessing to us all.
Donny, thanks for another beautiful prayer walk and thought inspiring questions. Listened to walk at lunch today, this evening is the first time I’ve had to really sit, reflect on the questions and share my thoughts. I believe in giving your life to God, following the path He has chosen for you and live your life helping and serving others. Would this not be your best life?
Teaching was my career choice, it was my passion since I was 13 years old when I helped teach vacation Bible school. I believe God gave me the gift of teaching as my path to serve and help others. Working with little kids was my path to share and show God’s love for us, part of my “best” life. God by His grace gave me that “ best life”! Blessings to you!
Thank you for the walk and the powerful questions that will accompany me for a few days...
I am based on positive psychology, so positive language is essential and, in fact, I believe that words can have an effect immediately and over time, especially if they remain in people's minds and hearts.
In my view, "you deserve it..." becomes a "problem" when they are said in a spontaneous way, that is, the brain uses a repetitive activity that is easier, as it saves mental and emotional energy.
This walk today made me think how much I've been using this phrase on "auto pilot". I confess that I identified a reasonable amount of times. Then I remembered Job's confession, when he said, “I have indeed spoken what I did not understand; things too wonderful for me, things I didn’t know.” - Jn 42:3
Anyway, I'll keep reflecting and thanks again!
God bless you!
P.S.: Ahh, I'm going on vacation, so maybe next Wednesday I won't follow the collaborative conversations of this community. Please pray that I have a time of renewal, spiritually, emotionally and physically. Thanks!!
Je suis toujours impatiente de voir ce que sera la prochaine marche de prière Je commence toujours à lire les questions puis j'écoute la vidéo et après je lis les commentaires. Je suis émerveillée par tous ces beaux témoignages, parfois je me sens très loin de toutes ces réflexions. J'ai l'impression d'avoir un train de retard. J'aimerai pouvoir être aussi positive que vous tous, vos démarches et vos convictions sont si encourageantes. Je ne pense pas avoir dit à quelqu'un qu'il méritait ceci ou cela. Par mon activité professionnelle, j'ai toujours essayé d'avoir un langage positif, des mots encourageants et une attitude stimulante. Je pense que je suis bien meilleure pour les autres que pour moi-même. Nous avons tous droit au bonheur et c'est le souhait de Jésus, Il nous veut heureux. Je n'ai jamais essayé de mériter quoique ce soit, j'essaye tout simplement de faire ce qu'il faut en étant intègre et honnête avec moi-même. Je ne dirai pas que je suis heureuse mais je ne dirai pas non plus que je suis malheureuse. Il y a beaucoup de choses dans le commentaire de Don qui me touchent vraiment, il dit que si vous faites ce qui vous rend heureux alors vous aimez votre vie, ce qui, dans les mots de Dieu signifie que vous la perdrez. Je ne peux pas dire que j'ai fait des choses pour me rendre heureuse, je fais des choses pour apporter de la joie, pour faire plaisir et si cela apporte du bonheur aux autres, cela me satisfait. Certes je n'ai pas la vie que je souhaitai et souvent je me suis dit que c'est la vie que je méritais !!! "Aidez-nous à entendre la vérité sur ce que nous méritons vraiment." Cette phrase de Don raisonne très fort, c'est toute ma problématique: comment accepter que ce que Dieu veut vraiment pour soi c’est ce qu'il y a de mieux ? Comment accepter cette vérité ? J’ai l’impression que mes propos ne sont pas très clairs…désolée. J’ai simplement mis bout à bout certains ressentis que cette marche a évoqué chez moi. Il y a tellement à dire sur ce sujet. Je sais que le chemin est long, semé d’embûches et de doute mais avec la confiance et la foi en Dieu tout est possible. Mérite ou pas mérite, Dieu est présent au milieu de nous, il nous accueille, nous tend la main quelques soient nos erreurs, nos hésitations et nos doutes ; laissons-nous guider. Merci à vous tous d’être là bien présents. Un grand MERCI à Don qui, à travers sa merveilleuse musique et ses marches de prière, me permet de réfléchir, de méditer sur des sujets bien souvent enfouis au fond de mon cœur. Bénédictions à tous. 🙏
Oh sorry, I was so passionate about this prayer walk that I forgot to translate my testimony. I'm sending it to you in English : I always look forward to the next prayer walk. I always start reading the questions and then listen to the video and then read the comments. I am amazed at all the beautiful testimonies, sometimes I feel very far away from all the thoughts. I feel like I'm a step behind. I wish I could be as positive as all of you, your steps and beliefs are so encouraging. I don't think I've told anyone that they deserve this or that. Through my work, I have always tried to have positive language, encouraging words, and an uplifting attitude. I think I am much better for others than for myself. We all have the right to happiness and that is Jesus' wish, He wants us to be happy. I have never tried to deserve anything, I just try to do the right thing by being honest with myself. I won't say I'm happy but I won't say I'm unhappy either. There is a lot in Don's comment that really resonates with me, he says if you do what makes you happy then you love your life, which in God's words means you will lose it. I can't say I did things to make myself happy, I do things to bring joy, to please and if it brings happiness to others, it satisfies me. Certainly I don't have the life I wanted and many times I have told myself that this is the life I deserve!!! "Help us to hear the truth about what we really deserve." This sentence of Don's reasons very strongly, it's all my problem: how to accept that what God really wants for you is what's best? How do I accept this truth? I feel like I'm not making myself very clear...sorry. I just put together some of the feelings that this walk evoked in me. There is so much to say on this subject. I know that the road is long, full of pitfalls and doubts but with trust and faith in God everything is possible. Deserving or not deserving, God is present in our midst, he welcomes us, he holds out his hand to us whatever our mistakes, our hesitations and our doubts; let us be guided. Thank you all for being there. A big THANK YOU to Don who, through his wonderful music and his prayer walks, allows me to reflect, to meditate on subjects often buried deep in my heart. Blessings to all. 🙏
Thank you for this Prayer Walk and the question "What do we deserve". Made me realise that I don't deserve anything at all except Hell. But God's all encompassing, unconditional love gave me/us a way to escape that and although we/I don't deserve that love He gives it anyway. This and this alone needs to be my/our source of happiness and joy. Something I need to remember every day.
Great perspective here. God is good and I believe as a loving father he wants the best for us. However, your question about what we “deserve” puts it all in perspective. As sinners, we deserve what is stated clearly in Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” So, as I read this, we are not entitled to anything except death for sin! But as believers we can be assured that Jesus paid the price for us. But that does not create an entitlement to anything at all except a promise that we will not perish eternally. Anything good that we receive in this life is truly a gift from God and that’s why we give thanks. I myself don’t give thanks nearly enough, so that is a takeaway from this Prayer Walk. Thanks so much, Donny, for asking the question!
Thank you for the walk, mmmm challenging questions... We do not deserve anything - we should humble ourselves before God because we are mere instruments in God's hands. We will receive what is needed according to His plan for our life.
Happy...things, people can't make us happy - happiness comes from within and we can only be truly happy if I submit under God's plan for my life good or bad without questioning circumstances. We comicate life for ourselves. We are here to serve a purpose and if we can fulfill that purpose that will bring happiness...serving God and serving His people.
Loose your life - for me it means to lay down (loose) the "I or the me" and to live by God's example. To loose the dreams and wishes I have for myself but to live my life according to the dream God proclaimed over my life at birth... we are placed on this earth for a purpose and we need to become still and pray for guidance. One of the important purposes is the love our neighbour as we love ourselves. So we need to love and serve in love without judgement.
It's not about what people wishes for me it's about God's dream and purpose for me... my prayer for everyone is - "may the dream God proclaimed over your life at birth be fullfilled"
Thank you Donny you are serving your purpose. I got hurt by people of the church don't go to church anymore I am definitely a believer, believe in the power of prayer and has faith and true to God but I follow people and for them it's all about spirituality but sometimes spirituality can include dark things... I know it's about having a personal relationship with God and not so much about religion but also realised along these walks that you have to be in a community that is not afraid to use the word God rather than covering it up with words like higher power, devine sources etc. I had some challenges new doors opened and thing are in the process of being restored and you have an impact on that restoration. 🙏
This really has me thinking, I often use the hashtag live laugh love!!! The feeling of wanting something and then after you get it the feeling fades away is a familiar feeling. I think for me it’s the excitement and eagerness of getting to your achievement. I’ve tried to live everyday to the full extent of what God has put me here to do... I love even of people that would often be considered “unworthy” always show love , you never know when that person will shine from your blessing. And I’ve learn to laugh at the let downs that this world gives us, because these things too shall all pass and our Heavenly home will be so gracious ❤️ it’s definitely hard changing your mindset to what’s Gods purpose for me and what’s Gods path got in store for me. Because we know he will never give us a burden that he knows we can’t carry.. 🙏🙏
Thank you for this inspiring walk. I don't usually use the word deserve, for my friends only good wishes and in my life I thank God, He is very generous with me and feeling his presence is the best gift. Nice weekeend for all. ❤
Glad you shared this. I was thinking the same thing - that I have never been one to use that term "deserve." Not that I haven't thought it, but I just rarely verbalize it.
Hi Donny ~ thanks for the walk! I just wrote my blog on being grateful -- the opposite I think of feeling "deserving." Several years ago I started REACH, a youth ministry of hands-on classes for children Gr K-5 on Saturday mornings in our community. I was whining to our Weekday Religious Education Instructor that I wished more people in my church had Faith in me ~ that I had proven myself to be successful many times before with big projects. Without hesitating at all -- she said, "Think how God feels!" OMG that very moment snapped me out of thinking I deserved anything & started me focusing on things to be grateful for instead. Every night as I'm falling asleep I come up with 10 small things to be thankful for that day -- some times for people I don't even think deserve it. Ha! It has actually changed how I wake up in the morning. Thank you, Lord! xoxo
Amazing! thank you for sharing that story Jan 🙂
Wow, this does make me take a step back and think about what we say to our friends or people we come in contact with. I try and not say you deserve this or that to people too often, but I probably have at some point in my life. I believe with my whole heart that we are placed here to serve Jesus/God with our whole heart. It's not about me, it's about serving HIM with the spiritual gifts/talents he's given to each one of us. Ephesians 2:8-9 states "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is a gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast." Basically, we are saved by grace of Jesus dying on the cross for each one of our sins. We don't "deserve" or we can't earn our way to have eternal by doing good deeds, etc. We don't earn or deserve God's love; he gives that to us unconditionally from the day we were born. We have to come willingly and humbly to HIM giving every part of ourselves to HIM. We don't deserve anything because we are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God every day as Romans 3:23 states, but by the grace of God, he gave us the FREE gift of eternal life because of his unconditional love for each of us. It's up to each one of us to choose God or live in the flesh. For me, I choose to live and serve God/Jesus. Donny, once again, thank you for the wonderful and insightful prayer walk. We appreciate you and God bless you!
Ephesians 2:8 great scripture 🙂
Yes it is indeed and thought it applied so well to this prayer walk topic. Amen!
Anne it doesn’t matter where in life I am I find listening to others is a great reward.?
I totally agree. I always learn something new to apply to my walk and it is a great reward!
Exactly, Anne! We don't deserve the unconditional love of God or the fact that when He looks at us, He sees Jesus in us. That humbles me every single day.
Jesus did say to seek Him and to knock at the door. In Him we have life both here fulfilled and a life of eternity ahead. We should not seek the pride of life that turns into vanity. We should give all we can to the world which is hurting. To live is Christ the ability to love unconditionally. To die is gain and reap the rewards of that unconditional love we expressed while being here in the moment. Thank you for this remembrance of why we are called out of bondage. There is a joy,joy,joy down in my heart I want that to be what stays, not because I deserve it but because it tells the world who lives there.
well said, thank you for sharing
Your heart is so full I enjoy hearing what it has to say. Thank you back.
I especially love your last sentence. Joy comes from who lives in us and that's what we need people to see and understand.
I listened to Donny’s testimony today and got such a big blessing,
Lucinda, I agree with you 100%.
"Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4
Praising God, loving God will naturally fill you with happiness leading to a good life.
Thanks Don for today's prayer walk-- loved it.
Donny thank you for this week prayers walk, I appreciate you for sharing it to us and I look forward your Wednesday post. My very thoughts about “deserve?” It can shape your day, spoken out loud they are given even more power. Positive affirmations are believed to permanently change an individuals way of thinking when repeated over time. We start to believe what we are saying and we put our words into action. Let’s start today with a pathway for the amazing! Love bears all things, as Jesus faithfully bears your weaknesses so faithfully bear his strength in helping others. Believe all things. As Jesus believes your life is worth sacrificing. I have the power to change my thoughts in a second. And so as others. I live in the present and am confident of the future. Hope all things . As Jesus hopes that you will willingly reflect his image, so maintain the hope that anything that comes into your life works towards that end. Endures all things as Jesus endure the cross to provide you eternal life, so obediently endure in this life in order to give him the glory. “ I am the Lord your God; so consecrate yourselves and be Holy, for I am Holy.” Leviticus 11:44 AMP “ To the one who comes near me, I will show myself Holy; before all the people, I will show my Glory.” Leviticus 10:3 MSG
thank you for sharing Lucy
Your welcome Donny 🙏
I love how you wrestle with questions like this because it really makes me think about how I would answer. "Deserve" is a complicated word. Why do some people "deserve" good and some "deserve" bad? I've so often heard people say, "Well, he got what he deserved" when someone makes a bad choice. Bottom line.....we all deserve hell. It's only by grace we get heaven. I also think happiness is temporal, circumstantial, and fleeting. There's a difference between happiness and joy. We can have joy in our relationship with Christ even when we don't feel happy about our circumstances. Joy is deeper - it comes from knowing we deserve hell, but instead we get heaven. To me living our best life is reflecting Jesus so that He is glorified and others can see Him in us. There's much more to think about and say, but these were my initial thoughts. Thanks for giving me something to think and pray about this week while we're on a camping trip. Lots of time to reflect!
Amen Cathey!
Reading through the comments and insights is utterly inspiring! Donny, such thought-provoking questions in this walk. Most days I hear my clients share of hard stories and circumstances. I may be thinking internally “you deserve better”, but I have learned that if I say something like that, their focus goes inward. They begin to focus on the negative they are surrounded by instead of focusing on God. To me, “you deserve better” is focusing on what can you “do” to “get what you deserve”, which breeds pride. The kind of unconditional love that God gives is given to us out of not us deserving it but a kind of selfless love that my human brain cannot fully understand. If I feel I want “to do” something then I try to attune with God as my guide. “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13. I use the phrase “reframe” a lot. It is a way to look again at the situation from a different perspective, a God-driven perspective. “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” Colossians 3:2. Thank you again for listening to God, Donny, it is a blessing to us all.
Donny, thanks for another beautiful prayer walk and thought inspiring questions. Listened to walk at lunch today, this evening is the first time I’ve had to really sit, reflect on the questions and share my thoughts. I believe in giving your life to God, following the path He has chosen for you and live your life helping and serving others. Would this not be your best life?
Teaching was my career choice, it was my passion since I was 13 years old when I helped teach vacation Bible school. I believe God gave me the gift of teaching as my path to serve and help others. Working with little kids was my path to share and show God’s love for us, part of my “best” life. God by His grace gave me that “ best life”! Blessings to you!
Thank you for the walk and the powerful questions that will accompany me for a few days...
I am based on positive psychology, so positive language is essential and, in fact, I believe that words can have an effect immediately and over time, especially if they remain in people's minds and hearts.
In my view, "you deserve it..." becomes a "problem" when they are said in a spontaneous way, that is, the brain uses a repetitive activity that is easier, as it saves mental and emotional energy.
This walk today made me think how much I've been using this phrase on "auto pilot". I confess that I identified a reasonable amount of times. Then I remembered Job's confession, when he said, “I have indeed spoken what I did not understand; things too wonderful for me, things I didn’t know.” - Jn 42:3
Anyway, I'll keep reflecting and thanks again!
God bless you!
P.S.: Ahh, I'm going on vacation, so maybe next Wednesday I won't follow the collaborative conversations of this community. Please pray that I have a time of renewal, spiritually, emotionally and physically. Thanks!!
Good morning Donny Mac!!
Your post is very interesting. Often the which is good for me, not good for someone else.
The most certain thing is that God's will is good, perfect and pleasing to all!!
A hug. I'm happy to be here.🥰❤️🇧🇷
Welcome, I'm glad to have you here, my dear friend!
Stand firm and God bless you!
Love U
I always comment here, friend. I love you too!!🥰❤️
Je suis toujours impatiente de voir ce que sera la prochaine marche de prière Je commence toujours à lire les questions puis j'écoute la vidéo et après je lis les commentaires. Je suis émerveillée par tous ces beaux témoignages, parfois je me sens très loin de toutes ces réflexions. J'ai l'impression d'avoir un train de retard. J'aimerai pouvoir être aussi positive que vous tous, vos démarches et vos convictions sont si encourageantes. Je ne pense pas avoir dit à quelqu'un qu'il méritait ceci ou cela. Par mon activité professionnelle, j'ai toujours essayé d'avoir un langage positif, des mots encourageants et une attitude stimulante. Je pense que je suis bien meilleure pour les autres que pour moi-même. Nous avons tous droit au bonheur et c'est le souhait de Jésus, Il nous veut heureux. Je n'ai jamais essayé de mériter quoique ce soit, j'essaye tout simplement de faire ce qu'il faut en étant intègre et honnête avec moi-même. Je ne dirai pas que je suis heureuse mais je ne dirai pas non plus que je suis malheureuse. Il y a beaucoup de choses dans le commentaire de Don qui me touchent vraiment, il dit que si vous faites ce qui vous rend heureux alors vous aimez votre vie, ce qui, dans les mots de Dieu signifie que vous la perdrez. Je ne peux pas dire que j'ai fait des choses pour me rendre heureuse, je fais des choses pour apporter de la joie, pour faire plaisir et si cela apporte du bonheur aux autres, cela me satisfait. Certes je n'ai pas la vie que je souhaitai et souvent je me suis dit que c'est la vie que je méritais !!! "Aidez-nous à entendre la vérité sur ce que nous méritons vraiment." Cette phrase de Don raisonne très fort, c'est toute ma problématique: comment accepter que ce que Dieu veut vraiment pour soi c’est ce qu'il y a de mieux ? Comment accepter cette vérité ? J’ai l’impression que mes propos ne sont pas très clairs…désolée. J’ai simplement mis bout à bout certains ressentis que cette marche a évoqué chez moi. Il y a tellement à dire sur ce sujet. Je sais que le chemin est long, semé d’embûches et de doute mais avec la confiance et la foi en Dieu tout est possible. Mérite ou pas mérite, Dieu est présent au milieu de nous, il nous accueille, nous tend la main quelques soient nos erreurs, nos hésitations et nos doutes ; laissons-nous guider. Merci à vous tous d’être là bien présents. Un grand MERCI à Don qui, à travers sa merveilleuse musique et ses marches de prière, me permet de réfléchir, de méditer sur des sujets bien souvent enfouis au fond de mon cœur. Bénédictions à tous. 🙏
I'm trying to find a translation program that can handle your comment. until I do, thank you for sharing
Oh sorry, I was so passionate about this prayer walk that I forgot to translate my testimony. I'm sending it to you in English : I always look forward to the next prayer walk. I always start reading the questions and then listen to the video and then read the comments. I am amazed at all the beautiful testimonies, sometimes I feel very far away from all the thoughts. I feel like I'm a step behind. I wish I could be as positive as all of you, your steps and beliefs are so encouraging. I don't think I've told anyone that they deserve this or that. Through my work, I have always tried to have positive language, encouraging words, and an uplifting attitude. I think I am much better for others than for myself. We all have the right to happiness and that is Jesus' wish, He wants us to be happy. I have never tried to deserve anything, I just try to do the right thing by being honest with myself. I won't say I'm happy but I won't say I'm unhappy either. There is a lot in Don's comment that really resonates with me, he says if you do what makes you happy then you love your life, which in God's words means you will lose it. I can't say I did things to make myself happy, I do things to bring joy, to please and if it brings happiness to others, it satisfies me. Certainly I don't have the life I wanted and many times I have told myself that this is the life I deserve!!! "Help us to hear the truth about what we really deserve." This sentence of Don's reasons very strongly, it's all my problem: how to accept that what God really wants for you is what's best? How do I accept this truth? I feel like I'm not making myself very clear...sorry. I just put together some of the feelings that this walk evoked in me. There is so much to say on this subject. I know that the road is long, full of pitfalls and doubts but with trust and faith in God everything is possible. Deserving or not deserving, God is present in our midst, he welcomes us, he holds out his hand to us whatever our mistakes, our hesitations and our doubts; let us be guided. Thank you all for being there. A big THANK YOU to Don who, through his wonderful music and his prayer walks, allows me to reflect, to meditate on subjects often buried deep in my heart. Blessings to all. 🙏
Wonderful thank you for sharing ... and translating :)
Thank you for this Prayer Walk and the question "What do we deserve". Made me realise that I don't deserve anything at all except Hell. But God's all encompassing, unconditional love gave me/us a way to escape that and although we/I don't deserve that love He gives it anyway. This and this alone needs to be my/our source of happiness and joy. Something I need to remember every day.
Hi Donny,
Great perspective here. God is good and I believe as a loving father he wants the best for us. However, your question about what we “deserve” puts it all in perspective. As sinners, we deserve what is stated clearly in Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” So, as I read this, we are not entitled to anything except death for sin! But as believers we can be assured that Jesus paid the price for us. But that does not create an entitlement to anything at all except a promise that we will not perish eternally. Anything good that we receive in this life is truly a gift from God and that’s why we give thanks. I myself don’t give thanks nearly enough, so that is a takeaway from this Prayer Walk. Thanks so much, Donny, for asking the question!
Thank you for the walk, mmmm challenging questions... We do not deserve anything - we should humble ourselves before God because we are mere instruments in God's hands. We will receive what is needed according to His plan for our life.
Happy...things, people can't make us happy - happiness comes from within and we can only be truly happy if I submit under God's plan for my life good or bad without questioning circumstances. We comicate life for ourselves. We are here to serve a purpose and if we can fulfill that purpose that will bring happiness...serving God and serving His people.
Loose your life - for me it means to lay down (loose) the "I or the me" and to live by God's example. To loose the dreams and wishes I have for myself but to live my life according to the dream God proclaimed over my life at birth... we are placed on this earth for a purpose and we need to become still and pray for guidance. One of the important purposes is the love our neighbour as we love ourselves. So we need to love and serve in love without judgement.
It's not about what people wishes for me it's about God's dream and purpose for me... my prayer for everyone is - "may the dream God proclaimed over your life at birth be fullfilled"
Thank you Donny you are serving your purpose. I got hurt by people of the church don't go to church anymore I am definitely a believer, believe in the power of prayer and has faith and true to God but I follow people and for them it's all about spirituality but sometimes spirituality can include dark things... I know it's about having a personal relationship with God and not so much about religion but also realised along these walks that you have to be in a community that is not afraid to use the word God rather than covering it up with words like higher power, devine sources etc. I had some challenges new doors opened and thing are in the process of being restored and you have an impact on that restoration. 🙏
thank you for sharing. I'm sorry you have been hurt by "the church". we are glad you are here.
This really has me thinking, I often use the hashtag live laugh love!!! The feeling of wanting something and then after you get it the feeling fades away is a familiar feeling. I think for me it’s the excitement and eagerness of getting to your achievement. I’ve tried to live everyday to the full extent of what God has put me here to do... I love even of people that would often be considered “unworthy” always show love , you never know when that person will shine from your blessing. And I’ve learn to laugh at the let downs that this world gives us, because these things too shall all pass and our Heavenly home will be so gracious ❤️ it’s definitely hard changing your mindset to what’s Gods purpose for me and what’s Gods path got in store for me. Because we know he will never give us a burden that he knows we can’t carry.. 🙏🙏
Thank you for this inspiring walk. I don't usually use the word deserve, for my friends only good wishes and in my life I thank God, He is very generous with me and feeling his presence is the best gift. Nice weekeend for all. ❤
Glad you shared this. I was thinking the same thing - that I have never been one to use that term "deserve." Not that I haven't thought it, but I just rarely verbalize it.
Thank you Philip! Blessings to you.
Thank you so much. I really need blessings right now.
You can count with my prayers and my best wishes for you. A hug from Lima.
Gracias! I remember as a child hearing stories about St. Rose of Lima. Also, we have a little city called Lima here in Ohio.